The story so far

3 years, 6 months ago

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It was strange, in just a few days time so much had changed. One minute she was enjoying tea in the company of a stranger and the next she was being teleported to a different realm with a group of adventurers she'd only just met. A leonin monk who she recently learned to be a mass murderer seeking redemption, a flirtatious but humble bard halfling, an angry kobold with a grudge against giants who was taken away by some sort of guard, and a man.. humanoid sorcerer of some sort with ties to celestial magics and the mysterious entity that had contacted her not long after their arrival.

Somehow she and the sorcerer were tied to this place, this entity seemed to know them and for some reason she couldn't help but feel some form of.. familiarity, something about it seemed so close to her mind and yet like smoke it kept slipping through her fingers. It asked her to do things, terrible things, some less so but the fact remained she had done something awful and how it happened so naturally disturbed her.

On the outside she may seem composed, calm and at peace for the most part but inside was turmoil. She killed a man who had shown the party kindness, stepped into his home and disintegrated him where he stood and for what? Promises of bringing the world back in order, not only this world but her world as well. Why did she trust this entity, whispering in her ear, when it told her to do such things? She'd asked a man to remove himself to aid in balance and stood by as he lit himself aflame, she didn't even flinch as she watched him burn with a smile on his face.

What was wrong with her?

Why was she following this course like a blind woman following the distant whispers of solitude. She didn't know these people, she didn't know why they needed to be purged from this world, were they bad people? Were they innocent? What would come next, who would the entity ask for next? Was it random or were these people predetermined for death? What determines if they are meant to die or not?

Would it have her kill an animal?

Would it have her kill a child?

What would happen if she were to refuse? Could she bring herself to follow orders or refuse and face whatever consequences the entity might set upon her? What if it decided to choose a different host, one perhaps less just than herself, was she disposable?

Faeyra would question her very being but this would be none the wiser to her growing party. They had their own issues to deal with, like the new revelation of their beloved monk having been part of a mass murdering pride and the addition that one of their newest members was one of their victims, possibly by the claws of the leonin himself.

Now what?

The monk had won her trust in the short time they had been traveling together, did she still trust him? Could she trust him? He wasn't the same as he was back then, but even he admitted there was a part of his past that still lingered within of that murderous feline.

She supposed only time would tell what his true colours would be. For now it might be wise to keep a closer eye on him.

Author's Notes

Thoughts from the perspective of Faeyra after the first few campaign sessions.

She is questioning her ties with the mysterious Goddess Selune and is cautious but hopeful about her odd companions.