Soul Connections

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
1 5757

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago


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1 out of ???

Thimble shuffled out of their room and into the little living room where their mom was.They looked at the small picture that their mom took of them the week they moved in. Their mom was a good mom. Took care of them the best they could in their house in the Ruins. Who would ever want to leave this place?

Thimble had the Ruins memorized by now like the back of their hand. How to figure out every puzzle. Everything was set up so Thimble could survive down here. Who would have thought a human could live so peacefully with a monster for a mother.

“Hey Ma! I’m going out and going to go get some food from the Spider Bake Sale!” Thimble told their mother, who smiled softly as they headed out towards the little bake sale that the spiders held everyday. They were kinda friends now. As much as one could be down here.

Thimble hummed softly as they headed their way through some of the puzzles. They gathered up some Gold from their pants pocket and placed it on the web getting the Doughnut and Cider like they always did on a Monday. It was their pick me up from the weekend being over. As they nibbled on their spider doughnut making their way to their home, something felt weird. Something was off. The spiders didn’t interact with them as much today as they normally did. They were quiet. Like they knew something that Thimble didn’t, and that worried the human.

Thimble walked around the puzzles and solved the puzzles as needed, resetting them as they needed. Why they needed to reset puzzles, they still didn’t really know, despite being there for so long. They sat down near the Froggits lining the hallway, still munching on their doughnut and sipping their cider as they talked to the monsters.

They were all so harmless when they realized that the human wanted nothing to do with them besides just to talk. And so talking they did. They talked about anything and everything one could talk about here in the ruins. There wasn’t much to talk about but Thimble always got some pretty great stories out of them about their lives. About how monsters functioned. The Monsters all seemed to be able to see each other's souls too. But Thimble was only able to during battle, even then it was hard to see.

But why did seeing souls matter so much to monsters? They seemed to never directly tell them about why it was so important. Just that it made them complete. And that never made any sense to the twenty-five year old. How did seeing the soul of someone complete you?

Maybe Thimble would never know. Because Thimble never wanted to leave here. They were content with staying here the rest of their life… or that's what they told themself to make them feel better about everything.They had a parent again though… It wasn’t perfect by any means but … Toriel loved them. So much. So why was that nagging feeling something was wrong was bad?

After discussing with the Froggits more about the nagging feeling in their gut about heading home- The trio of Froggits they talked to often convinced them to go home. Back to Toriel and make sure everything was fine.

Thimble frowned as they sipped their cider and walked further into the ruins until they got home. Home wasn’t much. But it was home and Thimble liked it. It had their favorite monster inside- knowing that their mom was most likely baking something good for dinner.

“Mom? You there?” They called out ever so soft as they walked into the house that laid in front of the pile of buttercups. They weren’t a hard person to deal with, extremely passive in nature but despite everything ,they had determination. Not much but enough to keep holding on. Their determination got them through hell on the surface. Back with the humans- Thimble had too much bad luck. Their birth parents were gone. Their sibling was missing in the system after the raging fire that destroyed their family. Thimble shoved those dark memories into the back of their mind. Why were they even coming up? Thimble had done such a good job avoiding their past life.

“Hello child. You’re back.” Toriel smiled as she walked out of the kitchen but didn’t make eye contact with Thimble.

“Hey Mom… What’s.. What’s up?” Thimble asked , frowning deeper. Something was up. Mom didn’t act like this normally. Toriel always made eye contact unless she was trying to hide something. What happened while they were out getting food? Did mom talk and find someone new in the Ruins? The young adult wondered what was going on because their hair stood up on their arms with goosebumps.

“I think it's time… you leave this place.”

“Wait what? Why?” Thimble furrowed their eyebrows confused at what their mother was telling them. “I’ve done everything you’ve asked these past two years and you’re telling me you are kicking me out?” Frustrated tears pricked their eyes. The surface world was just going to repeat itself down here they figured.

Their life before coming to the Ruins and the Underground wasn’t a happy one. A lot of people didn’t care about them. Didn’t mind if they just up and left and never came back. On the other hand those who did care were missing or dead now with them never coming back. Thimble heart ached. They knew that they hadn’t told Toriel about much of their past.

Did Toriel just not care anymore about them? Were they too annoying? The nearly two years Thimble had been here had been extremely peaceful. And Thimble knew they wouldn’t survive outside the ruins. Monsters wanted one last human soul. Toriel explained to them that the king, Asgore , wanted to kill them for their soul and break the barrier. As much as Thimble wanted the monsters to have a happy life among the humans- Thimble wanted to live. Just wanted peace in their life for once.

