Tea at Sunrise

3 years, 3 months ago
500 1

Alwyn going about their morning.

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Spring mornings had a certain feel to them. Just above the frosty temperatures of winter, but still cooler than the warm, sometimes sticky mornings of summer.

Today, the air was crisp, and predawn grey light filtered through the window of Alwyn's little rural home. The room shifted from nearly pitch black to many shades of grey, color not quite visible in the low light. Rising from their warm bed with a stretch, Alwyn looked to the window and greeted the morning light with a fond smile. "Good morning, everyone." They softly said to the plants that lined the window sill, green fingers delicately brushing over the leaves and fronds before making their way through the small cottage. Despite the absence of the shades each plant bore, they knew they were surrounded by like-colored leaves, and that soon the house would be a buzz of shades of green. Plants of all varieties could be found in their home, from aloe like themselves tucked in the bedroom amongst other cacti and succulents to herbs growing and ready to flavor dishes in the kitchen, each coming to life in their own ways to greet the dawn.

Reaching the kitchen, they started to prepare their morning tea. First filling a teapot with water and placing it on the stove, then sprinkling dried leaves and petals into a delicate porcelain cup before clicking the stove to life. While the kettle warmed, the aloe elefu went about the house giving the plants their own drinks. They knew this routine well, finishing in time for the tea kettle to whistle upon their return to the kitchen. The well synchronized tasks always brought a pleased smile to their face, pouring warmed water over their petals and adding honey to the mix. Warming their fingers with the cup, they stepped out onto the porch and leaned in the door frame to watch the sun peek over the horizon, admiring the golds and pinks that lit up the morning sky. The relaxing smell of white tea leaves, rosebuds & jasmine brought them from their thoughts, reminded of the cup now cooled enough to drink.

Sipping at the golden liquid, they waited patiently for the sun's light to melt across their yard, setting the cup on the railing once there was enough light to work by. The garden beds they would soon be planting in needed weeding, the greenhouse that would home the seedlings until they were big enough to survive on their own needed cleaning, and the hardy herbs that toughed out the winter outside needed to be pruned back before they overtook their own section of the yard. The work was relaxing for the green thumb, enjoying the early morning routine and the sweet floral tea they found themselves making more than one cup of during the tasks.

Spring, like the sunrise they had just watched rise from the darkness, was fast approaching their hemisphere, and Alwyn was ready to greet it with open arms and full garden beds.