On Tour

3 years, 2 months ago

Nero gets ready to go on tour

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The television is heard and it seems like the television is playing some sort of movie, there are all these loud noises and bangs and gunshots. Nero sits in front of the television on a little chair, he spreads his legs apart as if he never got to feel what relaxing is before. Nero sighs heavily as he then gets a buzzing noise in his pocket, he puts his paw into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone. He looks at who is calling and he reads the words on the top of the phone saying “Agent”. He sighs again heavily as he answers it and puts the phone up to his ear. “Yes…?” Nero speaks as his voice sounds like he is depressed or something. “Nero I have some amazing news, I was able to book you for a tour!” a voice speaks with an excited tone, Nero slowly gets up from the sofa and he stretches. “I'll be right over...give me a minute though I need to get ready…” Nero yawns after hanging up. He stretches again and he starts to grab some of his clothes, he goes into the bathroom and starts to swap his clothes and blow dry his hair. He comes out of the bathroom and he looks all different, he looks like he just came out of a dry cleaners or something. He grabs a comb from his pocket and starts combing his hair before he does leave, he finally exits his home and he sits on his porch while he waits for his driver to pick him up. A car then is seen pulling up to his house and a voice calls out to him. “Hey! Are you ready to go Nero?” The voice says to him, Nero looks over to the guy in the car and he notices it’s one of his friends. Nero nods and he starts to enter the car. “I really hope that this tour is not too stressful like the last one I went to.” Nero laughs. “I am sure it will be fine.” The driver reassures him, the driver smiles at him awkwardly and Nero looks at him as if he has lost his mind. They finally reach the airport and Nero’s agent is standing at the airport with her bags and so on, she then motion for Nero to come on. They both then get on the plane to get ready to start the tour.