Friendly spar: Belladona and Charlie

3 years, 2 months ago

Charlie ends up wanting to hang out with Belladona a bit, sparing and talking!

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Charlie took out her phone a day or so ago she told Percy the events that have happened with Alexander and well about how well she did in a spar. She wanted to let Belladona know too because the last time they talked and hung out was before the masquerade... "Text Belladona: Could we spar and hang out a little bit?" She told her phone as she waited for a reply. She really enjoyed hanging out with Belladona, it was always interesting and fun.

Belladona had been out getting more well sticky notes. She somehow ran out... again when her phone buzzed. She opened it and saw the text from Charlie and smiled. 'Sure, I just finished some shopping want to meet at a park half way between me and Aeron's house?' She asked back. She had heard that Charlie had fought Alexander and won but didn't get much else besides he was a whiny bitch.

Charlie heard the text back and put on her shoes. "Alright then I can meet you there! I am on my way now then. Want help with your bags?" She asked her phone which converted her words to text. She grabbed her walking stick, she was grateful Aeron made it for her.

Belladona started making her way over. 'Char its sticky notes. I might be one legged but I think I got some sticky notes.' She replied as she walked.

Charlie laughed hearing it was sticky notes and then glanced around to make sure someone was inside. "I am going to be going to see Belladona now." Someone would have heard her say that, so there shouldn't be any panic over her whereabouts.  "My bad, I thought it might be like groceries or something?" She said to the phone as she left the house closing the door behind her.

Belladona snorted at the reply. 'Not to be that bitch but the only people in our house that get groceries is Si and the maids. And Si does it cause she does most of our cooking now.'

Charlie heard that Si, who was that... Sierra? Probably. "I didn't know that to be honest. But my bad. " She continued to walk until she noticed the red soul gem from afar and began to pick up her speed a little. "Belladona!" She said with a smile.

Belladona was half way through responding when she heard the other call her name. "Hey Charlie." She stuffed her phone in her pocket. She met the other half way just outside the park. "This park was really just half way between us."

Charlie was happy to see her friends soul gem. "Hope your doing good." She said as she put her phone in the pocket of the hoodie Salem gave her. It was more like a hoodie dress but she loved it a lot. "Yeah, although Aeron's house isn't far from yours at all." She said with a tiny nod. "I was hoping when we make it to your house we could do a spar... With poison this time."

Belladona nodded. "Oh someone wants to know what my poison is like? It can get quite strong to be honest." She started walking along side the other.

"Yeah, I use poison a lot myself, and it does really good. I know it can be strong. Mine got stronger too and I don't understand when?" She said pausing for a second before glancing to Belladona's soul gem. "Did you know I ended up fighting Alexander?" She asked

"Yeah I heard you fought and beat him. Percy mentioned it but didn't go into detail. Honestly wish I could have seen him." Belladona grinned. "He needs to be taken down quite a few pegs and it was probably wonderful to kick the shit out of him."

Charlie nodded. "Alright I can tell you a bit more then. I ended up beating him without getting hit at all! So I did pretty good. He ended up uh breaking down and crying in front of me about wanting his moms love and stuff" She paused her nose crinkling at it. "It felt good to be wining until he broke down and had a crisis on me. I don't think he will try to kill me again though after what happened." She said as she thought a bit more. "I learned what their tests are, they end up fighting a witch, I assume alone, then they have to think about it for two days. And he kept saying he wasn't perfect yet so he couldn't ascend... it was honestly a lot." She said shaking her head a little.

Belladona's smiled lessed the more she heard. "Some witches can be taken on by yourself but only when your strong enough. Witches outside of Seaford can be taken down with two maybe three magi depending on how strong they are. Seaford is weird actually in needing to fight in large teams." She explained. "But the fact he went through a type of test before he was even a magi makes things worse. Like I still hate him but knowing what a test is makes me pitty him a bit." She sighed and tugged at a lock of hair.

