Well that happened (Run in with rose)

3 years, 2 months ago
1988 1

Charlie ends up meeting Blythe and then fighting Blythe. Blythe called a friend to join and so did charlie.... so uh Robin is dead.

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Charlie had been walking in a nearby park with Biscuit, it wasn't like the one at her house where it was literally in the backyard but it was a good park, most of them in the area were. She had been careful and keeping an eye out when she noticed a soul gem.. it was a ring soul gem, she was able to figure that out...but what was the thing she was holding it was well magic. She was cautious as she walked over. Biscuit didn't seem antsy or concerned either... "what are you holding?" She asked

Blythe had left the centre for a bit to get some fresh air. Things hadn't been doing fantastic since the party. Well she was mostly fine it was clear Alexander was not. She felt bad for him and had tried to talk to him but he didn't want to talk. So she came to a park not far from her old home to just relax. She chewed her tounge as she played her switch. A voice made her jump and bite a little to hard. "OW. Fuck that hurt." She whinned. Tears stung her eyes and she held her mouth hoping the pain to go away. Could she fix it with magic? She didn't even know nor was she going to try with this random... girl? She wasn't sure who it was. "Why did you sneak up?'

Charlie heard a female say it hurt. She backed up thinking maybe she stepped on her foot or something. She glanced at the soul gem and thought for a few seconds. "Oh... uh ... I didn't mean to sneak up I was uh just wondering what you were holding?" She felt awkward, she didn't know what it was, a small box thing? Was it a magical book? She knew the girl was probably from rose corp but she wasn't immedietly being attacked which was good.

Blythe nodded. "Fine I just bit my tounge when you spooked me." She pulled her hands away and looked at the girl then her switch. "Its a switch." She was a little worried this was going to be a Nall interaction all over again.

Charlie nodded a bit then saw the girl move the switch. "Sorry about that... I didn't think I was being quiet or sneaking but I guess I did" nothing as bad as rose corp who literally spied on people. She then heard it was a switch. "Oh I heard it's a gaming device... What did you enchant it with?" She asked, if the girl attacked after her question she had enough faith in herself to protect herself.

Blythe looked at the girl. What did she mean enchant? She slid away from the other. "Who are you?"

Charlie backed up as well. "Lizzie Lawerence, paranormal investigator." She said with a smile

Blythe covered her mouth with her switch. "Okay... What do you mean by enchanted?"

Charlie saw the switch move then she heard what she meant by enchanted. "Well you can enchant certain items. I have met a few paranormal like this weird little cat things who spout out about them before. " She said twisting the truth a little bit. "Is it unbreaking?" She asked

Blythe doesn't like this. This girl was weird... even for her. "Your stupid." She mutters without really thinking. "Like paranormal stuff isn't real."

Charlie was told she was stupid and she blinked. She was taken aback a bit by that. "That is very rude of you to say." She shook her head a little before hearing paranormal stuff isn't real. "So you arent a magi then and your soul gem isn't on your ring?" She said a little sarcastically.

Blythe glared at the girl and then when she mentioned magi she jumped so she was standing. "Fuck off." She snapped and transformed and her switch turned in her FBG. "Your with Seaford aren't you?" She pointed her gun at the other.

Charlie saw the gun being pointed at her and backed up she saw the gun pointed at her... she wish she had a gun herself now. She was snapped at and did her best to stay calm. Ok this would become another fight, She won't let this girl win then. She summoned a wand and made the first shot.  (flurry magic, 15+16 to hit, 2x1 dmg )

Blythe grunted at the attack hit her fist at the side of the gun causing it to spark up with a lot of magic. Her magic sparked off the gun and she pulled the trigger and held it. She let loose a large barrage of shots at the other.  (nat 20 to hit, 24DMG) 

HEALTH: Charlie 36HP, Blythe 58HP

Charlie was attacked and blinked. She hates guns now... therefore she needs one. She dropped her weapon as her fairy lights appeared in her hands in a ray of sparkles and she flicked them towards Blythe as the bulbs exploaded on Blythe. (14+13, 6 dmg, (3 poison dmg per turn) (Poison)

Blythe created her copywrite and pointed it in the air and created the platform. She then fired at her feet and fell through. Once coming out on the other side. She fired at the other but missed. She gritted her teeth and tried to wrap her mind around who this one was. Yellow magi. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to the team chat. (+5 to defence, 15 to hit) 

HEALTH: Charlie 36HP, Blythe 52HP poised for 4 rounds

Charlie backed up a bit as she saw the girl dissapear and she kept an eye out, she saw the beam of magic miss her and realized the girl was in the air. Ok she needed to be more careful. She let her staff appear as she looked at the magic.  She healed herself a little... she could do better.  (+1 hp to charlie)

Blythe put her phone away and fired at the girl again hitting her. She now knew that this was the one she was told to kill. She didn't want to cause anymore problems for her friends.  (23 to hit, 3dmg) 

