Rose run in spar. Charlie vs Toli

3 years, 5 months ago

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Charlie ended up going on a small walk. She wanted to visit the park which last time she saw Alexander who was quite uh emotional to say the least. She hoped this time she would at least be able to sit in the park for a few moment of peace.

Toli had finally gotten around to finishing up a deal with Seaford Central High. He takes a shortcut through the park, trying not to worry about being followed or attacked from behind. If this happens again... he was never stepping foot in another park.

Charlie saw a soul gem appear it was Anatoli's soul gem appear as he moved through the park. She transformed quickly. Guess all the parks here are infested with roses.  She summoned her wand and waved it over herself to give herself an advantage and be able to see better.  (extended soul sight lasts for 5 rounds)

Toli glanced up at the flash of a transformation, and spotted Charlotte Laurens. She was looking right at him, and he couldn't help but curse internally at the sight. Why couldn't he just take a shortcut through the park in peace-? 

He transformed, summoning his staff and gripping it tightly and frowning at the blind girl. "Are we really doing this today? I have somewhere to be in an hour." He makes to throw his staff in the air, forming a ball of light meant to blind his opponent. Unfortunately, it explodes in his own face, blinding Toli instead. (NAT1, 4dmg to Self, disadvantage 2 rounds)

 Toli: 71hp Charlie: 68hp

Charlie dropped her wand and ended up summoning her fairy lights instead, she wanted to make sure he loses health quicker then she did, and unless he had something special like Belladona then poison should work. "I suppose we are. I rather finish this quickly as well." She felt more confident then last time as she flicked the lights at him and a bulb exploded with lemon smelling poison goop.  (18+16 to hit, 3 dmg (poison so 1 dmg for 4 turns)

Toli huffed, still blinking spots out of his vision. He raised his staff, summoning a ball of lightning and slamming it into the girl.  "Let's get this over with, then. Since we're in agreement." He hates the feeling of poison, but he doesn't care. (d12 +12 to hit, 2dmg)

 Toli: 68hp (poisoned 1dmg 4 rounds)  Charlie: 66hp

Charlie felt the ball of lightning hit her and dropped her fairy lights as her knife appeared and she shot magic rays towards Toli with it. She stayed on her feet keeping an eye on his soul gem.  (16+16 to hit, 6 dmg)

Toli makes to raise his staff again, but the vines along the length catch on his arm and scratch across it. "Fuck." (NAT1, 4dmg to Self)

Toli: 63hp (poisoned 1dmg 3 rounds)  Charlie: 66hp

Charlie looked at Toli and rolled her eyes. She saw him lift his staff before saying fuck. She raised her knife and flicked it at him once again. "I will get this over with quickly."  (14+16 to hit, 10 dmg)

Toli snorted, and threw his staff into the air again, creating a bright ball of light that properly blinded his opponent this time. (d14 +10 to hit, 10dmg, Charlie has disadvantage for 2 rounds) 

Toli: 52hp (poisoned 1dmg 2 rounds)  Charlie: 56hp

Charlie saw a bright light and got a headache once again she took in a small breath. She then held her knife and aimed it at him aiming off flashing lights of magic as her eyes readjusted once again. (11+16 to hit, 6 dmg)

Toli slammed his staff onto the ground, pulling all of Charlie's attention to himself. (d14 +10 to hit, 8dmg) 

Toli: 46hp (poisoned 1dmg for 1 round) Charlie: 48hp

Charlie took in a small breath as she dropped her knife summoning her fairy lights and throwing them towards him. Her focus was already on Toli no need to get it anymore on him.  (4+16 to attack, 4 dmg (2 poison dmg for 4 rounds)

Toli pointed his staff at the sky again, creating another ball of lightning that slams into Charlie. Afterwards, he slams his staff into the ground, hurting her a second time. (2dmg from SoH) (d6 +12 to hit, 10dmg from Finale) 

Toli: 41hp (poisoned 2dmg for 4 rounds) Charlie: 36hp

Charlie dropped her fairy lights and took in a small breath as she glared at Toli. She summoned her knife this time on purpose and sent of rays of magic towards him in retaliation. Charlie then spoke out loud. She kept herself calm. "Luis code yellow?" She asked out loud, her phone texting Luis her coordinates. She wasn't sure if she would need help or not but she needed to be safer then sorry.
(4+16 to hit, 24 dmg)

Toli bared his teeth at her, slamming his staff into the ground and summoning another ball of light, blinding his opponent again. (d16 +10 to hit, 7dmg, Charlie has disadvantage 2 rounds) 

Luis ran into the clearing Charlie had given him the coordinates for, freezing time and sending several bolts of magic at the Rose Corp magi before picking up Charlie and running away from the fucker. (Time Stop, d14 +16 to hit, 2×4 for 8dmg to Toli)

 Toli: 7hp (poisoned 2dmg for 3 rounds) Charlie: 29hp Luis: 75hp

Charlie got picked up by Luis and saw the magic she took in a small breath as she smiled to Luis. "Thanks for grabbing me, I had it after all but I didn't want to risk someone else appearing." She said in a chipper tone. Dropping the knife and summoning her staff to heal herself. (+38 hp to charlie and luis)

Luis hummed, putting her down and letting time resume once he was certain they were far enough away from the Rose Fucker. "I'm glad you're alright. Call me sooner, I wanna get a chance to fight one of those fuckers for real next time." 

Toli: 1hp (all poison added)Charlie: 67hp Luis: 75hp