A Much Needed Talk

2devils Beartie
3 years, 2 months ago

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28991109_2lF0CjCBFTfXBua.pngTracy's just gonna come in through the academy windows and go like "HEY KIDDO, just came to check up on you! Are you baking any new cakes?"

28999721_LWaAo7xPzHwCu2k.pngShe's been stress baking by the time Tracy's visited. Cus she  got absolutely no idea what else to do and she hasn't even cried about it yet. She's just so very full of concern but understands nothing of what's going on..
But honestly with Tracy here she's like "<:D Ah-- Hello Mister   Valentine..! :0c ... <:Dc I'm makin cupcakes? :0 do you want some?"
28991091_PMcWzfFRc8Zuzyh.pngTracy kind of picks it up that she might be stress baking? Because man, Chiffon going <: D makes his eye zoom in on that.
28991083_mFONgkNcL5YaU3H.png"Of   course!! Pass me a cupcake Cake Kid!! What flavors ya got?"
He pulls up a chair or something and sits next to her as he ask
29025414_iB0ug3t0J8AYlWA.png":O  A bunch. Got chocolate and vanilla and strawberry and banana and   blueberry! :0c Oh and Cherry but that's just started baking so if you want that you're gonna have to wait a bit.. :o but if you want anything else I can hand you one!.."  She motions to the other cupcakes and  it's  pretty clear she's been busy for awhile cus even tho there's ALOT  of  them they're also still all really nicely decorated and detailed.  
33545425_4i899bjoa2d3YhL.png"<:D how have you been Mister Valentine?"
"Hmm, I think I'll take the cherry one then! Sometimes the best flavors come out last, ya know?" He sits kinda like, backwards on the chair"And I'm as good as I can be! Hehaha, I'm a detective, ya know I'm always fine! >BD ... How about you though Cake Kid?"
28991122_8vZaZXGggfVhiba.pngJust kinda drops a direct prompt like "...I saw ya in that forest, ya  know? I didn't think a kid like you would have wanted ta come ta a  place like that. How are YOU feeling?"
29025414_iB0ug3t0J8AYlWA.png":O  Okay.. i guess we'll wait a bit then.." She'll just sit down in  another  seat since she doesn't gotta grab him a cupcake yet. "<:D  that's  good. It's good to be fine." at the prompt she just sorta  fiddles with  her pawbs.
33545401_7Q7PA6AlNuHvlSC.png"I know I'm not fine.. <:I ... The forest is really scary usually.. But I wanted to see more of the creachers.. I thought it'd be nice..  And I had KJ and Cosmia with me..! Not to mention you and  my  other friends and the teachers too... so I thought  it'd be fine..!   <:D <:0 I didn't expect to find out there was a  place here that was turned to stone... that's.. really scary isn't  it?.. <:0c those poor creachers that were there too.."
Tracy  nods, he takes out a packet of cigs and just kinda fiddles with  that as  he listens to Chiffon talk "...Yeah, it is really scary. Ya  know?" He  thinks about how much he should tell Chiffon about the  petrification  and. But, remembering that she just turned 18 recently,  while he still  views her as a kiddo he realizes that in these kinda  times. It wouldn't  be good to baby her, especially if something bad  potentially happens  down the line. So he proceeds
"...Truth is, me and the other guys who work fer the forces. Ya know Detective Simons?  That grumpy guy?  We've kinda known about this fer a while, heh, sorry that we didn't tell  ya about it sooner. It's just, none of us really expected somethin like this ta happen or an offer from that kid ta be  dropped on us." He takes out a cigarette but doesn't smoke it yet "...The  forest is just the beginnin of this whole thing, Cake Kid. Eventually... this whole realm's gonna turn like what ya saw. In a few  years."
33545416_892XLqhxqJS3iPp.pngShe  nodded along with what he was saying. she knew mister grumpy  detective  simons. she sometimes would send Mister Valentine's cakes  over for him  to hold onto. She.. paused when he said he knew about it  for awhile. "A  while?... <:0 well.. that makes sense i guess..  you are a  detective.. it'd make sense you know about the stone area.."  She didn't  even feel that upset about not knowing...
33545425_4i899bjoa2d3YhL.pngShe felt upset  sure but..  well it's not like she would blame anyone  for not telling  her. "<:Dc  It's okay Mister Valentine.. I never  really asked so  there's no way for  us to have talked about it.."
33542564_tmmONZbOi30WblZ.pngAnd then he said the realm was going to  turn into that.. wait.. It was gonna turn into the forest??? All stone and petrified??
"<:D  ... Huh???"
31421671_POlnZYOeCwqel70.png "<:0 The whole realm?? <:C but it can't turn to to stone..! what about all the people here??..."
