Dulcia Missions

6 years, 13 days ago
6 years, 13 days ago
2 1963

Chapter 1
Published 6 years, 13 days ago

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Chapter 1

Dulcia shifted from foot to foot, tail twitching in eager excitement. The small group of adults wrangling all the pups as they led them outside of the edge of the village. Dulcia happy and eager to explore the boundaries of her home and see what the world had to offer beyond her safe borders of the clan. Looking around in interest at the tall trees, reaching higher and higher and higher. So high that she was sure that the leaves were touching the fluffy clouds within the sky. They were giant and intimidating... and so very, very amazing. The young female smiling brightly, jumping as her name was called and looking over to the group that was now a distance away, looking a little embarrassed at not noticing that the group had moved away. "Coming." she promised, rushing after them and standing at the end of the group. 

However, it wasn't long until her interest wavered and then disappeared altogether. She already knew about the plants that the elder was teaching the others about, her mother was the healer of the clan after all, and she didn't hold much interest in hearing what she's heard and learned about several times over already. 

Her gaze wandered away once more and so did her feet, more interested in looking around the world around her and exploring the new world around her that felt so limitless and vast, and she felt so very small. It was intimidating, and exciting. There was so much of the world to explore and look at. The female giving a small, embarrassing 'eep' when one of the plants closed up as if trying to eat her when she poked it, the plant barely missing her and even that larger than the young pup, making her skitter away to a different area of the forest. 

She moved even further away from the group, pausing when she saw a movement and perked up a little, her curiosity getting the best of her, though still cautious, she warily began to move closer to the rustling, a low sound coming from a hollowed out base of the tree. The reverberating sound from within making it seem scary and something that was quite big... but still she didn't run away. Wanting to know what it was. As scary as the sound was, it also sounded weak, and like it was in pain. 

Finally gathering her courage, she peeked her head around the hollow and gave a small, surprised gasp. Within the hollow, making low sounds was an injured tamacoon. The female slipping a little closer only to jump back when it spotted her and hissed aggressively, the young female about as big as the tamacoon itself. "There, there." she told it quietly, opening the small pouch that was at her hip and pulling out a piece of dried meat. The poor thing looked like it needed it. "It's okay... I'm not gunna hurt you. Friend." she told it, tossing the meat towards it and sinking down low, trying to show she didn't mean any harm. 

It was a very pretty creature, from what she could see. It's leg seemed injured and unable to walk. Moving closer little by little, but not much farther, the tamacoon making sounds of threat towards and baring teeth that she would prefer not to be faced with. So instead she just sat herself down a safe distance, and chattered to the creature as she shared her meat with it. 

Time went by quickly, and she jumped when she heard her name being called, getting up quickly and waving goodbye to the creature. "I'll try to find you tomorrow... I'll help you." she promised, quickly running towards the voices calling to her so that they didn't catch the injured creature, fearing they might say it was best to kill it, or that they needed the pelt. She stopped when she was faced by a stern and worried mother, bowing her head a little as she ran over and hugged her. "Oh my stars. I thought I had lost you! Don't you ever scare me like that again! You are supposed to stay with the group, Dulcia. Fo you understand me?" she demanded, the little female nodding. 

"I know mama... but you already taught me all about the herbs, and I wanted to see more of the forest... I was very careful, I promise. And I can run real fast if I need to get away." she told her mother, her voice still holding the slight chirping tone to it that was slowly disappearing as she got older and grew up. "I'm careful just like you told me, I promise... Please don't be sad." she insisted, crawling up her mamas leg and then up her arm to finally hug her once more and snuggle inter her mamas warmth to try and get her to stop crying. "I'm okay, see?" she promised, pressing her forehead to her. "I didn't mean to scare you." she told her again, snuggling down as her mother hugged her back and carried her back home. The events of the day waring on her and she was asleep in the warm safety of her mother's arms before they even reached the village.