HEALTH: Charlie 35HP, Blythe 49HP poised for 3 rounds

Charlie was fired at again and she made sure to back up again, she continued to heal. She thought for a few seconds. She kept her eyes on the soul gem.  (+ 4 hp to charlie)

Blythe glared at the girl and fired at the girl again but sadly missed.  (15 to hit)

 HEALTH: Charlie 40HP, Blythe 46HP poised for 2 rounds

Charlie switched weapons again as she looked up at the soul gem, she let the fairy lights appear again as she flicked them towards the girl.  (8+13 to hit, 5 dmg ( 2 dmg for 4 rounds) (Poison)

Blythe fired at the girl as she fell but missed. She pulled her phone and sent a quick message. "You lied about your name." She snapped at the other.  (10 to hit) 

HEALTH: Charlie 40HP, Blythe 38HP poised for 5 rounds

Charlie took in a small breath. "Pink is an absolutely terrible color!" She said to her phone as she sent off the sos signal and it gave her location to the vets. She then focused as a yellow light began to flood out from her back and she was able to see more around her... That was new...but she could see better (Charlie used expanded soul sight, charlie has advantage on all attacks for 5 rounds)

Percy had gotten the SOS and was on his way. He did, admittedly, trip and skin his knee, but that was a minor thing. He arrived, transformed, body tense. "Hey! Back the fuck down!" He called out at the girl he... used to call one of his friends. (nat 1, 6dmg to self)

Robin skidded up behind Blythe, pointing her scepter into the air and pouting when the lightning she summoned hit neither target. "I didn't know she'd also brought company! How fun!" She all but purred. (d15 to miss)

Charlie didn't hear the others appear and ended up jumping a little bit, she saw the lightning colors then saw Percy's gem and well saw him better then before in her yellow light. She slashed her hand by accident and bit the inside of her mouth to make sure she didn't let them know.  (nat 1, 3 dmg to self)

Blythe turned to Robin. "Hey. Thanks for showing up." She went to fire at Percy and felt her gun get hot before it blew up on her. "Ow fuck." She cried out and started to flap her arms trying to cool off her hands.  (Nat 1, 5dmg) 

HEALTH: Charlie 37HP, Blythe 28HP poised for 4 rounds, Percy 69HP, Robin 60HP

Percy lifted his shotgun. "This isn't a fucking dinner party." He snapped, shooting the cat themed magi.
(double nat 20 - autokill)

Wren woke up to her head ringing. She stumbled, head snapping up to try and see where her sister's gem will land, but... it's not in the sky. She glances around, chest aching, and takes another half step back. Something crunches under foot. She looks down, to see golden shards scattered at her feet. Her head snaps up, her right hand flying to her chest. He left hand twitched and followed a second behind, slower. "What... where... Blythe? What happened to Robin??" She isn't transformed, but everyone around her is. What is going on?

Charlie felt time feel as though it slowed down around her she saw Percy snap, she saw Robin fall back on the ground. She watched as the soul gem fade to black. Not of a witch but of a death. She was quiet. She then saw another soul gem begin to glow almost as though the other one. She panicked and shot her magic missing and hitting Blythe instead. She backed up towards Percy whom she could see.  (19 to hit, 9 dmg Finale)

Blythe saw Robin's soul gem shatter and then there was Wren. She looked at Percy and pulled out another FBG. "YOU FUCKING KILLED HER. YOU MONSTER!" She Screamed and let lose a barrage of attacks, tears stinging her eyes.  (22 to Percy, 16dmg) 

HEALTH: Charlie 37HP, Blythe 17HP poised for 3 rounds, Percy 53HP, Robin dead, Wren 60HP (disadvantage)

"I'm sorry for your loss. Don't touch Charlie again, or you're next." He snapped at Blythe. He then picked Charlie up and threw her over his shoulder, bolting.

Wren's heart siezed. She wanted, dearly, to transform and charge at the green magi, to avenge her sister. But... she looked at Blythe, and thought about how much her chest hurt. She needed to get used to Robin's body again. Revenge can wait. "Hotstuff, come here. Help... help me get back to the center. We have to tell Lotus and Miss Rose they've killed Robin. I need to... to get used to this body, again. It feels like I've never used it before, all over again." She held out her hand for Blythe to take.

Charlie watched everything as it happened, she was then grabbed by Percy, She looked at Blythe then Wren... then she glanced to the back of Percy's head. So... she just saw someone die? And another soul was inhabiting the body.  She still could see decently and was quiet. "...she...actually...and they were going to..." She paused as she tried to situate herself so she could hug Percy. She another person in her life die. Even if that person wanted to kill her... she saw another person die. She didn't know what to say or do. But it just happened. She didn't feel sad but she felt...off... she was quiet. "Let me down let me down I need to go back... " She finally got out

Blythe looked at Wren and dropped her FBG and pulled out her copy write. She pointed it at the sky and fired. "I can get us there fast. Can you tell Lotus to meet us?" She walked over to the other and hugged her before shooting at the ground and they fell through the portal.