Charlie was quiet hearing this. She twisted her ring around a bit. "So the witches here are stronger then normal ones? If other witches can be taken down with two to three then having eight people and they still almost die is well... really bad and it means the witches are... unnatura-... and Rose corp wants to get a rid of us and be able to have an entirely new magi group here.." She mumbled thinking about it, she knew how scared she was her first witch battle. Having an entirely new group face off against witches without having guidance from people who have... a disaster.  She heard what Belladona said and she thought for a few seconds. "He talked for a bit like he wanted to be dead and it doesn't sound good... I am going to be honest here... I hate him but I think he might be able to be helped. He uh... talked about a lot during his... crisis. And I hate him still but... His situation kinda makes it more understandable." She really hated saying that. "But our guess on Kritanta being behind everything was right, not even her son knows she is a magi, she learned the truth at nineteen apparently but that could have been another lie to Alexander. I can go over the information fully in a text later because its a lot and I was hoping we could do something better then depressing stuff after our spar."

Belladona nodded. "We almost had a full wipe out once I don't think Seaford could survive another." She sighed hearing about how Alexander was not in a great space. "I still want him dead but like not still thinking his mom is perfect or what ever. Woman has no emotions and probably was a shit mom before that. She basically created a cult. I need to talk to an incubator again." She heard that other didn't want to talk about it after their spar which was okay. "We haven't spared yet but I have a question, how do we help him? How did he react to hearing about his mom?"

Charlie was quiet when she heard that. "I don't think Seaford could either... having new magi against dangerous witches like this... well you saw how I took it. I was a mess." She said quietly closing her eyes a little. She understood wanting Alexander dead, but at this point she couldn't bring herself to hate him enough to condone him to death anymore. "I understand... but yeah... same. I want him to be able to know she isn't perfect. She... well... she did from what it sounds like. She seems to control who lives and who dies in rose corp." She mumbled to Belladona. She was then asked a question she wasn't expecting. "We convince him that he doesn't need his mom's love and can move on. He doesn't know what he wants anymore, so we give him a chance to figure out something he wants. He thought I was lying but I doubt he would ask her. I told him to ask the incubators if he really wanted to know."

Belladona nodded. "I'm going to talk to Percy and the other vets about it. Percy might be able to talk to him but not sure also I want to let Aeron have a say because Alex did hurt him bad." She sighed. "Here will cut around the house." She tapped the other's arm. "Its a bit bumpy so if you want I can lead."

Charlie nodded and was quiet. "I don't want him to become a part of our team or anything but... he has a ... have you seen tangled, I think Kritanta is mother gothel from it." She said as she heard Belladona say they will cut around the house, her arm was tapped. "Alright, yeah it would be better if you lead." She said with a tiny nod.

Belladona took the other's hand. "Mother gothel you say? That makes sense but instead of hair its the grief of magi." She pointed out changes in the ground under foot as they went. "But still he does need to pay for his own actions we can't chop it all up to bad mother."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah, plus what she told Alexander makes me think it more. Like... ' Outsiders are all mean and want to hurt you.' It really sounds like a Gothel thing to say." She said rolling her eyes. "I agree, he still needs to pay for his own actions. He is a very messed up person. But at least we know where some of that bastard gremlinness comes from now." She said with a nod as she was walking very carefully while holding Belladona's hand.

"He's the asshole that hurt us first." Belladona was annoyed but at the same time she understood what Charlie meant. "Hey do you think you can get me a hold of Matty to talk to? He wants out so maybe he can help shed some light on stuff and I want to make sure he's not pulling your leg." She looked at Charlie. "I know that might seem rude but you can't read a face a lot can be said from a face so I just don't want this to end up bad."

"I know. " She said not wanting to make Belladona too annoyed, it wasn't like she was the Alexander welcoming committee no, she just understood a bit more about the guy which honestly sucked. "Oh yeah I can, we have a meeting time coming up again. I am not programmed into his phone incase Rosecorp watches it." She said with a smile. She then heard what Belladona said and thought for a few seconds. "I would trust him with my life Belladona. But I understand." She said glancing at Belladona's soul gem. Everyone was willing to talk to him but she didn't know how opened minded they would be.

Belladona looked at Charlie and sighed. "I know you trust him but I don't want this to go bad. Its not only him I'm worried about its what if he slips up and the rest find out. Till I know I don't want his blood spilled." She offered. "We're here. Ready to spar?" She said with a smile. "After we can do something fun."

