First magi on the moon, jk its therapy

3 years, 2 months ago

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Charlie took in a small breath she asked her sister to set up a meeting with Miss Noa again... she stopped going after she became a magi but well she realized she needed to go again... Seeing someone actually die in front of her...she didn't tell Cali about it or Aeron or anyone else except for Matty whom she broke down in front of. And if she tells Noa she will probably have to talk to the maybe she could talk about it as though it was a nightmare or something.

Noa was looking over Charlie's file. It has been some time since she saw the girl and she hoped the other was okay. She had her whole pack with her today and was glad. Biscuit was a great dog for Charlie but also having animals that were just there for love and support were great to. "Arcoiris." She called her bird and felt the other land on her shoulder. "A client is coming in so be nice." She booped the bird on the beak and she got a kissy noise in return. "Good."

Charlie walked to the door, she had been here many times before she became a magi, talking about how she was coping with her parents death...and helping to get her readjusted to regular life. That was before she saw more deaths and well everything happened and she became a magi. She knocked on the door lightly Biscuit was with her like a good doggo, he ended up coming to their sessions after he joined the family as well so he could get used to everything as much as she was used to.  She waited for the go ahead to come in. She was anxious but...she knew she needed to talk again and open up to someone else a bit... not just burden matty with her own emotions of worthlessness.

Noa looked up and smiled. "Chester door." She rolled herself out from behind her desk and watched her large great dane got over and open the door. "Hello Charlie!" She smiled warmly at the girl.

Charlie saw the door open and then saw Chester's soul. she glanced around at the rest and then stopped on Noa's... Noa's soul was a spring green? She thought for a few seconds could she trust Noa? Was this how Rose corp got her information. She cautiously entered with Biscuit. She knew the routine better this time and knew the room a bit more. "H-hello." She said trying to sound a little more cheerful then she was. She was more cautious now...

Chester walked back over to Noa like Charlie wasn't even there. "Come sit, I haven't moved anything around since you were last here." She explained. "How are you?"

Charlie nodded as she walked over to the little couch, Biscuit happily guided the way. "Alright that makes things easier." She turned her eyes away from the green of Noa's soul before patting the seat to make sure she actually sat in the right spot.  "I... haven't been good... a lot has happened and uh... I haven't even told Cali all of it." She said quietly.

Noa nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that, but its okay things aren't always going to be going up." She made a note on her tablet. "What happened?"

Charlie thought for a few seconds and nodded. "I know...I...I know." She said thinking a little, she was asked what happened and decided she wouldn't break the ice. "Another person died in front of was an accident I know it...but a friend was trying to protect me from some scary people and...and...they accidently killed the person." She said in a quiet voice

Noa set down her tablet and pen. "Charlie, have you told the police?" She said trying not to freak out. She felt Arcoiris nuzzle into her a bit. "I've said anything said in here won't leave this room unless your at risk or someone else is and if someone has died then I will need to report it if you have not." She explained.

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "They wouldn't believe it..." She paused biting the inside of her mouth. "It... wasn't a normal death.. and no one would believe if it was reported..." She thought for a few more seconds before curling up a bit on the couch and  transformed. Biscuit layed his head on her feet. "This...probably looks weird but... uh... there are these things called magi... and uh... I became one since I left...and" She paused quieting up a bit... "I can see souls but... i can also see when a soul dies."

Noa looked at the other's outfit change. "I..." Why did this sound familiar? "You... talked to those cats?" She asked confused herself. Luz saw the flash and ran over to the girl to see it better. The cat meowed at the girl before head butting her to get pets.

Charlie nodded. "They are uh... called Eb and Flow... and uh they are alien things?" She said as she was headbutted by Luz, she petted him and glanced down. "I uh.." She pointed towards Arcoiris " Right there is Arcoiris, and over there is Chester." She said to prove more that she was able to see a bit... " sorry about dropping this on you but... I needed to talk to someone not...well related to anything because..its too much." She said curling up more

Noa nodded. Alright so she could see souls and that weird thing she saw as a kid was real as well. "Alright. Why don't you start from when you met.. Eb and Flow."

Charlie nodded ok she didn't have to continue to explain fully. "It was after my birthday in december, I was followed around by two things that could talk to me and well... I thought I was going to be kidnapped, I overthought my wish. I just wanted to see again... and well I ended up wording everything wrong." She began to explain.  "I didn't tell anyone at first but it wasn't long before I met other magi... I did everything I could to learn about what I was getting myself into... it was more dangerous then I anticipated though..." She said quietly as she pet Luz a little more.

