First Forest Friend

3 years, 2 months ago
623 1

One of the early days of Chiffon being in Mahou Wando

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The forest was dark. It hadn’t been when she’d originally wandered in… Or maybe it had.. And the little cakebun hadn’t noticed since she was so excited to see the trees up close like this..

But now it was getting dark.. and it was getting scary.. Chiffon would have just gone back the way she came but she sure didn’t remember the way she came.. Everything was so new that while she took in everything she didn’t memorize anything of where she’d been and where she’d not. Being in the Tower all this time hadn’t exactly given her the best sense of directions either. Actually it hadn’t prepared her for any of this.. But that was what made this all the more exciting!

She’d promised Mister Sigil she’d be back at the school by now too… Oh boy she didn’t want to disappoint him..

Chiffon did her best to make her way through the forest’s trees.. Just hoping for the most part that this was the right way. After all she’d eventually get to an end right?? Forests don’t go on forever! As she was walking she heard… something?

 It sounded very goopy..

“Hello?? :o” Chiffon stopped moving and tried to listen for the sound again.

The sound appeared again and she tried her best to figure out where it was. It ended up coming from behind her. And turning around she saw something milky white hide behind a tree.

“Heellooo…?” Chiffon peeked around the tree and saw.. a lil white blob with gooey looking bunny ears.

“:o … :O oh! Hello :D” She happily crouched down and looked at the lil blob of.. white goo with a face “:O you look like whipped cream.”

The slimii shrank down when she came close, only really letting out a gloopy gurgle almost like it was trying to shrink and hide. But Chiffon didn’t do anything else, she just stayed crouched where she was.

“:O are you lost in the woods too?”

The slimii seemed to realize Chiffon wasn’t going to try and eat it or anything it started relaxing and the goo bunny ears on its head raised up back to how they’d been before.  Chiffon didn’t understand what it was doing or what it even was but she slowly held out her hand to it.

“:o You look like a little bunny..! But.. Gooey..”

The slimii just stared, more its goo dripping down on the forest floor.

“:o I’m a bunny too..! but I’m made of cake.”

The little goo scootched closer to Chiffon, squishing its face into her paw. Chiffon froze, mostly startled from the unusual sensation. She’d never really interacted with anyone that was sentient goo. Let alone one that was so cute and bunny shaped!

But eventually Chiffon smiled and picked up the Slimii in her arms.

“Well since it’s a lot nicer to be in a spooky dark forest with a friend Imma keep holding onto you okay?” The Slimii didn’t seem to mind, if anything it seemed to become more comfortable once in her arms.

“:o Does this mean we’re friends? :D do you have a name? :o You look like whipped cream.. Can I call you Cream?”

Chiffon continued to once more wander the forest now Cream the Slimii in hand. She was so excited to show Mister Sigil her new friend. And she’d absolutely have to ask him if she could keep them.! She’d already been given a school dorm.. do they allow pets? She hoped they did cus she wanted to be able to get Cream a bed too..!