Charlie nodded she understood to be honest she really did but she hoped Matty would be ok. "I understand, I don't want it to go badly either... I said I would do everything I could to help him get out... and and he could join my family with Cali and me after if he wanted." She said quietly. She didn't want his blood to be spilled either.  "Yeah I am ready to spar." She said placing her walking stick down "Sure that would be nice." She said transforming and letting a weapon appear... her knife appeared again. Not her first choice against friends but it can shoot magic when needed. She waited for Belladona.

Belladona transformed and her wand formed in her hand. "So you really want poison?" She wanted to confirm first. "Cause if so you can have the first hit."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah poison this time." She said looking at Bella's transformation. She heard it would be her hit first and she kept herself calm. She held her knife and pointed it towards Belladona, a flurries of sharp magic came towards her like blades.  (17+16 to hit, 4x2 dmg (8 dmg total) (Flurry magic)

Belladona had poison dripping form her wand and she tried to splash the other with it but it just dripped down her hand. She was glad it did nothing to her. She licked it off her hand. "Why is it black licorice?" She whined already knowing the taste but still one day hoping it would be better. (10 to hit) 

HEALTH: Charlie 68HP, Belladona 72HP

Charlie pulled out a small rag doll from her pockets and placed it on the ground, she used magic to bring it to animate it. The little rag doll creature glanced around for a few seconds before running at Belladona and kicking her. Charlie had a grin on her face, it worked. Now she just needed to get an abundance of little rag dolls and give them tiny needles and button armor.  (3+16 to hit , 1 dmg, Animate.  
Ragdoll: 20 hp, 16 defence will last 3 rounds)

The poison was now large enough that Belladona was able to swing her wand and splash not only Charlie but her weird doll thing. "An animated doll interesting. I like it wonder if you and Aeron could combine that one?"  (25 to hit, 2dmg poisoned for 6 rounds) 

HEALTH: Charlie 66HP poisoned 6 rounds, Ragdoll 18HP poisoned 2 rounds, Belladona 71HP

Charlie let the knife drop and her fairy lights appear in her hands. She looked at Belladona and thought for a few seconds. "Yeah its the thing I was explaining to Percy in the chat. It will probably be destroyed after this, I have a few more because I wanted to see what would work." She said with a nod. "I don't think I can make it work with pre-existing enchantments on it." She said as she flicked her fairy lights towards Belladona, two of them exploding.  The small ragdoll kicked Belladona again. (Charlie: 5+16, 2 dmg (poison so 1 dmg for 4 turns)
 (Ragdoll: 17 to hit, 1 dmg)

Belladona saw the goo on her and tasted it. "Oh your poison tastes like lemons. Its nice actually."  She spread more poison over the other. "Also just so you know poison doesn't do shit to me." (21 to hit, 1dmg poisoned 6 rounds)

HEALTH: Charlie 64HP poisoned 6 rounds, Ragdoll 16HP poisoned 1 rounds, Belladona 69HP

Charlie heard saw some of the yellow poison disappear and blinked. Then Belladona said her poison tasted like Lemons. "Alright then... glad my poison is nice to you then. And thanks for letting me know." She would have tried poison on her again if she didn't know. Instead she dropped her fairy lights and summoned her wand.  (8+16 to hit, 2x3 dmg (6 dmg) Finale)  
Ragdoll tried to hit but was unable to.

Belladona saw the bubbling and oozing poison was looking more gross so she just threw the whole wand at Charlie and watched as it exploded over the girl. "Well that was a bit much."  (nat 20, 9dmg poisoned 6 rounds)
HEALTH: Charlie 53HP poisoned 6 rounds, Ragdoll 5HP poisoned 1 rounds, Belladona 63HP

Charlie was covered in the black oozing poison and it burned she took a small breath in as she tried to use a stronger attack, she aimed her wand at Belladona. Do not think about the poison charlie, do not think about the poisonous goop.  (17+16 to hit, 9 dmg )
 The rag doll kicked really hard this time, so hard they became a pile of yarn afterwards.  (17 to hit, 4 dmg)

