Aatami Prompts

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 2 months ago
1 569

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

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A rainbow of colors

 Pools of color spread across the empty streets glinting in the moonlight as Aatami stood outside. His clothes were still damn from his work splattered with a different shade of red but his eyes focused on the shades of pinks and greens and blues. It seemed almost magical in a way. He bent down closer. He reached a hand out. He had time. He could investigate it a little. As his fingers dipped into the liquid he could see his gloves slowly change to the color of the pool, dark olive green mixing with the shades of cerulean drifting up in swirling patterns. He dipped his other hand in still clutching a blade watching the metal change to blue along with his gloves.

 He wanted to linger on this moment. He shrugged off  the cloak he was wearing and began to dip it in the pools dyeing away the blood spots with vibrant shades until it was a patchwork of colors even the weapons inside his pockets. He wondered what each one was called. He knew people had more words for colors than the basic ones. He had overheard people explain it to children.

 The chime of the clock jolted him out of the moment. He threw his cloak still dripping over his shoulders as the street lights began to switch on one by one closer and closer to him. His dripping cloak painted him the same colors with each slow step in the darkness home to where the lab stood. He could see the lights still on and the electicity flashing. It wasn't some surprise his creator continued to work. He made his way into the back past the cardboard boxes and broken bottles in the alley, watching the racoons dart off from his sight before he reached the back door. He pulled the key out of his pocket. In the flashes of electricity it glinted with a shine the colors almost looking more brilliant. However it felt heavy in his hands. He slowly inserted it and unlocked the door.

 As he stepped into the lab everywhere was dark except for the glow from the lab upstairs. He lingered in place listening to the buzz of the machinery. It felt... odd.

 "... I am back Doctor" he called softly. Silence lingered a few moments and he set the key on one of the cabinets as he began to trudge across the tile towards his room. There was no reason the doctor... his creator would reply. Aatami only needed to do his job. There'd be no reason for the egotistical doctor to pay attention to something he believed was just... a imperfect prototype. He wondered if there would of been a time the doctor might have enjoyed those pools of color back when he was first created. No probably not... even then the Doctor would of probably only thought of experiments. He was a man so obsessed with becoming a god he couldn't be further from a god. Aatami tossed the knife from hand to hand. He could kill him... easily. He always considered it. However some part of him never could follow through unlike with other murders.

 He began to walk towards his room taking off his cloak slowly. As he opened the door he found a small round fat little cat waiting for him with big eyes and little paws papping his legs.

 "I'm home wick" he whispered.