“M-mom. I won't last two minutes out there. What if Asgore finds out I’m here?”

“I know someone who will protect you. You don’t have to worry my child. But I need to test you. To see if you can do this.”

“I don’t want to do this though? Please just explain to me why. I can fix what I’m doing wrong… Please don't kick me out. ”

Toriel’s face fell for a moment. She had to have been thinking of Thimble’s pleas.

“I’m not kicking you out my dear. I need you to be strong. This is for your own good. I normally would keep you here - where you are safe. But there’s someone waiting for you on the other side of the doors of the Ruins. Waiting for you to complete them.” Toriel looked away.

“Your soul. It's not truly complete down here until you meet your other half. Some monsters are fine with waiting to find them But others are eager to find their soulmate.”

Thimble stared at their mother like she had grown another head. Soulmates were real? What the fuck? Was this what the Froggits always talked about when they meant completion? Thimble was confused though- Why would someone want them as their soulmate. They thought about it again. It most likely wasn’t a choice. But Fate. Another point stood in the way for Thimble to agree to leave.

“But Asgore... “ They tried to argue back.

“I will make him listen if that means living the Ruins I will do it.” Toriel told the young adult. Thimble could tell that their mother wasn’t too thrilled with the idea of leaving the Ruins. Or making Thimble leave in general. But something was driving her to make them leave. “The Ruins may be your house but I will always be your home my child.”

Thimble tore their eyes away from Toriel. This wasn’t fair. Thimble was weak compared to monsters. They just wanted to live here forever. But that wasn't really living now was it? Being kept here and hidden away from the danger of the world was fine but even Thimble had to admit they wanted to see what life was like on the other side of the Ruins. What Snowdin was like. What the Hotlands was like. Toriel told her all about the land the monsters ruled in history lessons about the monsters.

The green eyed person wanted to see it all. They always wanted to travel around in the human domain but never had the chance or money to but here they could at least try.

Thimble lacked the will to explore things out of their comfort zone so maybe Mother was doing them a favor. Thimble walked silently to their room. They would need to grab their stuff if they were going to go. It had taken time but they actually had clothing that fit besides a few pieces of clothing they had brought to the monster world from their old home..

Shoving what they could into their backpack with more than slightly hurt feelings, Thimble managed to hold back tears. They had to be strong. Be strong for their mother. For those who came before them. They couldn’t let the other humans down. They would help free the monsters somehow. One way or another… Thimble was gonna have Toriel see the stars again.

But for now- Thimble had to get over the fear starting to overtake them as they walked down the stairs that lead to the exit of the Ruins. They didn’t want to do this. They didn’t want to leave here. But determination overtook them. They would prove to mom that she was right. That Thimble could survive. That they could bring some sort of peace to the monsters and humans again. Somehow. They still were trying to figure out how but if there was truly someone who was their soulmate on the other side of the doors… Then they wouldn't be alone in trying to figure this out. And mother promised there was someone going to care for them too. Make sure that they wouldn't get hurt in all this mess.

Thimble trembled slightly reaching the exit and seeing their mother standing there. “My child. This is going to be hard on both of us. Please stay safe.” Toriel told Thimble as she wrapped an orange colored scarf around their neck. They felt a little safer already having that little piece of home with them. Thimble looked up at Toriel and nodded. “I’m ready to go.”

Toriel opened the doors for Thimble who nervously looked around before stepping through the doors , taking one last look at their mother. “I love you.” Thimble told Toriel who looked like she was trying her best to not break down sobbing. “Go. Before I change my mind.” Toriel looked away again from Thimble and they noticed how Toriel’s lip trembled. This must be just as hard on her as it was on them.

Thimble looked out in front of them and continued to walk until they reached the snowy lands. Thimble turned around and frowned seeing that the doors behind them were already closed. No way of going back… They really had left. But it felt like they weren’t alone. Were they ever truly alone? It felt like it sometimes when they traveled the ruins alone, someone or something was watching them. But now they had left it was a different presence. Something new was following them with their eyes. Thimble nervously played with their scarf as they walked forward, the sooner they could make it to town the better.