Belladona saw the girl covered in poison and pulled out one of her axes and tried to hit her with it. Sadly she got only her skirt and nothing else. (15 to hit)

HEALTH: Charlie 47HP poisoned 5 rounds, Belladona 50HP

Charlie took in a small breath as she dropped her wand summoning her knife again, she shot off a few rays of the blade like magic again towards Belladona.  (17+16 to hit, 4x5 dmg (20 dmg)

Belladona tried to hit the other with her axe and missed. She was getting annoyed so she threw it. The axe went wide.  (14 to hit, 11 to yeet) 

HEALTH: Charlie 40HP poisoned 4 rounds, Belladona 30HP

Charlie sent off more magic with the knife shivering a bit at the poison. It burned but it made her feel weaker.  (3+16 to hit, 3X2 dmg (6 dmg)

Belladona created several axes in her hands before throwing them at the other.  (18 to hit, 20dmg)
HEALTH: Charlie 15HP poisoned 3 rounds, Belladona 24HP

Charlie sent one more ray of magic at Belladona before stopping. "I-I think we need to call it here" She huffed feeling tired.  (14+16 to hit, 4 dmg )

"Thats cheep get one more hit in before calling it." Belladona teased before pulling out a needle filled with red liquid and throwing it at Charlie. "Now you heal me ms. medic." (full heal to Charlie)
HEALTH: Charlie 64HP poisoned 2 rounds, Belladona 20HP

Charlie took one second to take in a small breath before sticking her tongue out at Belladona. "I wanted to see what would happen" She said before summoning her staff and healing them both more. She still had the gross poison goop on her.  (Ult save, Charlie and Belladona 35 hp)

Belladona felt better and started to stretch out a bit. "You got good at healing. Picked up from Aeron?" Cause like hell she was a bad teacher when it came to healing. Luis was the perfect example of that.
HEALTH: Charlie 64HP poisoned 1 rounds, Belladona 55HP

Charlie thought for a few seconds before continuing to heal up Belladona. "Funny enough but Aeron and I haven't really practiced together yet. It just works better for me this way." She said as she felt better. She noticed the poison begin to disappear a bit... good, it still stung her a bit but it would be gone soon. "I think I am better then last time right?" She asked flashing a small smile +40 hp to Belladona and Charlie.

"Hell yeah your better then last time. You've really come into your own Charlie." Belladona smiled and was glad the other was strong now. "Honestly glad we're on the same side your a force of power."
HEALTH: Charlie 64HP, Belladona 80HP

Charlie smiled as the rest of the poison disappeared. "I am glad. I said I would prove a gremlin bastard wrong and now I can handle myself against poison sorta!" She said with a smile as she lifted up one of her so called noodle arms. "I am glad we are too! I really am glad." She said quieter as she detransformed and bent down to grab her walking stick. "Hopefully you had fun with the spar too." She said sounding happier 

Belladona dropped her transformation. "Poison I've been told is a pain in the ass. There was a witch before you joined that had poisoned air. Sadly same one kept medics out." She adjusted her soul gem a bit. "It was nice to get another spar in with you. And I liked the taste of your poison... I really did eat your poison just like Percy eats everything." She laughed a bit. "Well I can't get sick so might as well."

Charlie heard poison is a pain in the ass. "It really is but it is very usefu- oh it kept medic's out? They can do that?" She asked shocked slightly. She heard Belladona talk more and smiled. "Same... I wanted to try to push myself a bit and it turned out better then I thought. And... I am glad you like the taste of my poison? I think it is a compliment??" She said hearing Belladona laugh. "True True... Yours was kinda angry looking if that makes sense?" She asked

Belladona shrugged. "Witches are weird as the magi they came from. Its a complement." She laughed a bit. "My poison looks angry? Well I've been told I'm normally an angry looking bitch."

Charlie nodded, yeah. "Maybe it just had a really big grudge against medics? But thanks." She said She then heard Belladona ask her poison looks angry. "Yeah it does, it is more goopy and bubbly and it sparks slightly with red making it look like lightning in the dark poison." She described how she saw it. "You have been told that? Well I can't Judge, although your voice was intimidating when I first met you."