"Wish? I'm sorry, but I had met them when I was young and I didn't listen and didn't talk to them. I've seen them with kids since but I thought people were just making weird out fits or hair cuts to cats." She explained and started petting Chester's head just to sooth herself a bit.

"Yeah... they uh can grant a wish but you basically sign over your life... I don't regret what I got... but I regret some of my actions since then... You uh... honestly got out good by not listening to them..." She said as she heard what Noa was saying. "No... it..its not that..."

"Alright. So what do you have to do once you get your wish?" She asked trying to understand.

Charlie thought about a way to put it. "I fight monsters that were once magi to. There is no exception... you either die from them or... other magi... or you become one of these monsters...called witches."

"Is that how this person died?" She got back to the original point that started this all.

Charlie nodded. "There is a group of magi who want me dead because I can see souls... not everyone can... but uh I have almost been killed by them four times now. My friends have been trying to keep me safe...and he accidently killed her." She said as she detransformed

Noa took in a sharp breath. "How is this stuff not common knowledge? How many kids have died like this?" She was confused and worried for Charlie and her other clients.

Charlie thought for a few seconds and shrugged. "Most kids probably are to nervous to get help or if they tried they probably were thought of as crazy and well weren't belived. There were probably cover ups to..." She said quietly. She glanced over to Noa. "I don't know how long it has been going on... Or how long it will continue I just became a part of everything by wanting to see again..." She felt herself beginning to cry. She still hated her tears but she had shed far more in here then elsewhere.

Luz looked up and saw the girl cry and started purring. "Charlie its okay you wanted to see again and I'm sorry I have so many questions about this. Why don't you tell me about your magic friends?" She asked.

Charlie bent down to pet Luz as she heard it was ok. "I...I get it I just... I don't know a lot... I know a bit but...there is so much that is confusing to everyone..." She said before hearing Noa ask about her friends. "They are all really nice. Well to me at least. Its probably out of pity or something... but they helped me learn a lot. There is Percy... the one who... who made sure I was safe a few days ago... he is probably going through a rougher time then me.  Then there is Luis, he is my best friend. He is teaching me a lot about magic and we are trying to figure out a few mysteries... like if ghosts are real or not. He is one of Percy's datemates.  Then Belladona, she is really nice, although she can be a bit intimidating if you don't know her well. She seemed scary at first but...but I really value her friendship and she isn't scary anymore. She stabbed a guy trying to kill me...It was kinda cool. She is also one of Luis's and Percy's datemates. They have another one named Sierra... but I don't know her well... I think she thinks im a burden...  There are a lot of people...who probably think I am a burden. " She said in a shaky voice as she was working on stopping the tears that continued to fall down her face. " Oh but... that isn't all... There is Aeron who... is really really sweet and nice, Cali and I live with him now because the... the people who want to kill me knew where I lived...and ... now I live with him. And then lastly Matty. Matty is important to me... he is also one of my best friends and things aren't always good for him... he is a part of the bad group of people, but he wants out so I want to help him..." She said with a tiny nod before scratching under Luz's chin

Noa listened. "Charlie why do you think they pity you?" She asked. "I know your blind but you did just say you can see souls, that must be an advantage to others."

"Because even if I can see souls I keep getting attacked and people want me dead, plus I am younger then everyone." She said thinking a little bit closing her eyes. " Because I am younger then everyone its probably worst and they are at least trying to keep me alive out of a sense of duty."

"If they were just trying to keep you alive out of duty then why would they spend time with you? Also if they were just protecting you out of duty wouldn't it make more sense for them to try and move you out of the city away from these dangerous magi."

Charlie knew that Noa had a point but she couldn't shake the feeling... even if they did protect her and well spent time with her. "...I guess things from my first encounter with the dangerous magi continues to... well make me doubt it..." She began to fiddle with her soul gem bangle spinning it on her wrist. " Your not wrong... but... " she shook her head a bit

"What did this person tell you?" Noa asked. "How could they even know anything about you?"