28991096_uVj2f4imTukuohF.pngTracy's just kinda OOF because YEP he expected Chiffon to be upset by this, but he was here for a reason so he presses on 
28991079_QtrimA5FE0Bq8tA.png"That's   the thing, Cake Kid..."
"If they don't leave,  they're gonna turn   ta stone too... Kinda morbid, but... yeah. Unless  someone does  somethin  about it. Me and Detective Simons have been  workin on this  case fer..  god what, almost two years now collectively?  And I'm pretty  sure he's  been workin on this fer long than I HAVE.  Cuz hehaha, I  didn't pop inta  the realm till about a year ago and  started lookin inta  it then." He fidgets with the cigarettes he had some more, his lil tick to do so being here "A bit of a doozy, ain't it?"
Chiffon  seemed to deflate in her chair a bit "that... that's longer  than I've  been here..." It was longer then she'd been here.. longer  than KJ or  Cosmia being here, probably quite a few of her friends  hadn't been there  when they started working on it.. If it's been going  on for so long and  the realm only has a few years left.. then Everyone  would have to  leave..?.. ...
33545965_X8rAD0HbwAJe47e.pngShe sat up a bit and looked over at Tracy,  concern and a  tiny bit of  fear evident on her face. "... Mister  Valentine.. what about the people who don't have anywhere they can  go?.."
"...They've gotta find a place, Cake Kid... Cuz if they don't..." He finally puts the cigarette in his mouth and lights it "It's over for em. Trust me, weird expectation given that it's me but, we've tested everythin we've can on that forest. Fuck, I've even stuck  my  own  hand inta it myself once! But.. Once the stone touches ya and  all  of yer  body freezes? There's no way anyone's comin back from it."
28991122_8vZaZXGggfVhiba.png He knew  that was a HEAVY AS FUCK drop for a little cake, so he  takes off   his hat  and puts it on her head, then pats it a bit for  comfort "...I'm  sorry, Cake Kid. But, that's that. Sometimes, bein  an adult and learnin  all this shit really ain't that fun fer any of  us. Truth ta be told, I came ere ta tell ya and check up, so if anythin  bad happens.  It  wouldn't  be too late. Cuz the last thing I wanna  happen is fer yer   strawberry  ears ta be turned ta stone before ya  have a chance ta run away, ya know?  I'll buy ya somethin later with  my 69 starcoins at   Burger Wizard ta  make up fer it."
33545401_7Q7PA6AlNuHvlSC.pngChiffon  stared at Tracy before slowly sinking into her seat again. "But what if  there's no where for us to go...?"
33545425_4i899bjoa2d3YhL.pngShe blinked at the hat being placed  on her. Honestly she was glad for  the patting. it did make her feel a  bit better.. and a bit less like  she was gonna cry. "<:D.. It's okay  Mister Valentine.. I'm glad you  told me about that.." she patted at his  hand "You're really nice... :o  you don't gotta make up for it though..  <:D like you said.. I should  learn all this stuff even if it's not  fun.." She pat at her cheeks "I  probably will have to figure something  out with KJ and Cosmia..."
"<:D besides.. didn't you say that only will happen unless someone does something about it?.. <:O I'm sure  lots of people are gonna be working to help the realm.. <:D I'd want  to help too if I could..!"
28991088_Y0QQsEoyunC2plo.pngTracy  blinked a bit at Chiffon telling him that she was glad to hear it  from  him. Honestly, he didn't expect that kind of answer. It seems like Chiffon has been growing up quite a bit since the first time he met her, he's really proud tbh. And he's happy to see that she feels a bit better by the pats.
28991096_uVj2f4imTukuohF.pngThen he immediately feels his stomach sink a lil bit when Chiffon said that she wanted to help. "..."    
28991122_8vZaZXGggfVhiba.png"A lotta people are doin somethin about it, yeah, but... that's kinda the thing. Cake Kid, no.."
28991079_QtrimA5FE0Bq8tA.png"...Chiffon. Kiddo, listen ta me." Tracy looked a little bit more serious than he usually did  "Sayin that ya wanna help is one thing, but actually doin it? Hehaha, at least  NOW? Is really another. ...Did ya listen ta that Soleil kid talk in the forest? And what he's askin kids like you ta do?"
28999724_AzXmtgvZKqJkr1V.pngChiffon  tilted her head. Him calling her Chiffon was weird. Whatever he was planning to say was probably real important though..
29025403_vjxLzQiIu3kzOin.png"Soleil said  that  only anyone who was sealed could go in to help. :0  And that they'd have to fight a big creacher.."
28999732_ZRRw0MA7llZxafU.png"<:I i don't really  understand why  they'd  have to fight the  creacher.. but I guess they'd  have to.."
