Short Vax and Kadel scene

3 years, 2 months ago

Super short interaction between Vax and Kadel I wrote for fun in 2017. The context would be Kadel holding Syeven prisoner somewhere for the sole purpose of messing with Vax

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“Vax! Buddy!” Kadel beamed. “What can I do for you?”

Vax tensed at Kadel’s bothersome friendly disposition every time he had the misfortune of face to face interactions. He waited for the wave of annoyance to wash over him before speaking, “You have something of mine.”

Kadel leaned back in his seat, “Gonna have to be specific.”

“Let us not play these games,” Vax sighed, “I have little tolerance for them at present.”

Kadel’s amused grin fell slightly, “Haven’t seen you in a lifetime. I assure you, I’ve been a good boy in your absence.”

Vax scoffed. “Of that, I’m certain is a fairytale.” He approached Kadel and with each step erased the last of his grin. “I have no interest in exerting more energy than is necessary, but if you insist, I can use force.”

Kadel scowled, “This here is my club, and you come here making threats?” He chuckled, “Not that a throwdown with you would be any more than a warm up stretch.” He got to his feet then, “I don’t know what you think I’ve taken from you, but I’ve been minding my own damn business for the past some odd decades. And honestly, I have more important issues to tend to.” 

Kadel closed the gap between them, coming right up on Vax to tower over him in a show of intimidation. “But if you just want me to kick your ass, I could spare five minutes.”

Vax looked up at him. Although their height differences were high in contrast, Kadel’s intimidation tactic did little effect on him. Vax took a breath to say something, but stopped, grinned, and patted Kadel on the cheek before turning to leave.