Charlie debated telling Noa because she knew the Rose corp people had a lot of influence... "He said I would get someone killed. That I am more of a burden on others alive then dead." She paused for a second... she did end up getting someone killed...someone on his team... And Sierra died even if she was brought back she did die and it was her fault. "They can see my records they know far more then they should... The Rose corperation... or uh Wish come true foundation... It isn't as good as it looks." She curled up again.

Hearing that the wish come true program was in on all this. She made a note to contact her few other child patients to not go there. "Rose corp." She said out loud. "Even if they can see your school records. They don't know you they don't have access to any of my files on you nor would they have any of your medical files." She explained. "Your school records mean nothing in the grand scheme of things."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah" She heard what Noa said and it made her feel a bit better. "I don't know what all they can do... but its good to know they don't have your files... I don't know if they can somehow get them or something...which makes me nervous... but they knew more then I wanted and stuff." She twisted her bracelet around. "All they can see in my school records is that I have always been a straight A student and that I am adjusting well back to normal school life." She said with a small smile... "I wouldn't try to uh... spread the word about magi too much... they threatened my sister and her job and well you don't desurve that..." She said twisting her bracelet more.

"Charlie everything I have is highly encrypted so no one can get it. They couldn't pay me any amount of money to hand my files over also Arcoiris will bite anyone that tries to hurt me." She pet the bird's beak. "It's that right?" She asked the bird. "Love Noa! Protect Noa!" The bird cried out happily normally quite during sessions.

Charlie felt a bit better hearing that. She didn't know they were encrypted but it made her feel better over all to hear. "Alright... I just got worried because they aren't like regular people...and I don't know what all they can do... but... I am glad. And Arcoiris is a very good bird." She said hearing the bird cry out happily it was a semi normalish thing.. " I just... a lot of it is scary... Can... can I talk a bit about my nightmares?" She asked, they were related to everything...

"Of course you can talk about your nightmares. Have you been having problems with sleeping due to them?" She asked.

"Yeah... I haven't been able to sleep well anymore. I keep seeing these nightmarish things. Like the soul in a way it shouldn't be. I saw a girl with a pink soul but it was more akin to a monster. she had no back of the head and she had slits for her eyes and mouth. " She said describing Lotus's glamour. "I keep having nightmares of drowning, and of getting killed and people around me dying."

"Oh. Is this monster looking girl how all souls look?" She asked. "And have you had any problems with water lately?" She knew before hand the girl had no bad experiences with water even though she didn't swim due to her lack of sight.

Charlie shook her head no. "They don't all look like it. Normally souls are a blob and blue. It's just... she did... and well... my sight is weird so I can see stuff but...its all scarier then it used to be." She said before asking if she had any problems with water recently. She bit the inside of her mouth as the memories began to flood back. "One of the uh witches was in this giant hollow thing and uh it filled the place up with tears... and another one...had blood in it... not all witches are as scary from what the other magi say but everyone I have been in...has been terrifying."

Noa listened and made some notes. "From what you said earlier witches are magi right? Sorry about this but, how does a magi become well a witch?"

Charlie nodded. She was then asked how magi became a witch. "Yeah they are... when you get very very upset or like your soul gem becomes darker you end up gaining grief as it is called? And when you gain too much your soul gem becomes black and becomes this thing called a grief seed, its too far at that point to save a person and they are dead, they become a monster. I haven't seen one become a witch yet in person thankfully though."

"So from what it sounds like is this happens due to emotional instability caused not only by ones own regular life but the stress of having to fight these monsters. But not just not fight them? I know it might seem like a dumb way of looking at this but these things cause more stress and cause more grief which makes more monsters. So why do you need to fight?" She asked wondering.

Charlie thought for a few seconds and took the time to form an answer. "Because it is caused by regular life as well. If we don't fight them they will take people. They have killed uh... non magi before from what I heard." She thought for a little longer. "There is no avoiding grief. We don't want a world overun with witches." She explained.

"Alright then. So there is no way to not fight witches. Is there anyway to get rid of this grief? Cause I feel like therapy and medicine wont be 100% helpful with magic."

"Yeah there is no way to not fight witches... but they drop grief seeds which can still take grief and takes grief from other soul gems absorbing it, so we can get a rid of it that way." She explained

"Alright. Well I can't help with that but I can help you with the emotional side of this." She looked at her notes. "Can you tell me more about the witch that filled the area with water?"

