Seruverse World Building

3 years, 2 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

This is where I'm putting whatever Seruverse related lore I can think about when I feel like it. Feel free to ask questions, or start a conversation about the lore. Talking about world building helps me world building.

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Author's Notes

This lore could use some editing and stuff, but I don't feel like doing that right now. Read at your own risk.

What happened to Earth?

Humans were originally on normal Earth where you would expect them to be. Earth had no magical energy (aether), so everything was relatively the same. The major difference was that a several hundred years after God killed the giants with the great flood a bunch of fallen angels decided to get jiggy with some humans. This led to another batch of soulless monstrosities being released upon humanity. Things went both better and worse. In a century or so the humans of Earth had either been corrupted, enslaved, or killed. During this time the fallen angels their offspring used their knowledge to greatly advance science and technology. They had made spaceships capable of carrying large groups of people by the early 1900s. The non humans thought that if the humans were gone God's wrath wouldn't fall upon them, so they rounded up the humans and loaded them into ships that were launched deep into space. God had no intention to show them mercy, so as soon as the humans had safely been deposited in the Seruvian solar system He caused Earth's sun to die.

TLDR: Humans got kicked off of Earth, and God went Old Testament.