Green eyes darted around as they took in everything. They hadn’t seen this much snow in years. How long had it been since they just had fun in the snow… A sad memory of Thimble playing with their baby sibling hit them like a truck. They weren’t there anymore. They were gone. And Thimble was here. No more playing in the snow together. No more snowmen building. No more snowball fights where Thimble would fake a loss to please their kid sibling. Trembling, Thimble hugged themself. “Human. This is normally when I make a joke but uh.. You okay?” A voice behind Thimble asked, making them whip around.

A skeleton. What the hell?

“I .. I don’t know?” They sniffled and weakly shrugged before looking away at the ground. “Just some sad memories. I’ll be fine. I always am.” Thimble chuckled and wiped away their tears that were falling.

“You..” The skeleton trailed off, seemingly staring at something Thimble couldn't see. They turned around and tried to find what the skeleton was staring at but truly didn’t see anything out of the usual. It was just a crap ton of snow.

The skeleton chuckled and shook his head. “Of course. I’m Sans. Sans the skeleton.” He held out his hand as Thimble wearily looked at him. Weren’t monsters supposed to be attacking them? Did Toriel lie to them? Or maybe a misunderstanding? Or was this skeleton just ballsy?

“Thimble.” They stated, taking his hand and blinking as a loud farting sound sounded from their hands. “Was.. that a whoopee cushion on your hand?” Thimble asked furrowing their eyebrows. “Why on earth would you do that? You could have waited until we were walking and tossed it under my foot and it would have had much better timing.” Thimble lectured for a moment before getting a feeling they were being annoying. That nagging feeling never really left Thimble but sometimes it was louder with new people.

Sans laughed loudly though. “Never thought i would be lectured on the proper timing for one of my jokes.” He chuckled and winked at them. “I like you already. You’ll be great in Snowdin. Fit in just nicely with me and Paps.”

“Paps?” Thimble asked, getting confused. Why did that name sound so familiar? Like they had heard it before in another life. But that wouldn’t make sense. They only had this life. They rubbed their forehead as flashes of scenes unloaded on them. Them dying. Them living. Them thriving and them surviving barely. Sans looked curiously at Thimble who shook their head and shook off the nagging feeling of deja vu. Impossible. They had been only in the Ruins for 2 years. So why did it feel like Sans wasn’t a stranger to them.And why did it feel like they had known him a lifetime.

“Can you show me to Snowdin?” Thimble asked softly, looking down at the small skeleton. He was barely shorter than them but still short enough for Thimble to feel tall compared to him.

“Hm? yeah . Actually can you humor me? My brother is a human huntin’ fanatic and i think you would make his day if you showed up.”

“... Like… hunting how? I frankly don’t want to die.” Thimble deadpanned to the skeleton who shook his head.

“Nah none of that. Papyrus isn’t into killing humans. He just wants the credit for bringing in a human to Asgore.”

The name sent shivers down Thimble’s spine.

“You know Asgore will kill me then right? I don’t.. I don't want to hurt anyone. But I want to live.” Thimble clutched their chest. Their chest hurt badly. So much weight on their shoulders.. It wasn’t good for the already weak human. Thimble had had many monsters in the ruins comment on how sad their soul looked. How easily Thimble could be taken down if they weren’t careful. Thimble just wanted to survive. And that drive kept them alive so far.

“How long-” Sans was cut off by seeing a figure approaching in the snow.

“Hey human go hide.” Sans told Thimble who sighed and meandered behind the stand. They just wanted to get to snowdin. They just wanted to sleep already. Today was too much for them already. What a shitty monday.

“SANS! ARE YOU SLACKING OFF ON YOUR DUTIES AGAIN?” the loud voice carried itself over the snow and to Thimble. Curiosity got the best of the human and they peaked over the side of the fort. A tall lean looking skeleton was lecturing Sans. he paused for a moment and Thimble thought they had been busted.

“SANS, MY CHEST FEELS WEIRD. LIKE IT DID THE OTHER DAY NEAR THE DOORS.” the skeleton told the shorter. Was this Papyrus? It could have been but it wouldn’t be good to jump to conclusions like that.

“Huh? Like the weird warm but not burning sensation right?” Sans asked, looking at the other and catching the sight of Thimble peaking out. He started to sweat a little. Thimble didn’t even know skeletons could sweat but these guys had magic. It shouldn’t be a surprise.

Thimble furrowed their brows as the taller skeleton nodded. “YES! AND IT IS GETTING ANNOYING. HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP!” He huffed. “YOU NEVER DID TELL ME THAT DAY.”