Belladona nodded, that was interesting to hear. Her poison almost sounded pretty. "Be glad you can't see my face its in bitch resting mod almost 90% of the time. I'm not always the nicest person, personally I think any magi that can't fight well should despair but also give everyone a chance to prove they can fight or are willing to learn." She explained her mind set. "Not only are you willing to learn its not fair to not try and help you learn away to fight. Like if Si had come out of that witch battle unable to fight ever again no mater what we did... it would be cruel to make her watch us take care of her." She sighed. "People should get a chance but not everyone will take that chance and those that don't... well I'm not going to play nice at. Does that even make sense?"

Charlie listened to what Belladona said and was somewhat taken aback. Hearing what she said made Charlie think a bit. "Personally I would rather break my soul gem instead of despair... and as much as I understand what you are saying... I know a lot of us don't understand the full magnitude of what we signed up for under afterwards. " She said thinking a little more trying to figure out what exactly to say. She then heard what Belladona said and began to twist her bracelet around. So if she said she couldn't fight and had another break down or something... no it wouldn't be healthy to go down that train of thought. "I know there are kids like me who haven't had to fight and well never thought about it once in their life so I could understand it being hard... I understand why and do fight even if it freaks me out sometimes." She said in a quieter voice. "I understand as well what you are saying but... I don't entirely understand how I feel about it."

Belladona looks sad at Charlie. "I know lots of people are scared to become witches and thats to each own person. I know if I was at that point I would let it happen so their are more grief seeds but I also know I'm not ready." She rubbed her arm. "I've been through hell Charlie. Before well Vondila was leader Seaford wasn't stable. It was like there was little clicks among the bigger team and that lead to people getting more hurt. Then when I was getting strong after I lost my leg I was beat up and hurt by magi that I had to pay to help me. I won't force anyone to fight but I'm also not going to help people that don't want to fight. If after I lost my leg and no mater what I did I couldn't fight then why should I keep trying when my body won't let me. I'm not saying you need to agree with me. We're friends and we can have different views on this."

Charlie heard what Belladona said, it wasn't entierly that she was scared to become a witch, just a personal preference of not wanting to become a witch and succumb to her own grief eventually. "I would rather not. Fighting a witch of someone you know would be more harmful then good in my opinion. But to each their own." She said as she heard Belladona continue to talk. She bit the inside of her mouth as she listened. "I can respect that. I really can but.. Yeah we can have different views on it." She said pausing for a few seconds. "If I became a witch you wouldn't be able to get my skull after I died anyways because the witches just disappear." She said with a small smile on her face. "I... don't want to die anytime soon though." She said looking towards Belladona's soul gem.

"I honestly thought you were joking about the skull." Belladona commented. "Nor do I want to die soon nor do I want you to die. I don't have many people I care about and I don't want to lose any of them for as long as possible."

"What no?" She sounded confused. The entire conversation was pretty serious for her. "I also said if I became a ghost I would haunt Luis so he could figure out if ghosts are real or not." She said in a pretty serious tone. "I understand though... I really do. I want to do my best to keep everyone around as long as I can..." She said before remembering something. "Speaking of which, I went back to therapy. I was going to tell everyone during the meeting because I told my psychologist about us, she met the incubators but never made a wish when she was younger. She is helping me out though, I have the old schedule I used to have before becoming a magi now."

Belladona hadn't even ever thought of therapy. She got mad normally at them for trying to put things in her mouth. "Wow thats really good. Last therapist I saw said I had to do some stupid stuff to get over my leg. They wanted me to take time to process the so called accident and not push it in rehab. But the accident was a lie to cover up that it was a witch... I could go on about this but I wont." She set her hand on the other's shoulder. "Is she willing to see other magi? Cause that might help like a lot." Though she knew her and her datemates would probably all die before seeing a phyc.

Charlie nodded. "I needed to go and stuff since everything began to happen and well... it was for the better. I can understand them wanting you to do stuff to get over the accident but... it sounds like it didn't do much good for you and you eventually got over it yourself." She said thinking a little before she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah she is, I asked her about it because I know everyone has fucked up circumstances and stuff. Since our emotional states are also often connected to our gems and everything... plus non magi stuff too plays a part. Miss Noa has a lot of animals, before I made my wish it confused me." She said with a small laugh.