29025414_iB0ug3t0J8AYlWA.pngShe  paused  before looking to  Tracy ":O I don't plan to get  a seal if  that's  what  your asking  Mister Valentine.. <:D I know  it's bad..  <:I  the cult  is bad..  KJ and Cosmia said that all cults  are  bad.. and I  don't wanna  upset  them anymore then they already are   with finding out  about what's   happening to the realm.."
"<:I   besides... i was told the seal hurts...  and anything that hurts you..  isn't okay.." She just gave  a  tiny shrug  "I just...  wish i  could  help.. I know I can't... there's nothing for me  to do.."  she  looked  down as she fiddled with her pawb  fingers.
28991096_uVj2f4imTukuohF.pngWHEW,  Tracy breathed out a HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF with Chiffon saying  that she  wasn't gonna get a seal. HE WAS REAL WORRIED THAT SHE MIGHT BE  THINKING  THAT. 
And he lets out a bit of a nervous laughter"Ahhh,  I'm glad   that ya've got yer suns kiddo. They've got the right ideas  about  cults,  ya should listen ta em. Not that I don't think yer old  enough  ta make  yer own decisions but... Just remember, this sealing  thing?  It's like a  door, once ya get in, ya can't get out of it. It's a  tar  pit... and  ya've gotta tread carefully."
28991111_sDNVqIesuiGHgJD.pngHe sinks a bit on his chair and returns  to his not AS serious  demeanor, though still a bit focused, cuz you know, this is an important conversation"...Well,  I  don't think  that's true Cake  Kid. I can think of several things ya  CAN  do ta help.  There ain't  food, NOR water in that stone forest, ya  know?  And once some  of those  people, I know at least ONE of em bein  yer  friend, goes in. We  don't  know when they're gonna come back. So,   there's plenty ya still  CAN  do ta help em prepare."
29025414_iB0ug3t0J8AYlWA.pngChiffon  watched him and gently pat at Tracy. "<:D it's okay Mister  Valentine.. I didn't want to get a seal either. Even if my suns hadn't  said anything about it.. :0 nobody liked the cult... <:I i just hope   my friends will be okay.." She paused. He did have a point. she was  able  to help with the food and water stuff like Tracy'd said. She'd be support as always, even if she wasn't able to be with them to support them.
33545425_4i899bjoa2d3YhL.png"That's true.. <:D i'm sure... even if I don't know anyone   who's  going. :0 i'd wanna help.. <:0 cus i wanna help save this  place   too..! even if it's just a little bit like making food. <:D  Cus I really like Mahou Wando. <:0 it's a really nice place where  people can just come and be happy..! and it shouldn't turn to stone.."
28991105_fWSjZwXW37Z0uYD.pngTracy  smiled at Chiffon, again, he's very proud of her. And goes to  give her  another headpat. "I dunno why, but the way ya've said all  that. Gives me  a glimmer of hope that this realm is actually gonna be  okay, Cake Kid.  We really need more kiddos like ya in the world."He takes a drag of his cigarette, then blows the smoke the other way so it wouldn't be directly towards the cake bean 
28991062_xVI9gGG0WNJAlVk.png"If ya don't know who's goin, ya could always ask around. That Mawalyfe website you kiddos always use? Could be a way ta start the mission. As  they say, early birds get the worm! I jus always get it late cuz I'm    lucky, hehaha~" "Just, tell me if ya ever need me fer anythin aight?  Or, ya can tell Detective Simons too. We're ere fer ya, and all the   kiddos  at the academy. And, ya've gotta talk ta ya suns about all  this.  Gonna  be a hard conversation, but ey, ya were able ta talk ta ME  and  show me  that ya've got agency, so I know ya can do that jus fine  too!"
28991122_8vZaZXGggfVhiba.png" .....Just  don't be afraid ta run too, if things ever get real bad around ere. Ya've got yer key, right? Make sure ta hold onta that   tight  by yer chest  till this whole thing blow over. It's okay ta  bail!  I'd  know from  experience~"
28999698_FqqnQxbu92IhsnQ.pngChiffon  absolutely enjoyed the headpat.  ":D :Dc thank you?.. :0 I just  believe  everyone will do a good job.. :O You've already been doing a  good job  being a Detective..!" She paused at his mawalyfe suggestion.
28999737_ZwsnZdcQvnDgq7Y.png ":O :O you're right..! I could.! :D i could make everyone   lunches then. :0 or  at least attempt to..! <:I I wanna make sure   they don't get hungry..  it's bad when that happens cus you don't work   at your best.. :0c Or so  I've been told anyway.. I definitely will  talk  with KJ and Cosma about  that..! :O Thank you Mister Valentine..  I'll  definitely tell you if I  need anything..!"
28999743_apAE3N4Yf17BkCo.pngAh.. a key?..

"<:D  a...  h...mm... Mister  Valentine.. i don't. have  a key.." she pat at  her  cheeks "I.. don't  exactly want to go back to  the Tower either..."
