FIshing Roll

3 years, 2 months ago

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Yclaoce sneezed. It was a perfect day to get sick, she thought. The rain had not stopped since the previous day, rain clouds passing in the sky slowly. It wasn't raining heavily, put it just didn't stopped and that kind of weather was putting Yclaoce's mood in a rough shape. Sitting on the ground with her head resting on the window ledge, the red kemata was staring at the raincloud falling from the roof of her house. "- I hate rain. I wanted to go out fishing but I guess I'll go another day.." A small pink furry creature jumped on the window ledge, right next to Yclaoce's head. Chirping, Midna expressed her hate of the rain. Yclaoce understood that her small friend didn't liked to get her fur soaking wet. The red kemata could only agree, with her own dense pelt getting it dry could took a couple of hours. The two friend stayed there, watching the rain and hoping for it to go away.

Yclaoce woke up from a long nap and the first thing she realised was that the rain had stopped. Jumping on her paws she woke up Midna and her familiars, who had decided to join Yclaoce in her nap. Walking quickly toward the workbench she put all her equipment at, the red kemata grabs her fishing rod and takes some fishing bait that she put in her backpack. Midna followed her and and put a fishing hat on, ready to go out for adventure. Stopping next to Naos, Pipou and Leon - her Nezumichu, marbled tabby cat and grand gecko familiar- Yclaoce make them climb her back to bring them with her.

Shimmering Willow probably wasn't the first place kematas thought of when they wanted to fish, but Yclaoce knew there was always more fishes there after a rainy day. And it had been raining for 2 days straight, so the red kematas sure hopped to find a lot of fishes. The group stopped for a minutes at Port Tivali to buy snacks and directly went to their favorite fishing spot at the Shimmering Willow. "- Okay, we're gonna stay here for a while everyone. Be sure not to go too far okay?" The three familiars nodded and ran to the big tree, ready to do something silly. The pink kimoki stayed next to her friend, watching the ocean in front of them. Yclaoce tossed her fishing rod end in the ocean and waited for a fish to arrived while Midna was eating a chocolate bar. The fish arrived quickly and suddently the line was twitching in front of the two friends. "- I got one! I got one!!" Pulling up the line, a beautiful sturgeon fish appeared. Surprised, Midna jumped on the side and almost fell in the ocean. Yclaoce put the fish in a bucket full of water she took from her home and contemplated it. "- Look at how pretty it is, Midna.. I'm glad I don't eat fish, I wouldn't be able to!" Laughing with her pink friend, Yclaoce tossed her line again and waited for another fish to appear.