“Well just wait a little bit longer. You’ll find out here soon. It’s not like it’s shaking you to the bone.”


Brother? So that really had to be Papyrus. This sibling banter made Thimble wish they had their sibling back. But they were lost in the system. No one knew where they went. No one knew who had them now despite Thimble asking so many times. Thimble wiped their tears angrily as they hid again behind the fort. God they were such a cry baby sometimes. They didn’t even hear Sans walking over to them until they felt a hand on their shoulder.

“You good?”

“I’ll be fine. I always am.” “You sure seem to say that a bit huh?”

“It helps.”

He shrugged and helped Thimble up. Thimble didn’t even notice they had sat down in the snow until then.

“Gah Fuck I’m soaked now.” They swore softly.

“You kiss ya mother with that mouth?” He teased and Thimble bit their lip. Did they want to bring down the mood and say the things they wanted to say about their mother?

“No but I kiss your mother with it.” Thimble eventually stated bluntly , looking around and sighing as they were grateful that Papyrus had left. They weren’t ready for that yet. Sans chuckled and shook his head as he laughed more.

“Come on. Let’s go have Papyrus meet you. It will be fun.” He nudged them and the action made Thimble stumble over their feet.

Thimble glared at the small skeleton. “Dude. I just want to get to Snowdin.”

“Just wait. Or you’ll get all snowd-out.”

“That was awful.” Thimble sighed and walked as Sans started to walk away from the direction Thimble was going. Thimble didn’t honestly care. Today was hell. They just wanted to go home already but that wouldn’t be possible.

After a couple of near battles, Thimble had made some new friends. Some snowdrakes and some Icecaps as well. Thimble thanked their mother for helping them learn to just talk to the monsters. Talking and giving Mercy was always the best way to get out of situations. No matter what others would say.

Thimble clutched their chest again as it got the weird feeling again. What was going on? They knew that they were weak but really this weak? This was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Thimble grumbled to themself as they trekked through the snow and finally reached Sans and Papyrus again.

Wait… Wasn’t Sans behind them? How did he get here so fast? Their head hurt trying to think of it.

“MY CHEST IS DOING IT AGAIN. I THINK ITS MY SOUL.” Papyrus looked concerned at his brother.

“Your… soul huh?” Sans looked at Thimble and smirked, like he knew something. Thimble didn’t like that look. It was unsettling to them.

Thimble took a deep breath and took another step towards the two brothers. They felt nervous.But something told them it would be all alright.

Papyrus stared at Thimble for a moment before looking at his brother. “SANS I THINK THAT’S A HUMAN!”

“Huh Papyrus I think you’re right.”

“GOLLIE! A HUMAN!” Papyrus walked up to them and looked around.


“Thimble. My name is thimble.”


Thimble felt a sharp warm pain in their chest the moment Papyrus walked closer. Was he using magic on them to make them weaker? No.. Thimble looked at him and frowned. Toriel mentioned that a soulmate completed you. They wondered if Papyrus was feeling the same awkward, slightly painful but amazing warmth in their chest. Was this a thing soulmates felt? Lets try and see, they thought as they weakly smiled at him.

“Sure. I can do some puzzles.” They smiled faded for a moment seeing Papyrus’s face twist up into a mixture of pain and happiness.


Okay. So he was feeling the same thing. Was.. Was this skeleton monster their soulmate. How morbid. Thimble’s life was surrounded with misfortune and death in the recent years and now turns out their soulmate was literally the poster child of death? Fun. What did they do to deserve this?

“Maybe their Ab-soul-lutely strong?” Sans asked, earning a groan from both Papyrus and Thimble.


“I am Thimble. Not ‘the human’ or anything like that.” They frowned again. If he was their soulmate then they were in for a long haul. A very long battle of him just even getting their name right.


Thimble groaned. Yep long battle.

“Just show me your puzzles and let me get to Snowdin.”

Papyrus looked down at them and frowned. “YOU LOOK TIRED.” He commented , placing a hand on their head. “Human.. Are you alright?” He lowered his voice a bit, sounding almost like he cared about them. He probably just wanted them well rested for the potential battle they would have. Or for his puzzles.

Thimble’s lip waived. “I’m fine. I always am.” They told him, closing their eyes for a moment before letting it sink in that he was being nice to them. They opened their eyes and looked up at him.

