Act 4: the last resort

3 years, 5 months ago
3 years, 5 months ago
2 2511

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

The final act.

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Act 4 events

  • The friend squad regroups in the isles. Kenneth is badly hurt and hasn’t woken up yet. It looks like the end
  • The Lightning and metal union is being invaded by General Tyresius. World leaders are terrified. The union is being crushed
  • Mara is scared for her kingdom. They start evacuating to underwater 
  • The earth states are falling slowly, despite freedom fighter efforts
  • The rainforest kingdom is being burned down
  • The high rocks are being attacked and the air folk have no military power
  • The whole world turns against the fire empire. People shun and fear fire elementalists. They are arrested on sight in some places. Kenneth’s family has to hide. Many believe Kenneth is dead or switched sides on purpose. Fear runs rampant. This is the world Kenneth wakes up in.
  • Kenneth is depressed and he leads the gang in running as far away from the empire as possible. Everywhere they go Kenneth has to hide his eyes and color his fur with chalk.
  • Kenneth takes his dragon friend and leaves one night, abandoning his friends completely. They search for him.
  • He lives on the road and pretends to just be a half-breed who ran away from the war. He find himself in the great desert and Canyon town (a secret town for refugees in the great canyon). His dragon follows him sneakily to keep him out of trouble. He works in a run down eatery where he learns to make food and helps refugees settle in canyon town. He sees how the war affects these people and decides that he can’t let it go on. His fire dims after months, but he refuses to give up on these people, on his empire, or on himself.
  • After so long of denying himself and repressing his fire, Kenneth’s inner fire has gone out completely. He’s lethargic and doesn’t know what to do. He still has his dragon fire but his natural fire is gone. 
  • After months he sends word to his friends to meet him at the eastern high rock.
  • When he gets there, he reveals that he’s ready to come out of hiding, but his fire is gone. For good.  
  • They fly on Yol’s back to his friend in the lightning union, a modernized elder dragon named Kasaei who now goes by Kasey. She looks through her hoard of books and finds an ancient cure. They must go to the primal source of fire to have Kenneth’s fire restored by the Phoenix, which is just a legend at this point. 
  • They go anyway because Kenneth doesn’t know the meaning of the word impossible. He find the Phoenix in an active volcano and reconnects with the primal elemental energy which the Phoenix redirects into him. Yol helps of course.  
  • Then Njord takes them to the western high rock to meet someone that they need. Mainly Kenneth needs a teacher. 
  • At a festival he meets an air master who knows more about the elements than anyone Njord knows. He teaches Kenneth to redirect lightning and gives him a lightning royalty amulet that stores lightning
  • While Kenneth learns the elements, the others visit a spiritual room at one of the temples that brings up past memories 
  • This would make Kenneth one of the handful in history who has ever managed 4 elements. He learns but has a hard time picking it up. His dragon helps him let go of his insecurities and use his dragon’s power to help learn the new element. 
  • They form a new attack plan and the world has a hard time believing in Kenneth but he convinces them and his friends and allies trust him. 
  • They visit the Union where they are taken into custody because most people don’t like Kenneth at all. Once they clear that mess up, Kenneth appeals to both leaders of the Union. They agree to help. 
  • While in the lightning half of the union, the gang lays low at a local university. Kenneth meets his double cousin Ikoh. Ikoh is a typical college boy who’s actually undercover royalty. Ikoh’s super chill while Kenneth isn’t. They still managed to become very good friends. Ikoh doesn’t come with them when the leave. 
  • The time for the second strike has come. The lightning half of the union is almost completely under Empire control and the southern earth states are also occupied. Union Central is under lockdown and is Blockaded by the empire. The light republic is in shambles. If they fail this attack, they won’t get another chance. It’s now or never.
  • And so they attack. Tyresius who has come back to defend, is defeated by Hanui and Ophie. His ships sink, airships fall from the sky, war machines are destroyed by the power siblings. Njord causes tidal waves and soaks fire elementalists so they can’t use their fire. (Always the pacifist) Shasta fights off soldiers to cover Kenneth’s back. Kenneth finds Anala who isn’t willing to give up the throne. He challenges her to an Eldur Vigi for the throne. The have a massive showdown and it directly parallels the first Eldur Vigi when Kenneth was burned. Only this time, he wins. He doesn’t kill Anala, but wounds and imprisons her for the time being. 
  • Then he is attacked by Berekai, who jumps him after he takes out Anala. They fight for a bit and Shasta intervenes. They settle on a full Eldur Vigi at sunset in the arena area made for duels. Kenneth gets patched up and is really nervous. But he knows what he has to do. It’s been 7 years since his family was killed and he was exiled. The last 7 years built to this moment. Berekai gets ready as well. This will be the moment he’s been waiting for his whole life. Get rid of the last interference in his plan. After destroying the young prince, no one will be able to stand against him. So what about Anala and Tyresius, he is the mastermind and he alone will prevail. 
  • They both arrive shirtless (as is custom) at the arena. Both sides sit and watch the oncoming bloodshed. This war has spanned the whole world, millions of lives lost on both sides. And the decisive battle will be fought between a 23 year old boy and his uncle. Two people, one fight, the whole world hangs in the balance. Years of war will be decided by the end of the day. It’s a lot of pressure. 
  • They are evenly matched and the fight much resembles Kenneth’s stand against his father in the very beginning. But berekai doesn’t fight fair. He channels an even more powerful lightning bolt which Kenneth starts to redirect using the amulet to store the power. But it’s too much and the amulet breaks. Kenneth stumbles back as all the electricity goes right through him. But he redirects the lightning back at Berekai with his own power. Berekai’s powers are completely shorted out. He pleads with Kenneth to spare him. This is the moment Kenneth has to live up to the choice he made. Kenneth doesn’t know whether he wants to kill Berekai. He decides not to because if he kills Berekai in honorable combat, he’ll go to Valhalla and Kenneth wants him to suffer in hell for eternity. Gotta respect that. 
  • A few weeks later Kenneth is crowned emperor. Anala is banished to sail off the edge of the world (into another dimension through a one way portal) Tyresius had died of his injuries and Kenneth takes him and his brother’s ashes and buries them properly on a large tract of land and gives them headstones with their story engraved on it. 
  • Kenneth stops the war and with the help of his friends puts the countries back in balance. He marries Ophie the day of his coronation and Uncle Cyrus officiates the marriage. Hanui is Kenneth’s personal bodyguard and also chief diplomatic advisor. Kenneth’s remaining family comes home.