StarWings Ideas

3 years, 2 months ago
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an idea for a fan-tribe of Wings Of Fire

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Just some rambles about a kind of new dragon type

Starwings left the main island ages ago. So long ago that no one remembers them- they're simply... gone. They return later on but I'll just focus on the main stuff right now

Similar to Icewings, they're all completely white, except for small colored speckles / highlights. some are fainter/smaller than others. Their scales are also iridescent, and the color "shift" also depends on what color their highlights are. The highlights are genetic, so if your mother has green highlights and your father has blue, you may have some teal highlights, along with some blue and green ones. over time, there are dragons with every color of the rainbow on them, but some do decide to breed with someone of the same color.

unlike most dragons, they don't have many spikes or anything poking out of them. they're quite smooth and sleek, except for a pair of horns on their head, which can take many forms, but are usually quite big. They grow, twist, and morph with age, so the fancier the horn, usually the older the dragon. starwings themselves are quite small, some being only half the size of other dragons.

types of horns banned for people to make on OCs:
- ram
- antlers

abilities, culture, and more

Starwings are all about knowledge, learning, and working on creating the perfect tribe. They cannot breath fire or ice, however they all give off a slight glow at all times, and some, with practice, can control this glow. Some are able to "flash" and temporarily blind their enemies. They speculate they are a cross between icewings and nightwings, long single evolved, since they share a connection to the moon. If an egg hatches under one full moon, the starwing is able to read minds. born under two moons, they are able to tell the future (in short visions, very rarely at will) and under three full moons, they will be born an animus. 

The tribe tries to plan most eggs to hatch under one of these full moon cycles, so there is no shortage of magical dragons in this tribe. TO prevent magical abuse, a strict system has been put in place.

Animus Dragons are given a limit to how much magic they may use. A tool is created for them (similar to darkstalker's hourglass) to determine how much magic is left before the starwing is corrupted. before the limit is reached, a special group of animus dragons (also referred to as the animus council) removes the animus powers from the dragon, and they live the rest of their life as a normal dragon. There is no shame in this, since most animus dragons use their magic to benefit the tribe.

All dragons wear an earrings/bracelet/cuff (not sure which) that protects the user from mind-reading. THis is not due to suspicion, but simply because most dragons feel uncomfortable being "spied on" This is not enforced. Queen Leo put this tradition into place, after it came out her rival in the queen voting process was reading her mind. 

The Vision dragons live normal lives, often using their ability in small doses to their advantage, like telling their friend on hunting duty where the wolves are feeding that day. If they have a vision they report it to the visionary council, which records it and keeps track of it. The more visions a dragon has that come true clearly, the higher rank and more nobility they have. The most trustworthy ones are advisors to the queen.

Animus dragons are basically free to do what they wish with their magic. Before doing any spell, they must record it with the Animous council. When the queen, or animus council comes forward and requests animus dragons to create a specific item, there is often a large amount of dragons willing to do this. They decide based on something idk and boom

Starwings born under three new moons are pure black.(this can also occur when the egg has never seen moonlight/starlight, but this is very rare since all eggs are kept in the middle of the town on an open platform)  Eyes, mouth, teeth, blood, bones, scales, everything is a deep black. only "six" of these dragons have been born, since most dragon couples avoid mating during the period before new moons.

One of these black starwings is currently alive, named Corvus. Corvus  simply hatched much earlier than expected, which also stunted his growth. He works as a researcher in the main starwing city, studying why the new moons would effect an egg like that, and if he has any other abilities. he's loved by the tribe, but infantiltized. Seen as a "oh just a baby trying to do his best to figure out why he's so different." upset at how much of his research is brushed aside, he spends a lot of time on the main island, disguised as another species

notable animus items include:

a large quantity of shape-shifting earrings/jewelry for dragons to visit the mainland and blend in with the native tribes. these can be loaned out. new ones are made every year.

a spear that when stabbed with, the victim turns into marble within 10-20 minutes. This was created by a paranoid queen, who after a vision was misinterpreted, thought someone was going to make an attempt on her life. Oddly, no other animus magic has been able to disenchant, stop the marble, or reverse the process at all. the queen didn't say she added that to the spear, but not many people believed her. When this information was made public, she was overthrown and a new queen was voted in.

seeds that grow into starflowers, a small, white glowing bloom that when consumed or turns into tea makes the user very calm and happy, similar to some drugs. it is grown only in the royal palace, and is only consumed during special occasions.

A flock of doves that carry messages to other starwing settlements. the tribe has split up into different towns, but they are lead by one queen. When an urgent message needs to be relayed, these pigeons are used. they are fast, do not need to eat, and can mimic voices. some queens like to carry them around on their shoulder or tail as decoration and a sign of status.

will add more