A Day Of Meridhi-ment

3 years, 2 months ago
518 1

Just a short glimpse of the farm life~

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The horde was doing chores. No, really. Erlea was up first light, his little companions skittering around his bed here and there. Some dangled from the farmhouse ceiling, some on the floor, and some crawled about his body as he got out of bed. He did their morning brush, refilled the food bowls (for some reason Nebby’s food bowl was webbed to the ceiling so it took some time to find) and went to wash and dress himself.

Erlea returned to half empty food bowls after greeting his precious Meridhi who all sat patiently at the door for him to come out. “Everyone here?” He did a roll call, each Meridhi voicing their presence once they heard their name. Alla counted for, he nodded and opened his arms, a signal really, that had every Meridhi scrambling to find a place on his body.

“Alright team, time to start the day.” He grinned, tickled and delighted that his precious Meridhi had all found their own space on his person. Princess on his head of course- that was her spot after all. Task of the day; milking the cows!

Two Merdhi per, each trained to handle the utters with webbing in one way or another. Princess, who didn’t dirty herself with actual work, stayed with Erlea as he clapped his hands and the horde got to work. Nebby and another Meridhi webbed the utters and pulled the silken strands into the bucket. To other Meridhi skittered onto a cow and held the utters with two arms and used the other two for webbing the ground. They acted like a seesaw, using the arms with silk to pull the bucket thereby pulling the utter down and milk into it.

Princess vocalized the counts from Erlea’s head as the others chorused something akin to heave-ho. With all the cows milked, the next task came and went, and eventually the end of the day was upon them.

“Alright everyone, let’s get cleaned up!” Erlea chimed happily, filthy from the day's chores. The pitter of little feet as he walked away let him know if he turned around his horde was chasing after him (minus princess, she was on his head of course). Inside the farm house, there was a wide bucket he filled with lukewarm water and shampoo.

“Ready? Single file ladies and gentleman,” Erlea said, the Meridhi forming a singular line as each waited to be lifted into his hands and scrubbed clean. He messaged their ears and fur, took a damp cloth and freed them of shampoo and bath soap. He then took a towel and ruffled them dry. Once princess had her bath, it was time for dinner. Each Meridhi munched happily on their dry fruit, often sneaking bites from other bowls.

Eventually he scooped them all tucked himself In his bed, letting them scatter. They each had their own nests, but some days they’d cuddle up on his bed. Looking up, each Meridhi was cuddled around his head in an array of colors like a rainbow hairpiece before he knew it. “You guys… goodnight.”