No Sleep Needed.

3 years, 3 months ago
726 2

Chiffon's not going to sleep.

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Don’t fall asleep..

Chiffon was sitting up on the mattress now. After the three of them had returned to the school dorms they’d almost immediately crashed onto the mattress. KJ and Cosmia were asleep on either side of her now. 
 KJ’s long since been out. Cosmia’d told her that he’d probably be out for awhile too… a really… really long while. It was worrying... But all they can do is let him sleep..

Cosmia and Chiffon on the other hand had talked for awhile before sleeping. Chiffon had curled herself up in Cosmia’s arms while they’d talked about what happened. And Chiffon cried.. Chiffon cried a lot again, but it was better now… She felt better after crying.. Cosmia was still here. She hadn’t died. Hadn’t disappeared permanently. She was here and Chiffon was able to hold onto her. They’d promised they wouldn’t let that happen again. Chiffon believed her. She really believes that the three of them would do their best to not let that happen again..

She has no reason to doubt that.. but now she was scared to sleep..
Chiffon had curled into the sleep pile with both of them.. She knew Comsia was asleep at this point. She’d tried sleeping too at first but now just sat on the mattress and looked at both of them.
She's always been scared of people drifting away from her.. Scared of friends just no longer talking to her.. Despite her having been the one who left The Tower, she was scared that people would leave her. And here.. people did. She hadn't even thought of people leaving this way but the thought was now permanently in her mind and she was so.. so scared to sleep.
She’s lucky that her body doesn’t need sleep.. Chiffon just munched on a few cookies that were in her halo and sat there.. 

Chiffon didn’t want to wake either of them up. She doubted KJ would be able to even wake up right now… and Cosmia deserved to have a good night’s sleep after what happened.. She’ll just tell them.. tell.. Cosmia tomorrow. When she wakes up. 

She didn’t want to sleep.. She didn’t know if she’d have a nightmare… or if she’d just sleep and dream of nothing.. but she didn’t want to dream about Cosmia disappearing… She didn’t want to dream of seeing her friends disappear again.. 
That was scary. It was so so scary and she didn’t want to remember that again… She didn’t want to be reminded of it again so soon. Especially since she felt it was partially her fault.. She’d have to talk about that feeling too with Cosmia and KJ later… 

She wasn’t wrong..  If she hadn’t let Ichor see the powders he probably wouldn’t have been able to do half the stuff he had done before.. He might not have been able to do any of it.. That would have meant Pacifica's birthday party would have been an enjoyable one for her. And nobody'd have gotten hurt... And nobody would be upset...

He’d just said he wanted to look at the writing.. how was she supposed to know he’d steal the powders..

But even when she thought that she knew that she probably shouldn’t have let him near the powders at all… She shouldn’t have just taken his word that he’d have just looked at the writing.. She definitely needed to apologize to everyone… especially Pacifica.. Bianca needs an apology too.. It was her fault..

Chiffon sighed and just slowly held onto both KJ and Cosmia's hands.. KJ wasn't as warm as usual.. It's scary... She never realized how KJ with a normal body temperature would be scary.. Cosmia's hand was still just as cold.. It made her feel a bit better.. She wasn't planning on letting go of their hands anytime soon. She'll probably hold onto their hands well into the morning... she'd have to talk to Cosmia about a few things... She also still wanted to check on a few other friends.. And she also had to help Mister Sigil with the bakery in the morning.. And School...

 She's really lucky she doesn't need sleep...