Plot Event 3

3 years, 2 months ago

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It was night time already, the day has seemed extremely long for everyone.. Having left all the arborlings groups a long time ago, Giavelle, Irene and Ilima where desperatly looking for a place to spend the night at. The forest had abundant branches and Giavelle didn't feared for birds or other flying creatures to attack them during their sleep, but she still decided to establish night shift. The group was currently walking between a abrupt hill made of rocks with sharp stones coming out of it and a large bunch of dark, thorny bushes.

"- Are we there yet? I don't think I can walk anymore.."

Irene was actually on Arael's back with Ilima, somehow looking more tired than the poor mount who had not stopped walking since they came here. Earlier in the evening, Irene flew on Arael's back to find a place to rest at night. She spotted a nice covered clearing not far from their position, with what looked like dead trees. As soon as Irene reported these informations, Ilima suggested to go there. Affirming the dead trees would be the perfect shelters for the group, both protected from birds and from the weather, the group started walking toward this place. Now it was too dark for Irene and Arael to fly again, not wanting her mount to get hurt because of the dense branches.

"- I think we should find this clearing right behind this folliage."

Giavelle was a bit irritated by Irene's behavior. Why would a strudel even come for the migration? Didn't they had their own special event or something? She huffed from her nose while glancing at her friends behind her.

Giavelle was right when she said the clearing was right behind the dense folliage in front of the group, as soon as she pushed the leaves the clearing appeared to the friend group. Three large, dry trunk were sitting in the wide place. A small puddle in the shape of a U was in front of the entry of the tree at the right. Examinating the place for a second to be sure nothing bad could happened, Giavelle walked firmly toward the dead trunk at the far right.

Irene was more than happy to finally be at the clearing. She was secretly stressing over the fact that she might have choose a bad place to rest at, or that she indicated a wrong direction. But the group found it. As soon as Arael stepped in the wide place, he started running toward the tree trunk, overtaking Giavelle and her pets. Ilima got scared and hold on tight on the mount's black fur. It was her first time getting on a mount's back, and probably the last time too.

The camp was settled for the night. The pale moon light abbled Irene and Ilima to look for twigs around the dead trunk, Giavelle having ordered them to find some to create a fireplace. Creating fire wasn't one of the brown arborling's speciality and she had to try multiple times until the fire start. The fireplace was giving a nice and secure feeling to the group, after such a long day handing your paws close to the fire was relieving. Arael was peacefully sleeping and snoring against the dead trunk, but still close to the fireplace to keep his body warm. Irene was sitting next to his furry belly, eating a bunch of berries she found on their way to the clearing.

Ilima was meditating next to the fireplace. The light was creating some interesting shadows on her face and it seemed like her thoughts were reflecting on her skin. The call was still here but the feeling of urgency had totally disappeared. Her soul knew it was close to the close it belongs. While her mind was traveling through the woods, the crackling sound of the fire suddently stopped.

Giavelle poured to the last drop of water she had in her water jar on the fireplace to extinguish it. She was standing there in the darkness, her pets behind her.

"- She should get in the trunk for the night, it's more safe this way.

- I guess it is.. I'll stay at the back with Arael, in case anyone get in the trunk by the other entry.

- That's a good idea, thank you Irene."

Irene, followed by Arael, was the first one to enter the dead trunk. It was surprisingly warm in there, at least there was no draught. Ilima entered the trunk right after Irene, quickly getting her blanket out of her back. Giavelle stayed at the entrance with her pets, watching the sky through the branches. It was gonna be a long night.