Opening up (Rose run in spar)

3 years, 5 months ago

This spar is on friendly terms between Matty and Charlie.

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After what felt like forever, Matty managed to get out of the Rose Center for an evening. He'd been feeling overwhelmed from the stuffy atmosphere. And, bleh, how Ms. Rose was treating everyone... the knowledge was sitting heavily on him. What she was.

Charlie had been on another walk with Biscuit, she was being even more careful then before... She taught Biscuit more commands and well she had been doing her best to become better with magic to defend herself and others. She knew it was only a matter of time before things got worse with what she knew. She kept her eyes out as she noticed a brown soul gem not to far off. It was Matty!! He was the only one from Rose corp she put her trust in. "Hello over there!" She called out after double checking that there weren't others near.

He lit up, then remembered Ms. Rose's kill order on the girl. A blossom of shame came over him, but he wasn't going to let it ruin this. "Charlie, you got out okay!"

Charlie smiled as she walked over, keeping Biscuit's leash next to her. She offered a hug. "Yeah, I got out alright... I met your boss... I really don't enjoy her company, but how are you?" She asked with a smile. She hasn't seen him for awhile... but she was honestly worried

Matty held her close, sighing softly. "Bored. Been filming a lot of videos and hiding from her. Alex is really fucked after everything you guys have been doing."

Charlie gave him a hug happy to see him ok at least. "I get it... I have had to stay inside even more now cause of everything. But... at least you've been able to hide from her." She said with a small nod. "...Is it bad to say good? I would normally feel bad...but uh he isn't a nice person."

Matty bit his lip. "I understand, but... it's hard. I am... well, dating him."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Ah... happy at least then?" She didn't understand how Matty could date such a bastard gremlin of a man.

Matty hesitated. "That's... not a fair question."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "It isn't? wai- sorry" She said... she trusted Matty but dating Alexander sounded like it would be the actual worst thing in the world...

"I... he's actually trying. To be a good boyfriend. And it's weird because I really always expected to just be..." he blew out a breath. "Stress relief. To him. Someone who physically and emotionally supported him, but didn't bother him with my own emotions."

Charlie listened and honestly couldn't believe what she was hearing... she couldn't think of Alexander in any light of being a good person really... Not after the first time she talked to him. She was quiet. "Then... its good he is... trying?" She said trying to be supportive of Matty.

"It's making me feel worse. Like I'm the bad person for not opening up, like my secrets are dirty." He ran a hand through his hair. "Like he's somehow better than me, even though he's the one setting the expectations. He's not, even though I used to think he was better than me."

Charlie listened and stayed quiet waiting for him to finish. " Your not a bad person... You have been really nice and good... it's ok to have secrets... talking about everything all the time, your own trama's isn't always the best... although I think my Psychologist would say otherwise." She paused. "My advice probably wont be helpful... relationships are still pretty gross to me." She said shaking her head(edited)

"Is your advice to dump him?" Matty guessed.

Charlie thought for a few seconds and shook her head no. "As much as I hate him... your dating him for some reason... but don't feel bad about not opening up." She paused for a second almost adding an insult to Alexander in there. "If he is your saying then he will be willing to wait until you feel alright about opening up. Don't feel pressured to... and if you do then you dump him. Preferably on text which I heard is the harshest way possible." She offered

"If I opened up, I'd be killed." He said simply. "I'm pretty sure she'd make me ascend herself if she found out I knew she was a magi too, and he doesn't keep anything from her."

Charlie listened... she felt guilty immediately. "I..shouldn't have told you... I am sorry..." She didn't want him to get hurt or... "What is ascending? " She asked

Matty felt his stomach tighten. "I don't blame you for that. It's just another thing that I don't tell people. Like... like about my family situation, about my past, about what I spend my free time doing, what I feel. I don't tell people, but I'm not blaming you for it it." He shifted. "Ascending is what happens when she's done with us. When we've filled our purpose. We become witches so that we're useful to her one last time."