“You’re supposed to hate me. Supposed to want me dead and kill me. Not make sure I’m okay. You’re a funny monster.” they commented. Him and Sans were the only ones who hadn’t attacked them on sight. No battles. No needing acts of mercy or talking their way out of situations.

Thimble chuckled seeing a pale orange yellow blush come across Papyrus’s face. Cute… They could blush.


Thimble felt the tears coming back. Nope. Not gonna cry again. Too much crying today. All cried out for the day. “Can we just go to town and we can talk in the morning? I have nowhere to go anyways so it's not like I’m gonna run away…” They trailed off. The reality of the situation hit them. They had no home once again. No more family to call their own. No more mom once again. They may have been an adult-ish person but - losing the parental figure is always hard no matter the age. No home meant that they had nowhere to sleep. Hopefully there was an Inn in Snowdin. They had never been outside the home and the Ruins before so it's not like they would have known anyways. Toriel did not inform them either of anything of the sort so Thimble was just stuck yet again , wondering if they would repeat their life on the surface. Sleeping outside and couch surfing. It was far too cold here to actually sleep outside- so that meant…


“Ah you don’t have to do that…'' Thimble sweated nervously. What was this monster thinking? Did he have a brain at all? Maybe he didn't actually. He ruffled their hair before he walked off.


“Like I said. I have nowhere to go to run away to…” But clearly he wasn’t paying much attention to the green eyed human. Thimble shook their head, their two toned hair falling back into place after it was ruffled. They sighed and looked at Sans who chuckled and looked up at Thimble.

“You could feel it right?”

Thimble stiffened. Did he know? Did he know that she could tell somehow? Having that weird feeling taking over your body and not being able to think straight because of it.

“Guess he’s so focused on getting you to the king he doesn’t see it yet. I bet humans don’t even see souls but it was a little terrifying to see my brother’s soul beat in time with yours. Like a heart beat almost.” Sans narrowed his eyes at Thimble. “You will let him figure it out won't you?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Thimble huffed and took off after Papyrus. “HEY! If you don’t want me running away you should at least escort me to your place.”

“THAT! Is a good idea…” Papyrus trailed off as he stopped walking and waited for the human to catch up to him. Thimble rolled their eyes and walked beside him, eyeballing his hands as he talked. He was loud and energetic. Someone who Thimble would have never interacted with before. They didn’t mind energetic but energy usually meant getting into trouble and Thimble had little energy for getting into mayhem. Today at least was a low energy day.

As they reached him they stuck out their hand earning an eyebrow to be raised at them. “I’m going to get lost or run off according to you. Might as well hold my hand.” Thimble rolled their eyes and looked at him like it was the obvious answer to his dilemma. He glared at them and took their hand into his.

“HUMAN! COME THIS WAY!” He marched towards Snowdin, Thimble in his hand. Thimble couldn't help but feel that now familiar burning -and the semi painful feeling- in their chest. In their soul. It was almost unsettling how… right this felt… How perfect his hand fit into theirs. Ugh Thimble didn’t like this one bit. This dumb monster was the reason their mother kicked them out. Their soul didn’t need to be completed. It needed to stay safe. That’s what it needed more.

Thimble looked up at the skeleton and couldn’t help but roll their eyes and look away with a faint tinge of blush on their cheeks.

Thimble’s heart was in turmoil. What were they going to do?


The moment Thimble was the lights of Snowdin they let go of Papyrus’s hand swiftly. “I should be fine the rest of the way..” They mumbled, playing with the hem of their orange scarf. They honestly didn’t want any monsters asking about Papyrus and them holding hands. At least for humans hand holding was kinda special feeling. Thimble wasn’t too sure if monsters felt the same way however. Most of Thimble's experience with monsters were with Froggits and Toriel. And Froggits never held hands and Toriel didn’t mind it at all holding hands here and there. So that info gathering that just did was useless to them right now.

Thimble shoved their hands into the pockets of their jacket as Papyrus tried to grab their hands again.

“Chill. I’m not going anywhere. It will be fine.” They sighed looking at the tall skeleton monster who looked a little put out. Did he… Did he enjoy the hand holding? Thimble chuckled softly and shook their head.

“The Great Papyrus gonna make me dinner or do i have to worry about starving tonight?” Papyrus’s eyesockets lit up. “YOU WANT ME TO MAKE YOU FOOD?”

“Uh.. if you want too? I’m not gonna force you.” Thimble mumbled kicking some snow as they walked. They started to hear the rumbles and mumbles of townspeople talking as the two walked into town. Monsters were staring at them. This was a bad idea. Thimble wanted to crawl into a hole and just never exist anymore.