"Animals? What do animals have todo with therapy?" Belladona was really confused. "Like scruff bad for therapy he will kill you if he hears you bitching."

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Well you can pet them and they stay calm and nice, they can tell when your feeling off often quicker then others." She explained "The animals miss Noa has wouldn't try to kill or anything, they are kinda like Biscuit, trained with a purpose and stuff. Therapy animals."

"I forgot therapy animals are real with how Scruff is and people claiming pets are therapy animals when they are not." Belladona admitted. "Honestly trust plants more cause I can't die from them no matter what."

Charlie blinked taken aback a bit. "I get that... Scruff...Belladona who is Scruff, I assume he is a pet?" She asked as she thought a little bit. "I should get you to come over when Biscuit doesn't have his vest on so you can pet him, he likes you. Did you have a bad time with Scruff?" She asked

Belladona laughed. "Scruff is Percy's cat. Hates women and he doesn't hate hate me but does mom and she gets so pouty when Scruff snuggles dad and hisses at her. I think he only can kinda stand me cause I'm with Percy."

Charlie nodded. "I think I haven't seen him yet then. And uh... I don't think I would want to." She said with a tiny awkward laugh, a cat that could scratch the heck out of her. no thanks.

"Yeah best to stay away." Belladona agreed. "Though biscuit is a great dog. Pulled a Lasie moment."

"Yeahhh I will" She said "Oh yeah he is the best dog, I am glad he was able to get you." She said smiling. "Oh you mentioned we could do something fun after the spar right? What did you have in mind?"

Belladona looked a little panicked she had forgot. So many things she liked were visual. "I'm down for what ever. What do you want to do?" She had no idea what to do that didn't seem mean or rude.

Charlie thought for a few seconds she wasn't sure really. "Uhm.. maybe we can try to cook something... without poison?" She asked, She began to cook and bake a lot with others now, it seemed to be a to do thing. "We could listen to a movie?" she offered another option.

Belladona thought about the cooking things. She was a disaster in the kitchen and her with a blind girl sounded bad. "Can I be honest I don't think you and I should cook together. I'm a disaster and know nothing and your blind. I think together we could actually make me sick." She joked, kinda. "We can listen to a movie if you want.... or-" Something hit from the chat. "-we could always raid a candy store." She offered.

Charlie heard the cooking idea be turned down. "I feel like your right and we might make something even worst then what Cali could make. Which would be a miracle and disaster all in one." She said with a tiny laugh. She then heard movie... or raiding the candy store "Ok you know the answer already, candy store time!" She said with a mischievous grin. She was finally going to get a chance to raid a candy store. One more thing off the bucket list. Maybe she should add some more.

"Candy store it is!" Belladona cheered on. "No one can stop us." She wrapped her arm around the girl. "We'll have enough candy to fill a bedroom."

Charlie felt excited about the fact they were actually going to be able to raid a candy store "Heck yeah! No one!! We are gonna have it all!" She wondered if she could turn her room at Aeron's house into a mini candy store. "Lets do this!" She said feeling energetic. "They won't know what hit them."

"Hell yeah. I'll call my driver we'll need wheels for how much candy we be getting." She beamed and quickly called her driver to come get her and Charlie.

Charlie grinned even more hearing that. "Now if only I couldn't get sick by eating as much candy as I want. I will have to pace myself but tummy aches will be totally worth it!" They didn't have to walk which would mean they could get more. They were actually going to raid the place!

Belladona laughed. "Percy and I can always help. Come on I'll lead us back to the road."

Charlie nodded. "Make sure to save stuff I bet I can last until halloween with all we are about to get!" She said with a smile as she walked with Belladona. "Alright!"

Belladona lead them back to road. "Then don't let Percy help. He's a bottomless pit." She said with a laugh, maybe she could take some and leave it at Mariana's grave.

"Hmm I can hide my batch then, lets split it half and half we both get one side of the store." She said already trying to bargain. "I don't want Percy to eat all of the chocolate but he can have his fair share of gummy sharks."

Belladona snorted a bit. "Good plan."