from the shelves of the longing library.

3 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
6 1764

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

a selection of relevant texts from the longing library. (thousand year retrospective. fingertips. bodies in the wind. unsealed box. transfer of soul to the devil.)

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thousand year retrospective.

in worlds past and forward

in worlds above and below

its inhabitants were only given one thing:

each other.

everything outside and in between had to be fashioned for themselves or taken forcibly, 

desperate but necessary measures to make sense of the lives that they were given. 

structures and rules whisked out of thin air, upheld to champion progress.

the night knows not of good, nor of evil. 

past, nor present. 

life and death. 

chaos, order. 

magic, science. 

these are things arbitrary in fashion and function, lines so often blurred and lost upon the prying eyes of darkness.

we were only given one thing. 

i was only given one thing. 

it is never coming back.