Ashe's Deductions (probably more to be added)

3 years, 5 months ago
490 1

Finally got a bunch of Ashe's deductions decided so there's that ^^

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New game

After playing games with life for so long, this is just the same lame old process as always

  • Basic: Survive in a match for 60 seconds
  • Adv. 1: Survive in a match for 75 seconds
  • Adv. 2: Survive in a match for 90 seconds

Conclusion: At the end of the day, this manor stuff is just another game. Might as well play along for now since it doesn’t seem like there’s a way out.. Unless you become a hunter of course but even then.. Still no way to leave.

Odd familiarity

Maybe working with others isn’t so bad.. Although the others in the manor aren’t always the best

  • Basic: Get 75% co-op decoding progress
  • Adv. 1: Get 100% co-op decoding progress
  • Adv. 2: Get 175% co-op decoding progress

Conclusion: Even in this game, something about working with others to get out just feels so familiar.. And it’s more than likely the one comfort I’ll get until I see him again.. I hope he’s okay wherever he is

Possible way out

The ability to leave is so close I can taste it, although knowing my luck, the aftertaste would end up being extremely sour or bitter

  • Basic: Escape through the exit gate
  • Adv. 1: Escape through the exit gate
  • Adv. 2: Escape through the exit gate

Conclusion: Although you can never leave for long, it’s still better than dealing with the hunters, especially since so many of them are scary and would gladly chair you without a second thought if they catch you

Saving those who need you

I somehow managed to save him in the past so maybe I can save people here too.

  • Basic: Get at least one rescue
  • Adv. 1: Get at least two rescues
  • Adv. 2: Get at least three rescues

Conclusion: I wish i could do more to help now like I could in the past, but I'm just one person with way less power so I do what I can

Just like cat and mouse

Idk if the hunters see us as prey or maybe equals and that uncertainity makes me uneasy

  • Basic: Escape from the hunter one time
  • Adv. 1: Escape from the hunter two times
  • Adv. 2: Escape from the hunter 3 times

Conclusion: I can't tell if the hunters genuinely enjoy this or not, and some of the scarier hunters are extremely convincing when they say it's a game. I just wish there was something I could do against them instead of run away

Weird sense of happiness

even if I cant leave, somehow toying with the hunters is getting to be fun, especially that one that can't chair people for some reason

  • Basic: Kite the hunter for 60 seconds
  • Adv. 1: Kite the hunter for 120 seconds
  • Adv. 2: Kite the hunter for 180 seconds

Conclusion: if some of the hunters wanna toy with us survivors, I'll toy with them back even if it makes me their number one target. And luckily, nearly getting killed isnt anything new after what happened back home