Teacup Scouts

3 years, 6 months ago

Edeltrout teaches the scouts how to find wild edible plants.

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The ScoutMaster’s voice rang clear through the field outside just outside Eclaire Woods. Quickly, the troop quieted down and came to attention under Noah’s watchful eye. As they fell in line, Noah’s attention turned to their guest speaker.

“Take it away, Ede.”

The Racoon Kemonomimi’s tail swayed calmly from side to side as she smiled at the kids, then at Noah.

“Thank you, Noah. Hello, scouts! If you don’t know me already, I’m Edeltrout, but all of you can call me Ede. Today we’ll be covering the wild edible plants that we can find here in the Eclaire Woods!”
After making sure that all the scouts had brought a notepad, Edeltrout led them into the woods, with Noah taking up the rear. With Noah keeping the scouts in line, Ede was free to point out the plants and other little things that excited her collector nature. While it was fairly obvious that she could talk for hours about each plant, she kept to the bare minimum that she could tolerate, sticking to identification and basic culinary uses, while still doing her best to make it fun for the younger scouts. She set up a little “scavenger hunt” about halfway through to make sure that the scouts stayed invested and kept the information they had learned in the front of their brain for usage.

And by the end, with all the goodies that the scouts had found, she was able to prepare a nice meal for the group while Noah debriefed after the meeting, quizzing the kids on the information.