Charlie nodded a little bit as she twisted her bracelet around on her wrist. "I understand... but its just another thing to add to your list...and I feel bad about it.." She said as she shook her head. She then listened to what Matty said and paused. She liked Kritanta even less then before if that were possible. "I don't want that to happen to you... and... well anyone... that's too much. Making someone witch when you deem them useless." She shook her head a littlr

"It's what she did to Ginny when we first got here. If I'm not careful, she'll probably use whatever dirt she has on me to hurt me." He blew out a breath. "I didn't wanna worry you, I'm sorry."

Charlie blinked and thought for a few seconds before nodding. Ginny she heard that name before she at least thought she did. "Has... she done it to any more of your friends?" She asked quietly glancing around again. "Hey... I ... never mind." She wanted to help him out but she knew logicially she wouldn't be able to.. " ever need to get away let me know... I can talk to everyone and we can get you out safely... if she tries to... do any of that get out of there." She said scratching her arm

"If she tries, then that either means that it works or I don't a chance to escape. She kinda locks it down, and if you run, she finds you. None of us can escape, if she decides we're done. If I get out, it's gotta be a blindside thing. A not when she's expecting it thing."

Charlie scratched her arm more. She didn't want Matty to witch eventually due to Kritanta... She bit the inside of her mouth. So it was Kritanta figuring out how to witch and hurt people too... That lady was dangerous and not knowing her wish made her even more so. "Do you want out? Or would you rather stay...? I wont push you either way since it is your choice." She bit the inside of her mouth.

He looked down. "I want out. The only reason I ever stayed was because I didn't have anything else."

Charlie looked at his soul gem and attempted to place a hand on his arm. "I will do all that I can to try to help you get out then." She said looking towards his soul gem. She tried to think of things to offer to help out more but she would have to talk to everyone. She wanted to help the best she could to get Matty out. "Do you know anyone else...who might want to leave with you but are...too scared?" She asked quietly.

"I dunno. I don't talk to them much, other than Alex and Toli. And neither of them would leave. Alex is too brainwashed and Toli's too old." He sighed, pulling her into another hug. "Sorry to manhandle."

Charlie nodded as she listened. She was pulled into another hug. "Alright... I wanted to ask and stuff..." She said hugging him back. "And it's ok if you need hugs you can have hugs!" She said offering a smile. She thought for a few seconds. "We should find a meeting up place and set a date, you having my number in your phone would lead to suspicion and any letters will probably be checked..." She said thinking

"Yeah, what if um..." He shifted. "Every time we meet, we pick a different date and time? So it's not regular. And if I can't make it, don't assume the worst?" He offered a small smile. That felt safest. "It'll be okay."

Charlie nodded. "Alright that works for me, I am a bit lost here sometimes but we can figure it out. And... I will try not to." She said with a nod. She was anxious but Matty had been a magi for awhile now so she couldn't be too panicked. " I can talk with everyone and we can figure out a date and time... so you arent attacked by anyone we can stage it as something else or something?" She said with a tiny nod.

He paused. He hadn't actually realized she meant talking to... her friends. "Um. Are you sure they'd wanna see me? I'm not exactly a sight for sore eyes."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "I can understand your concerned... but I will need some help if we are to pull everything off. I mean I still am the weakest link out of everyone." She said shaking her head, witches hated her, most of rose corp hated her. Seems like life wants her dead for some reason...

"You're not weak." Matty tapped her nose. "You're strong. And you're important. And you're good. It's gonna be okay."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "I appreciate you saying that." She thought for a few seconds. "Yeah it will be fine." She nodded. Despite her friends caring about her she sometimes wondered if she was more effort then for what it was worth... sure she figured out stuff but it had to be taxing taking care of a random ass kid who's wish was just from over thinking stuff.

Matty looked down. "I have a dumb suggestion. A... an idea."

Charlie looked at his soul gem. "Yeah what is it?" She asked.

