Short Stories from A small Elysian Village

3 years, 2 months ago
3 years, 1 month ago
3 1649

Entry 1
Published 3 years, 2 months ago

Short stories relating to an Elysian Village and its residents. Includes general Information about the villages and any quests, episodes, etc. that take place here.

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Author's Notes

Incomplete. Still working through the details



A small floating Elysian Village

Despite its misleading name, the Village was built in a swamp rather than a marsh. It is located in The Lowlands of Elysium, especially close to the Void. [how do the Elysians deal with the fact that they are near somewhere dangerous/mysterious?]

Just like every Elysian, they believe that names are sacred. If someone uses your name they have access to your life, which only your most trusted companions or family can have. Every villager has a nickname of an animal that symbolizes some aspect of them whether it is appearance or personality.

Ghost → ghosts used to be animals at one point, it references her love or spirits
Thur → Arabic for bull, alludes to his horns
Tha’lab → Arabic for fox - alludes to his personality & agility

The homes are made of wood and reeds for the main structure and use foliage as insulation. Each home rests slightly above the water level on stilts. There are wooden paths also built in-between the homes to allow for easy movement between buildings. In the heart of the village is a large ceremonial hut called Al-Qalb. This is where all events are carried out from celebrations to funerals. It looks like a large gazebo lol.

The tallest stilt house is built on the edge of the community and looks out over the entrance of the village. Here lives the Watcher. Hadesia lived with the previous watcher for a short period of time as an apprentice before he retired. Now she has it all to herself. There is a vertical ladder leading up to the house but since she was blessed with large wings she chooses to fly down, it’s faster and more energy-efficient anyway. She added a mini garden on the roof to grow native flowers and vegetables, but it also acts as an insulator. The home has a large balcony used to keep an eye out for travelers and lost wanderers.

There is only one direct entrance to the village, the rest of the village is surrounded by dense swamp foliage. The humble gate guarded by 2 Rangers almost all the time. They are the first to deal with visitors and will try to turn them away (unless they have a passport?)

The Madrassa is the only schoolhouse in the village, if you want a higher or more specified education you will have to either form an apprenticeship or go to the central city of Elysium. It's the second-largest building in Al-Ahwar (after Al-Qalb)

Author's Notes

Al-Ahwar (الأهوار) is Arabic for "the Marshland". The village is (loosely) inspired by the group of Iraqi Arabs that used to live in floating homes before the government drained their marshes.