Asgore would soon find out about them. Find out the last thing standing between him and his people’s future…was finally here and very unwilling to battle. Maybe if they showed him mercy of sorts or just talked to him he would listen. Thimble doubted it but they had to try. Filled with Determination to make this work for them, Thimble puffed out their chest as they walked- faking it until they made it always worked in the past.

“HUMAN! THIS WAY!” Papyrus directed them further into town.

Thimble awkwardly walked through the snow and hesitated greatly getting closer to the monsters. They didn’t want to get attacked. They knew monsters weren’t evil. Quite the opposite when you got talking to them. But who here would actually take the time to get to know the human? Thimble felt tears pricking their eyes again.

They were a stranger in the surface world and down here. How lame was it that they couldn’t find anywhere to fit in.

“Human… DO NOT CRY! FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS SOMETHING COOKED UP FOR YOU.” He snickered slightly before clearing his throat. How the hell did he do that? Thimble stared at him for a moment and smiled softly. At least Papyrus was talking to them- even if it was for the sole purpose of capturing them. Being alone wasn’t fun.

Thimble shakily pulled their hand out of their pocket and linked their hand with Papyrus’s again. “AH HUMAN! YOU THINKING ABOUT RUNNING AWAY?” He asked, looking down at their hands interlocked with each other. “IS THAT WHY YOU ARE HOLDING MY HAND AGAIN?”

“No. I don’t want to get lost.” They mumbled and looked away. If he was their soulmate then they wouldn’t have to be alone. Right? He could protect them from the fear eating them alive. The fear of death looming over their head. They couldn’t cry with ‘the great papyrus’ around, right? Right… Thimble sighed and nearly accepted their fate.

Papyrus would turn them into Asgore. The king would kill them. The monsters will be freed at the price of their life.

They didn’t want to die. They really didn’t want to die here. Not like this.

As the two reached a large house, Thimble could feel everything crashing around them. All their emotions. The weight of everything. Everything was so damn heavy.

“Human… “ Papyrus trailed off looking down at Thimble with a worried look, he even lowered his voice for them. Was the look that Thimble had that worrisome?

“I should get some rest. Tomorrow will be here quicker than I think. I want to be well rested for those puzzles.” They flashed a fake smile at him. That should please him right?


“...” Thimble’s chest hurt as they thought deeper about everything.

Papyrus let out a pained sound. “GOLLY MY CHEST HURTS SUDDENLY. ” He groaned , rubbing his chest through the armor he was wearing.

Thimble looked at Papyrus nervously. Was their weight bothering the monster now? Was this a soulmate thing? Ugh they wished they knew more about soulmates. It would have helped a lot more. Part of them wanted to help him so badly. Make him rest and cuddle him. Another half warned her that that was dangerous and that they were just a pawn to the monsters. Besides. Wouldn’t cuddling be a little fast? Even for soulmates? More pain shot through Thimble’s body as they thought harder and worried more. All this worry carried over into dinner time. Sans looked at Thimble with an odd look. Was he trying to be threatening? Because it wasn’t working. Thimble didn’t care anymore if they lived or died now. They were just tired.

They leaned against the table , placing their head down and feeling the heavy weight of sleep crash over them. Looks like no dinner tonight, they thought as they quickly drifted off to sleep.

A jostle woke them up. They wearily looked around and noticed they were ascending the stairs in the house. Huh. They didn’t know they could fly. Cool, they thought sleepily. They closed their eyes for a moment and tried to go back to sleep, only to be reawakened by the feeling of hitting something soft. They opened their eyes again and looked around, sleep still in their eyes.

A bed? They shifted against the sheets and nuzzled the bedding and pillow under them. Within a moment a blanket was placed over them.

“Golly humans are so .. weak.” A voice sounded from above them. Papyrus? Probably. “And I don’t mean that in a bad way Sans I just didn’t think they would fall asleep like that.” The voice was hushed- like he was whispered in a stage whisper.

“Probably tired from all the walking we did. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure they’ll have a humerus time with your puzzles tomorrow.”

“Sans.. please. My human is sleeping.” “Your human huh?”

Thimble drifted off back to sleep before they could hear any more of the conversation but felt a warm bubbly sensation in their chest as he called them his. They would enjoy this fleeting moment- before everything crashed down on them.