Charlie nodded. "I uh didn't think you would but... at least having it in the open a bit and well knowing means I can talk." She said as she was asked about the water witch. "It was a creature that was glitching in and out of existence, it was angry... or sad... I couldn't tell. It had helpers, creatures who ended up pulling us down. I tried to help protect a girl keeping me in the air and we both fell down into the fridged water. I couldn't swim and the other girl couldn't either... we all were close to death after the witch. Two girls...souls faded... but they were brought back... because uh... some of us can bring others back... They are known as medics... but only strong ones can... im a medic but I cant bring people back."

"Ah okay. Have you talked to the one that was keeping you in the air? She might feel similar about it all if she also couldn't swim." She offered.

Charlie thought for a few second, she had talked to the magi but they didn't remember her. "She doesn't remember me at all... Or uh anything from it... she was one of the ones...who died and was brought back."

Noa nodded. "Ah okay. So bringing someone back doesn't bring them back perfectly. Have you talked to anyone else that was there since then?"

Charlie was unsure. "I don't know exactly... but yeah... Almost everyone there. Not everyone but almost... I became friends with a few of the others."

"Thats good. Friends are good. Tell me about some of them." She asked

"uhmm... lets see. My first friend friend was Luis... we began to talk after I saw his soul gem. I met him early on. I asked him a lot about stuff and our topics drifted in and out of things. Like magic, sight, and learning. Oh he is learning braille so he can write stuff to me. we also decided to try to figure out if ghosts are real or not with my soul sight." She began to talk about Luis, and went on for a decent bit. "He is one of my best friends, him and Matty."

Noa nodded and wrote something down. "Alright what about Matty?"

"He is one of the other first magi I met. He is also a youtube who I watched when I could see. We ended up talking about well a bunch of stuff and I got a long with him. I don't want to talk about what we talked about since it is too personal to him and stuff and I don't want to break his trust... but he is a good person." She paused. "He is in the ... dangerous magi group but he want's out so I am trying to help him... I even offered to let him stay with me and Cali... because everything I figured out is dangerous and I thought it would be ok to tell him...but he didn't know either."

Noa nodded. "Have you talked to the others about this?"

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Not yet but we have a meeting soon."

Noa nodded. "Alright. Is there anything else happening?"

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "A lot probably... I mean... well I saw a kid die...and I keep having nightmares of the crash and its not not good."

Noa nodded. "I know. I was wondering if you want to start up our old session scheduled we had? That way you can talk everything out to outside ears." She offered.

Charlie thought for a few seconds and nodded. "Yeah I would like to... is it ok with you?" She asked to make sure.

"Of course it would be. Do you want it exactly like before or it changed?" She asked to confirm.

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "I would like it exactly like before, it would be better... would it be ok to call though if I really need to talk about something though?" She asked unsure. She could wait but if it was something like her sister dying... she probably wouldnt want to.

"Of course Charlie. You still have my number?" Noa smiled at the girl a little sad.

Charlie offered a small smile to Noa. "Yeah I still have it programmed into my phone."

"Okay great. So sadly we've almost at time." Noa said as she looked at the clock.

"Alright... thank you for letting me come in today and well for letting me have appointments again... I might uh suggest some others come eventually maybe...I know the other magi don't talk about their problems because of the entire non magi, magi thing... but if you dont mind some more... it could be good for them too." She said quietly.

Noa nodded. "Of course Charlie. I would love to take your friends and help them as well. Maybe there can be a way to make less of these witches."

"Thank you I appreciate it. And maybe? I tried to experiment and see if my gem could take others grief but it couldn't sadly. But maybe therepy is the one missing factor in staying alive." She said with a empty laugh.

Noa didn't like the idea of the girl taking on other people's problems like that and was glad she couldn't. "Maybe. Thank you so much for letting me know that I wasn't losing it when I saw those things."

"Yeah, and no problem Noa. I mean... the two are tiny jerks. OH and you don't have to worry about accidently wishing for something and becoming a magi anymore though, only people under 18 can become one." She said standing up a bit, she knew her time was about up now.

"Oh thats good to know. Not sure i could even fight a witch. Though Chester would." She laughed a bit. "I'll see you next week then okay?"

"Yeah... oh well anyone can but I wouldn't suggest it. Chester is a good dog, Biscuit is good at getting my friends if uh... I am attacked." She said with a nod. "Yeah talk to you next week."