Plot Event 2

3 years, 2 months ago

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Slumbering Woods was a strange place. Sometimes you would get scared by your own shadow or your reflection in the small puddles on the side of the path and sometimes you would be amazed by the magic elements of this forest. There were so many arborlings in there, each of them forming groups that were walking toward the same place. Some of them couldn't walk anymore and were resting next to a tree or on a mossy rock near a big puddle. The forest had giant, dark oak trees with massive branches that almost didn't let any light pass through. Some clearing where letting the sun's ray pass, every arborlings walking in these clearing were stopping a second to enjoy the touch of the sun on their fur.

Giavelle was fascinated by the overwhelming presence of nature around her. She had never been outside of her desert before, or at least she never went into such a big and deep forest. The lack of light was disturbing her a bit and her eyes took some minutes to get use to the darkness. Her pets were happily running around, dodging arborlings on their way. Only Pépin was staying close to Giavelle, nervous about this new place he didn't knew. Giavelle was trying to reassure him by petting his head, but doubted it had any effect on the fur ball.

The forest have change a lot since I went there, thought Irene. It was still dark and the trees were still giantic compared to her, but there wasn't this unwelcoming feeling she had last time. There was no fog, she wasn't shivering or freezing. Arael was quite happy to go back in Slumbering Woods, remembering that's how he and Irene met for the first time. Even if the brown strudel told her new friends that she knew this forest quite well, the group had already passed in front of the clearing with the dolmens she knew. Nervous about it, she didn't told anything and continue walking behind the two arborlings and next to Arael.

Ilima wasn't scared at all. She knew something important was about to happen and was a little bit excited about it. There was so many people she didn't knew here.. So many new faces, new stories to hear. The call was probably calling them too, just like her and Giavelle. She couldn't wait to see what the migration was about.

After following a huge group of arborlings, the trio stopped to eat something in a smal clearing with a brook and some big pebbles to sit on. Giavelle was exausted by all the walking she did today, her feet were hurting her badly. Diving them in the small brook cold water made her sigh from relief. Rudy jumped in Giavelle's backpack and took the berries, the sandwichs and the camembert out of it. Turning her head toward Irene feeding her catterfly, Giavelle asked her: "Do you know where we are Irene?" "I'm not sure where we're heading, I don't know this part of the forest, unfortunatly." Ilima was watching her two friends while eating her food. Wondering if the call was still here, the pink arborling closed her eyes and listened carefully. Between the birds chipping, the wind moving the branches softly and the rivulet gurgling, Ilima could still hear the call. It was like a whisper.. But it was still here. She could hear clearly where it was from, opening her eyes slowly to get used to the light again, she turned her head towards her two friends. "I can hear the call. I know the direction to follow." Giavelle wasn't surprised that Ilima could still hear the call but was somewhat sadened that she couldn't hear it. "I guess we'll follow you then!"

Once everyone's belly was full the group started walking again. Ilima was the first in line, stopping here and there to be sure of where they were going. Irene jumped on Arael's back as soon as they decided to walk again, inviting Giavelle to climb up too. The both of them were staring at a dark silhouette flying above Slumbering Woods. A bit scared, Irene said: "I think it's a bird. A.. Big one." "I think so. I already saw some very big bird in the desert, it shouldn't be able to reach us in this forest. The branches are too dense. I suggest we stay close to the bushes though." Ilima listened to Giavelle's advice and changed direction to walk closer to a bunch of berry bushes. There was still a long road ahead of them but she could felt they were getting closer and closer..