"What if we sparred? It can't be that bad of an idea. And um, I'm a little rusty." He admitted.

Charlie nodded. "Ok I can try it... Let me know if you get really hurt and I will let you know when I need to pause. Oh and Belladona normally asks poison or no poison. "She said with a small nod

"Um... no poison." He smiled softly. "That's a good lesson to have picked up."

Charlie nodded. "Alright then no poison!" She said with a smile. "Yeah it is a good one... Uh I will put Biscuit over near the tree, he knows how to stay." She said with a smile.

Matty realized then that he'd asked a blind girl with a dog to spar him. His cheeks flushed. "I... I'll try and keep an eye on him?" He offered slowly.

Charlie nodded. "Thanks." She said with a smile as she went to put biscuit near the tree, she told him to sit and stay then she glanced around before transforming. "There we go we should be set up now." She said with a smile

Matty kissed his knuckles as he transformed. Was he seriously doing this right now? His heart fluttered."Yeah, okay."

Charlie took in a small breath as she summoned a weapon, her wand appeared... it was sharp huh? She decided to do a weaker thing that would be good right? Multiple rays of yellow light head towards Matty (13+16, 3x4 (12 dmg) Flurry magic)

Matty tossed a fistful of pastries around them before lifting his icing bag and shooting a small dot onto her arm. He grinned. "That hurt a little." He remarked. (4+13 to hit, 4dmg and advantage against charlie for 2 rounds)

 HP Matty - 48 Charlie - 54

Charlie had a small dot shot on her arm she backed up a bit She then used her wand and a ray of light went towards Matty, it was decently strong.  (13+13, 4 dmg (Finale)

Matty shot at her again, nodding. "Have you been training a lot?" (9+13 to hit (sniper shot), 2dmg)

Matty - 43 Charlie - 50

Charlie nodded. "Yeah I have been working on it. I wanted to get better so I don't die if I am attacked... we have safeguards incase though." She said with a smile. She sent off five small blasts of magic that didn't do too much. "Uh.. I can see about getting magic protection stuff on my house when you leave... you can stay with us I am sure Calipso would be happy to have a larger family again...and uh there isn't any mean adults or anything. you can even go to my school if you want or uh... I know some magi don't anymore. oH and our kitchen is big." She said with a smile. (5+16 to hit (Flurry magic) 5 dmg)

His heart fluttered again. "You... think that would be a good idea?" He cocked his head to the side. "That she wouldn't mind?" He didn't feel like using his gun, so instead he activated one of her cakeball bombs. (10+13 to hit, 6dmg)

Matty - 38 Charlie - 44 

Charlie nodded. "Yeah of course... I mean if your ok with it." She offered a smile. She then thought for a few seconds. "Yeah... I mean you could join our little family if you want?" She then heard a cake bomb explode and panicked a little scrambling away from the noise. She then used her wand to send magical beams towards Matty again. they were doing good and she would stop soon. (4+13 to hit, 6 dmg , finale)

Matty set off another chocolate lava cake. "Sorry to play dirty. They’re the main trick I use." He bit his lip. "I... it would be fun. The only family I've ever had was my mom, but she was never around." (17+13 to hit, 1dmg)

Matty - 32 Charlie - 43 

Charlie let her wand drop and summoned her staff and began to heal them both a little. She heard Matty talk more and thought for a few seconds. "It's ok it isn't that bad." She heard him hesitate possibly. "I.. am glad it would be..." She nodded as she heard him say the only family he ever had was his mom... " family is small now and uh all I have left is Cali but... I would be ok if you...really were up for joining my family... because... your good and..." She felt her eyes water and she swatted at them dropping her staff. (+4 hp to Charlie and Matty)

Matty cocked his head to the side. "Are... are you okay?" He asked quietly. "What's wrong?" He came closer. "Don't cry..."

