
6 years, 3 months ago

eat gud

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The smell of ash and gunpowder still hung heavily in the air, the smog it caused stinging at Nancy’s eyes as she peered through her binoculars. The view of the joint American-Russian brought a sense of relief to her. She knew, at least for the moment. Things were contained. The Tyrants were done for. The outbreak was going to be neutralized one way or another. She was just glad things had been calmed before it spread. Still, that relief she felt wasn’t shared by everyone. She knew that. She knew he was still struggling, to a level. 

Nancy turned to look towards Leon, sitting on a box among the rubble not too far from where she stood. They’d both been through a lot in the past, yet things never seemed to calm down. Nancy figured she’d stop throwing her life away after she had Amelia, yet that didn’t seem to happen. Still, she couldn’t complain. She was out to protect her family, after all. That’s why she did this. To protect the ones she cared about. Maybe that’s why it hurt to see him so somber, so out of it. She knew what she wanted, but what about him? Was there any end to the suffering on his part?

Despite everything, Nancy couldn’t help but smile. Everything was okay, for now. She knew she needed to make sure he knew that. A sharp pain ripped through her side as she turned to walk back towards him, forcing her into a limp as her hand nursed the deep wound that had cut at her ribs. She slowly dragged herself back towards him wordlessly, turning to set her back against the wall, slowly sliding down to sit on the ground not far from him.

“You know, you should probably get that looked at.” Leon quipped at her in a wry tone, though his eyes never once left the space ahead of him. She knew he was tired, maybe even a bit melancholy. She felt bad for him, at a level. The poor man could not catch a break. The dust and ash that coated his face was like a mirror to her own, yet to each other, it was a reminder of past mistakes and broken dreams, left in a pile of rubble on some street years ago. 

Nancy scoffed, forcing herself to lean forward onto her knees, despite the pain it caused her torso. “I think I’ll survive. I’m a mother, it’s what we do.” She eyed him from under her hair, her right eye filled with a sense of relief, though betrayed by the lifelessness of her left showing the slightest bit of concern, despite the cheery mask she so desperately tried to maintain in the situation. “Some wounds run deeper than others Leon. And those ones rarely leave a visible scar.

He didn’t say a word in reply. He didn’t have to. He knew what she meant. And she knew that he knew. A stifled chuckle was all she needed. It let her know he was still there, somewhere, recovering from all this, just as she was. The two sat there in silence for some time, watching as soldiers came and went, filing along to restore order. It was relaxing in a way, therapeutic almost. Ah, but that wasn’t the therapy they needed, and she knew it. Perhaps there wasn’t much she could do then, right there. But perhaps…

After what felt like an eternity, Nancy sat up slightly, reaching into one of her back pouches, pulling out a warm and beaten protein bar, practically shoving it into his face. Leon recoiled at her sudden motion, looking down towards her in a fit of confusion. “What’s this?” He asked, earning a also remorseful look at his lack of analyzation.

“It’s a protein bar, Leon. You eat it, you know?” Nancy teased at his question, well aware of what he meant as his face contorted into one that read volumes of I know that you ass. She laughed at his expression, but forced a deep inhale at the pain it caused her side. She let out a breath, though her smile remained as she continued, “You’ve been bitching all day Leon. About food? I wanted you to earn it.”

Leon gave Nancy a suspicious look as her examined the hand held out towards him. This feels too easy was all he could think. Still, it was worth a shot. He reached toward the bar, only to be sorely disappointed as Nancy quickly pull her hand back once more. “did I say you earned it?” she quipped, giving him a teasing smile as his expression turned to one of annoyance once more.

He couldn’t bring his expression to remain as such, however, as he looked at the woman before him, beaten and battered. The tease she might have been, he knew well she only cared to see him brought back to full spirits. “Well, what is it going to take to earn it then?” he questioned, leaning closer towards her as he did. 

Nancy smiled, averting her gaze to think for a moment. “Well… you could start by getting me out of here. Maybe then we can share this gourmet ration of some nice candles.” She joked. Leon laughed at her spirits, grateful in that moment to have someone who cared enough to not only risk life and limb for him, but also her food rations.

Leon lifted himself from his pox, offering Nancy a hand as he pulled her up off the ground, pulling her sharply against him. They paused for a moment as Nancy looked up into his face, their breathing running still for the slightest moment. They stood there for some time before Nancy began looking around in a joking manner, “Well, are you going to help me or not?” 

Leon scoffed as he pulled her arm over his shoulders, helping her to limp off into the distance. He gave her arm a tight squeeze in reassurance as she spoke into her ear lightly, “This is worth at least an omelet.”