Allergy Season

3 years, 3 months ago
531 1

Petro handling the return of spring.

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With spring fast approaching, Petro found himself quickly retreating back into his apartment rather than walking around with Coprin in the little mushroom's determined hunt for cold-weather forgeable goods. While he wasn't a fan of winter's freezing temperatures, spending time with his optimistic friend did raise his spirits from the winter blues. However, even with the promise of leaving the freeze overs behind them, he also wasn't a fan of the pollen that would soon be pouring from the sky. When you were dripping in oil, a hard sneeze could prove rather... messy, and he had no real way of knowing how loud he was being. And so, after a very brisk trip to round up allergy medicine and groceries, the pollution elefu got comfortable at his desk and began working on his next short story. Avoiding nature seemed like a good prompt for a bit of horror.

He relaxed into the rhythm of his fingers gliding over the typewriter keys, the familiar pressure of the old metal under his hands felt like greeting an friend after a period of absence. A rare smile slid over his features as he worked, page after page of the first rough draft steadily piling beside his typewriter.

The flow of words was halted by something hitting his head, jumping and scrambling not to fall backwards in his chair as he looked around to see where the object had fallen and come from. The source was easy enough to spot, the lavat settled atop one of his shelves staring down at him being the most likely culprit. As for the object of his assault... Scanning the floor around the desk, he finally spotted the item out of place. An orange? Picking it up, he rolled it in his hands before holding a hand up for Lugosi to perch on. Dinner time, it seemed... how late was it for the little companion to be pestering him? With bat and orange in hands, he went to the window and pushed aside the curtain to see night had already fallen.

Giving Lugosi an apologetic look, he peeled away the orange skin for the bat and let him feast while he tidied up the desk and pulled on his overcoat. Perhaps there were still a few good nights to walk the woods before the pollen got too bad. Making a quick meal and eating with his winged companion, he then let the bat climb up under his coat before heading out into the cool night air. One thing he had to give the season was the clear skies at night, looking above them as he walked the silent city streets, eventually getting far enough from the city center for the street lamps to become further apart and the stars to reveal themselves.

Lugosi's lavalamp stomach provided all the light the man accustomed to night-time walks needed, the curious creature peering out to look at the sky and surroundings. It was still a bit chilly for him, but his curiosity always shone through.

Taking in the cool air and calm atmosphere, Petro let out a content sigh as he admired the stars. Yes... perhaps returning to spring wasn't all bad.