Matty - 36 Charlie - 47 

Charlie heard him ask if she was ok and what was wrong... she didn't know what to say nothing was wrong but... it was everything catching up to her at once... "I...I a lot has happened and...its...its a lot" She said as she continued to bat away the tears.

Matty pulled her into a hug. "Shh, shh, it's okay. Just... just talk to me. Tell me what's going on. I'm sorry I can't stop them from coming after you, but maybe I can try and give you emotional support like you've given me?"

Charlie was pulled into the hug and she didn't want to have a breakdown like she was. She tried to speak but had trouble... "I...I...I saw someone die...not their soul gem dissapear but...but... I saw... I could...see see but in yellow... and then" She paused "I don't want to die and I don't want my sister to die or you to or or..." She hated the feeling of tears on her face and how she was breaking down... "its...I keep...people keep dying in front of me and around me...and Percy did it to protect me but...but its not worth it im not worth it.."

Matty held her closer. She... she was there when Robin died. His heart ached. He'd liked the twins, but Charlie... she was there for him. And it hurt to pick sides, but he found himself doing it anyways. "You are worth it. You matter. You're important. I... I don't want anything to happen to you, and... I... if I was there, I would have picked to save you over her too. I'd do anything to keep you safe."

Charlie cuddled up to him she hated her tears and she hated that she had to say she was there for the death of someone... then she remembered the other times magi were well killed then brought back...she could have fixed it too if she were stronger... then she heard Matty say she was worth it... and as much as he said it she felt awful hearing it... "I... I appreciate it but... I keep being trouble... no matter where I go death continues to follow me... I am not even strong enough to bring back people like others can im im weak compared to them, I keep almost dying every time and and... I don't...dont want others to have to pick... I " She stopped because tears got in the way.

"It's okay to feel like this." Matty brushed hed tears away. "I promise, I promise. It's okay."

Charlie listened as Matty tried to sooth her. She was quiet. She almost brought up one of the main things that helped make her feel like this...Alexander saying she would cause someone to die so why doesn't she die first... with what happened well... she wasn't sure some people would be far off from trying it. She curled up more. "I..dont want anyone to die again or to see more blood... the witch we fought...the last one... there were bones and blood and then I ... people keep dying and... I know I am angry in the moment but I... I don't want them to... " She said her voice cracking with emotions

"Is there anything I can say to help?" Matty asked quietly. "I don't want to overwhelm you, but I... I don't want anyone hurt either. I don't want you to be stressed."

Charlie heard Matty ask her a question and she thought for a minute before finally saying something... "If it ... Is something really bad happening and ... I need help, but it would cause you harm... Don't do it... Please just say that.. because... I don't... I don't want to be the cause of my friends getting hurt... Because they were helping the pathetic little blind girl." She thought of herself in a bad way and she tried to dry her tears up more but they continued to fall down her face.

"I... if I promise that, will you accept that you're not pathetic?" Matty kissed her forehead. "You're the first person who actually... listened to me. Who was there for me."

She thought for a few seconds about the conditions for Matty to promise he would . "I can... Try... But it's hard... I cause problems." She said as Matty tried to help make her feel better. "I... Wish more people would have done the same... Your an amazing person... I wish you were my brother or something  cause you deserve to feel better too..." She said as she felt her eyes stop the watering a bit she would try to feel ... Ok at least

"If I can get out of this, I'll be your brother. Family is who you choose, and I choose you." He shifted to pet her hair gently. "It's okay."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "I will talk with everyone as soon as I can... I will do my best to help you get out of there... Because who wouldn't want you as family... I bet you can even cook better then Cali"  She smiled a bit as her tears went away." I didn't mean to break down... I ... Dont like to do it in front of others but... " She tried to think about what to say next and she patted his arm "The topic of parents hurts still for me... parents... I was there... And ... The witch recently along with... What happened all of it it just... Might be too much... " She said quietly

Matty nodded slowly. "Can... can I say to take time? For you? You can't just put everything out for everyone else, you do matter. Take a day and just do what you wanna do, do what makes you happy. It'll be okay. And... if you wanna talk parents, it's okay. I'll listen. I know it's hard. I don't talk to anyone other than you about what I've been through."

