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He had been so, so wrong. So very wrong, and it made Wolf sink to his knees.

He had stormed out of the rescue team base with the big idea that he would take on a rescue mission by himself. Once he succeeded, he could finally qualify to lead the team should the situation ever arise for it. Wolf wanted that more than anything, wanted to prove he could be useful to the team as more than just support.

But Wolf had taken several huge hits, both to his ego and his health. Overwhelmed by more enemies than he could count, he had taken refuge behind some rocks and collapsed. Wolf was going to die here. He knew that deep in his heart as he buried his face in his hands. He didn't look up until he felt a brush of fur against his legs.

"Stay behind me."

The massive shield in front of him was Augustine, the mother figure of Wolf's rescue team. Wolf felt himself getting smaller. This was truly humiliating. Augustine pushed through the swarm of Zubat, letting off an Air Slash attack to cut a path that she and Wolf could escape through. Wolf pushed himself to his feet and followed Augustine out of the dungeon in a daze. They eventually made it out, and Augustine finally turned to Wolf.

"It's alright," she said, placing a paw on his shoulder. The simple action was enough to send Wolf over the edge, and tears immediately started to roll down his face. Augustine offered the Lucario and Gengar hybrid a supportive smile.

"Let's get you home. We can always try again another day."