Magic Mastery

3 years, 2 months ago

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It was a very sunny day and there was no clouds in sight, the weather hadn't stopped being so hot for the past two weeks and lots of sushidogs prefered staying in their fresh home rather than steping outside under the heat. Summer had aways being tough in this part of the globe and most of the soosh from here prefered going to coastline where the air was fresh and smelt like flowers and blue skies. Birds flying high, various drinks smells making you dizzy..

Peony was laying under the porch of her mentor's house, Ryder. A soft breeze was making her feathers and soft tail move a bit, without making any sound. Her eyes closed she was dreaming of being on the sandy beach, her paws touching the hot sand and cold water rushing at them.. What a nice dream, the young sushidog thought. In fact Peony only went to the beach once, when she was younger. She didn't had many memories of it but the feeling of waves touching her toes always stayed. Today's weather is the worst of the week, thought the black sushidog.

A mouvement next to the black sushidog's head made her open her eyes. Ryder was standing next to her, watching the horizon. The red soosh let his vest inside and his hat was the only things that remained of his sherif outfit that Peony loved. Peony stood up and stared at her mentor, waiting for him to announce today's exercises. Ryder was staying silent, so the young sushidog decided to ask him directly.

"- What kind of exercises are we going to go today, Ryder? I'd love to practice my magic more."

"- There'll be no exercise for you today Peony. You're ready to experience your creation magic out there."

"- I- What? No- I- I'm not ready yet! I didn't managed to do our last exercise.."

"- Don't be so hard on yourself, young soosh. You'll be a great magic user. I have to leave my ranch for a while, but you'll find me here in two or three weeks at most. In case you need help I'll leave the magic books on the porch."

"- I guess you're right. Thank you for helping me so much Ryder. I hope you'll have a safe travel."

"- I'm sure it will be! See you later Peony."

"- See you later Ryder!"

Ryder's silhouette was just a dot on the horizon now. It's been a quarter of an hour that the red sushidog left his ranch and Peony still hadn't been able to move from here. Not being sure of what to do, and thinking it was too hot to walk back to her house right now, the black sushidog spent the rest of the afternoon under the porch reading the magic spelling books.

Night time came quicker than Peony expected it and she got surprised at the stars appearing above her head. Putting the books back at their respective places, the black sushidog started walking back to her house. The city wasn't as quiet as during the day, people were chatting at their balcony and enjoying the fresh air of the night. The walk to her house only took up to ten minutes and Peony felt relieved to be home again. She was pretty tired of her day and after opening her windows to sleep in a colder room, she went to sleep thinking about her magic.

The following day wasn't has hot as the previous one and it sounded like the best news of the week to Peony, who had decided after eating her breakfast that she would met her friend Mel in the city center this evening. On the path to go to the city center, Peony noticed more sushidogs outisde picnicking or playing in the grass and flower fields.

Mel was sitting on a bench in front of a fountain, visibly waiting for Peony. The black soosh rushed to her friend as soon as she noticed her, really happy to see her again.

"- Mel! You're here! I'm so happy to see you again!"

"- Hi Peony! I'm happy to see you too. Do we have time to go on a walk or do you have to return to your magic practice later today?"

"- Oh- I'm not training anymore, my mentor said I was ready to try out my magic out there."

"- Really?! You need to show me what you can do! I never learnt anything about my magic type haha."

"- I'll show you when we'll start walking, I'm sure you have sooo many gosips to tell me right now."

Peony laught at every single sentences Mel told her in the following hour, the two friends decided to go walk in the flower park at the west side of the city. The few clouds that were in the sky this morning had disapeared and it started becoming warmer every minutes. Using her magic wasn't helping Peony as it was making her feel hotter than it really was - it was a common second effect of her magic she already felt before. Mel asked her to create various things from replicating a flower in front of them to creating a water bottle because her friends was too thirsty. Peony was glad her friend liked her magic, the black sushidog was a bit affraid her friend wouldn't like it since she never learnt to use her own magic.

A small wood was standing in front of the two friends, well known for it's numerous rivulets and flowery clearings. Excited about this place because both of them used to play here when they were little, Mel runs to their favorite place before Peony. Trying her best to caught up with her friend, a scream made Peony stop running. Realizing the cries were from her friend just in front of her, the black soosh ran one last time to reach her. Mel was sitting down, looking at her injured leg.

"- I didn't saw the root on the ground and fell.. Could you help me please?"

"- Of course I can! Stay still, ok?"

Using her magic Peony created a first aid case and started putting a bandage around her friend's leg. Hoping that would be enough for both of them to get back to the city center, Peony let her friends put her weight on Peony while they were walking.