Charlie listened to what Matty said. "I need to but... If I take time... It won't... Be good I will break down... As much as I try to feel happy it gets harder every time like I know I won't be happy for long anymore... And... I wish it would be but... I can only avoid death for so long and and...everything wants me dead. Witches." she paused to cough a bit she worked herself up ... "I...can't yet...but thank you... I... Don't tell others about well this either all of these... Bad emotions.... And it's... Its hard... I am sorry."

"It's okay to be sad." Matty shifted. "Come on, let's detransform, I'll walk you home. It's okay. And... It's okay to break down. Being sad is hard. Avoiding death is hard. But the people close to you won't let that happen, and you're getting stronger too. Don't be so hard on yourself, please?"

Charlie bit the inside of the mouth. She tried to not get too sad anymore but it just was hard. "Yeah... lets detransform... I... know I shouldn't be hard on myself but things are getting to me. I just... its harder... I don't want people to have to do what might need to happen to keep me safe... if anything they shouldn't have to bear the burdon of it..." She shook her head. "I can try to not be but no promises there." She glanced to Matty's soul gem "Have you met Biscuit yet? He is my seeing eye dog and the best dog you could ever meet." She tried to change the subject.

"I don't think I have!" He waved at the dog. "He's really cute." He didn't want to dwell on something if it made her uncomfortable, but he was worried about her. He wanted to make sure she was okay.

Charlie whistled and Biscuit made his way over. "He is a friendly dog, he is in work mode right now but you can pet him." She offered a smile. She really didn't want to dwell too much... She almost said sorry again but stopped herself knowing he would probably try to convince her to not feel bad.

"I can wait until he's not in work mode anymore." Matty smiled down at him. "I don't want to disrupt the little man. Where do you live? We can walk together, maybe I can make you something sweet when we get there?"

Charlie nodded. She thought for a few seconds "Ok! He will be ok to pet after I get the harness off of him." She said as she was asked where she lived. "I live with Aeron now cause I am being safe" She said, she then heard him say he could make her something sweet and her eyes lit up more. "Oh oh can you can you make Chocolate caramel coffee cake, would you have time?" She asked curious back when she could watch youtube and see it it looked really yummy...

"Would it be okay for me to come to his house?" Anxiety bubbled up. He didn't want to freak the boy out by showing up at his house... but if Benji was still in town, then maybe he'd be happy to see Matty? Maybe he'd like to try some of the food Matty could make?

Charlie thought for a few seconds and paused. "Lets go to my house we have wards up and they are to make sure other magi not on a list can get in... so we can make it at mine?" She offered as she glanced down to Biscuit.  "I think it would take time before uh everyone will be ok and stuff but I trust you and... I can get them to understand..." She said quietly

Matty nodded. "Do we need to buy anything for making stuff? And... I know it'll take time. It's... a weird situation."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Probably I know Cali and I only used to eat fast food before moving in with Aeron because she cant cook." She said

"Do you want me to teach you how to cookie?" Matty offered. "It might be a little difficult, but... maybe you could help me, if nothing else?"

Charlie nodded. "That would be fun, I know I can help a little bit at least since Luis and I followed one of your tutorials for brownies." She said with a smile

He smiled. "And, I'm curious, how did that go?"

Charlie thought for a few seconds as though she was really weighing her answers. "I think we did good, we could have done better but it was yummy." She said with a smile

Matty snickered. "I'm glad. That sounds really fun. Maybe next time I can show you and him how to do them right."

Charlie nodded. "It was! I like chocolate treats so its good. And yeah next time you can because because yeah!" She said trying to sound more energetic. chocolate always made charlie feel a little better

He booped her nose. "I think it'll go wonderfully."

Charlie smiled a little more. "Yeah same... lets go get the materials then!" She said with a smile