Waking up | the break up

3 years, 2 months ago
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When Hummingbird woke up, it was to a bright promising morning with her beloved sitting next to her. Rainy must have been up for some time already but let her sleep snuggled into his fur.
“Morning dearest” Hummingbird sang leaning up to touch noses with the silver tom. Things had been so perfect for her since she joined Clover colony and became mates with Rainy.
“Good morning.” Rainy meowed, not so enthusiastic. Something on his mind? Come to think of it, Hummingbird had noticed him growing more distant lately. She couldn’t quite pin her paw on it, but she knew something was wrong.
“We should do something fun today, maybe we can stop by and play with Fred’s kittens or maybe challenge the others to a race.” Hummingbird suggested as she stretched. She knew how much Rainy loved those types of activities, she loved them too. Maybe after a nice day of fun and games, he’d feel better and open up to her.
But instead of the expected response, Rainy gave just a slight smile before his frown deepened and he shook his head.
Hummingbird felt her heart sink at this, something must really be wrong. She started to lick her paw and groom herself, trying to pretend she wasn’t worried.
“I-” Rainy started and stopped again, looking down at the ground as he seemed to really struggle with the words. “I don’t want to make you cry.” He said quietly.
Hummingbird stopped, her concern growing even more.
“Hey, it’s okay.” She assured him, “I love you so much Rainy, I’d do anything to help you.”
The tom flinched. Rainy swallowed and looked up to face the calico again.
“I know you would. I know. You’re perfect and adorable, and you’ve been a wonderful mate.” The tabby spoke more clearly, his emotions only fueling them.
“Rainy…” Hummingbird meowed, she was confused and scared.
“No, let me say this. I need to be honest and clear…” Rainy meowed, though his hesitation was back. “I don’t love you.”
What? Hummingbird stared at her mate, hurt slowly sinking in. But Rainy continued-  “I mean, I do love you, but I don’t… I don’t love you Hummingbird. I don’t think we should be mates anymore.”

Hummingbird tore her gaze away and she felt tears start to form. The calico wracked her head for what she could have done wrong.
“No- but… why?” Hummingbird stammered, choking on her words as she just felt hurt and heartache. Hadn’t things been so nice before? Was- did she not make him happy? All she wanted was to be with him. How could he do this to her?
Hummingbird sobbed and stepped back, away from Rainy. She just-
“But- I can do better? We could- could”
“No. Hummingbird, please.” Rainy meowed, it pained him to see her cry and break but… He couldn’t take it back and- it was for the best right? “I still want to be your friend, but I can’t be your mate anymore.”

So there was nothing she could do? It was- over?
Hummingbird turned and started to run. “Hummingbird -wait!” Rainy called after her but she ignored him. She just- needed to get away.
Life these past months had felt like a dream come true. She’d always thought she and Rainy would be together forever, that they’d raise kits and grow old but- he didn’t love her.​​​​