Throughout the Years

3 years, 2 months ago

Canon divergence set in the future. Focuses on how Leodite deals with the loss of her party members.

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Aging never really bothered Amazons. After all, aging didn’t affect them until their final years. However, Leodite was different. It wasn’t her friend’s aging that bothered her, it was the fact that she didn’t age with them. Her features were still the same as they were all those years ago, her skin still smooth and her hair as dark as it always had been. 

The first noticeable sign among her friends was Kyle. He had hidden at first, using magic to hide the smaller things, but with more time he had let the creases on his face show. Even though everyone expected it, his loss was hard. 

He threw a party before he passed, something about ‘It’s just another part of life, I don’t want you to mourn, but remember me.’ It was such a Kyle way of thinking. However, those years after were the nights Heiji had clung to her as they both held back their tears. 

Some nights, while Leodite would hold Heiji close, she would spot fur starting to grey, Leodite would play it off as a trick of the light, trying to deny what she knew was going to come. Heiji would often try and take Leo’s mind off of such things, trying to plan more date nights and recounting their adventures but Leodite couldn’t help but see the worn look she would wear.

Heiji had died in Leodite’s arms, she had prepared a picnic that day, it was just Heiji, Moon, Galaeron, Heiji’s siblings, and Leodite. She suspected that Heiji had known that her days were dwindling and had chosen to go out on her own terms surrounded by those she loved. That thought didn’t help much though. Leodite would still cling onto her prized treasures as she would weep.

Moon stayed closeby for a few years, often taking care of a grieving Leodite. He could feel her pain through their bond, it made his heartache. Galaeron would often drop by too, offering to make food and spend time with her. Those years were blurry, nights spent reading about their old journeys, re-reading how they had fallen in love. Galaeron would often spend time reading with her. It wasn’t until Galaeron and Moon had dragged her to an outing, for once in years taking her mind off the grief and pain she had felt.

Leodite took up adventuring again, it was mainly solo work. Moon would join here and there, happy to spend time with his Mom once more, she enjoyed those years. She stopped when she had discovered a pair of dragon eggs, she took them home later that night and watched them hatch, it had reminded her of when she had first seen Moon all that time ago. She spent years raising them, Moon had asked to help chip in, after all, he was excited to have siblings. Some nights she would overhear him telling stories about Kyle and Heiji, describing them in great detail, remarking them as great heroes. It brought warmth to her heart.

It wasn’t until many years later Leodite had gotten a message from Galaeron. Asking for Moon and her to come to visit, dread-filled her mind as she flew over with Moon and the kids to visit. He looked tired, it wasn’t your typical Galaeron tired, It was the same tired look that Kyle and Heiji had before they had passed. 

Galaeron of course had nearly everything planned out on what he wanted to do before it was time for him to leave. His family was there, quiet sobs filled the room as the final breath was let go. Leodite had stayed some days after, helping his family, maybe more so herself. She wasn’t ready to go home yet, she was afraid of what waited there for her, or what wouldn’t be there.

She had stayed longer than she intended to, but Galaeron’s family was welcoming nonetheless. They offered her a place to stay and fed her, she had felt guilty being there as long as she did. When she left they gave her a departing gift, Galaeron’s bow. She held it tight to her chest as she made her way back home.

Moon extended a claw forward for Leodite to hug now that she was home. Telling her to never be afraid to call him home, and reminding Leodite that she wasn’t alone. When he left, Leodite set up places of respect for each of her team members. One day she’ll be able to see them again, but for now, she would do the best she could to honor their legacy.