28991062_xVI9gGG0WNJAlVk.pngTracy nodded as Chiffon talked about her plans, HONESTLY, GREAT IDEAS!!
28991096_uVj2f4imTukuohF.pngThen, he tilted his head at the last part, HUH? "Wh-   Kiddo,  then how are ya ere then? I mean, I fell through the  dimensional  rift  but- did somethin similar happen ta you??? 8T What  about yer suns?  Do  they at least have some sorta key?"
28999724_AzXmtgvZKqJkr1V.pngChiffon  just ended up giving a tiny shrug,   ":O I asked the Wizard if I  could  leave the Tower where I'm from." she waves her hand "He opened a  portal  to Mahou Wando and I went through. And then he closed it." She  gave a  tiny shrug "I wasn't given a Key. <:Dc I didn't even know I  should  have one until people talked about them at school..."
33545401_7Q7PA6AlNuHvlSC.pngShe  thought for a  moment, KJ and Cosmia's Key?..  She ended up  rubbing her  arm "They.. do  have a key.. but their realm they came from  is awful...  They told me so  many... really awful things that happened  to them..  There's alot of  stuff that has happened to their realm... I don't think there's much to  go back to..." She frowned more her  little pawbs  balling up bits of her  dress "Even so.. I don't want them  to have to go  back..."
28991091_PMcWzfFRc8Zuzyh.pngTracy  thought about it, hmmm... Then, he had a lightbulb idea!! "Aight,  I  understand. Gimme a moment Cake Kid! I'm gonna do somethin fer ya, cuz this is about the time ya could use it."Tracy tossed the  finished  cigarette on the ground really quick, then took out a napkin,  and a very  tiny worn down pencil from his pocket, and started writing  things down.  The pencil somehow making good marks on the napkin and it  didn't rip,  lucky him lmao
28991122_8vZaZXGggfVhiba.png"I can't give ya my crowbar, kiddo, nor a  key cuz I don't got one myself. But shit, I can at least give ya this  from all my  time at my  old time agency job."A few seconds pass of him writing, and when he was done. He puts the napkin into Chiffon's pawbs, 
It was the name and location dial for 20 different dimensions!! 
"I don't know what the hell the three of ya have been through ta not wanna go back, but I never wanna go back ta my own dimensional timeline fer personal reasons, so I ain't gonna tell ya what ta do! But ere. See  these names and dials? If at least ONE of ya got the key ta it,  just stick it inta the door and temporarily escape ta one of these dimensions  instead!! I can't say a fresh start is gonna be easy, but ey, it's better than nothin!"

Among The Written Down Dimensions Were
-The Soul  Eater AU the dum trio has
-The King Arthur AU from that one commissioned Prince fanfiction the dumb trio was in
-Shark Boy and Lava Girl's world
-And other equally interesting or maybe cursed dimensions!
28991083_mFONgkNcL5YaU3H.pngTracy pointed to one of the dimensional names "This one? I know you'll like! Everythin in ere is made outta food! How does that sound?"
28999721_LWaAo7xPzHwCu2k.pngChiffon  tilted her head, seeing him write down some stuff on a napkin. <:Dc  she probably coulda given him a piece of paper if he needed.  
28999743_apAE3N4Yf17BkCo.pngBut she took the napkin in her pawbs and looked at it. ":O Oh wow..!"   she made  sure to look through all of them as she continued to listen   to him.  ":O  Cosmia would definitely like all the food..! KJ might not   but it should  be fine.. "
28999745_XzzYqqXjpepIB3j.png":D Thank you So much Mister Valentine..!"   Chiffon got out  of her  seat and immediately hugged onto Tracy She let go after a bit, still  smiling.
29025414_iB0ug3t0J8AYlWA.png"<:D i don't think I should talk about KJ and Cosmia's history too much.. :0 since it's kinda personal for them.. But if you want to hear, I can tell you what happened where I'm from? :o i  don't mind talking about it." She looked back to the   list as she  slowly  sat  down again, she folded it up all neat and  safely  before  storing  it in  her halo.
28991091_PMcWzfFRc8Zuzyh.pngTracy  went !!! when Chiffon got up to suddenly give him a hug, but man  he  hugged her back tight in the moment!! BECAUSE SHE DESERVES IT!!  GOD!!  She was so good and brave!!! ;; As her not uncle, Tracy just  wants to  watch over and protect her forever.
28991062_xVI9gGG0WNJAlVk.pngAfter Chiffon let go, he  gets comfy  back in his backward chair and  leaned on the top back of it.  "Ey, no  need ta thank me fer that kiddo,  I told ya I'd be ere fer ya!  But sure,  why not~ I mean, I'm not gonna  leave till I get that cherry  cupcake, so  go off and hit me. Unlike  Detective Simons, I ain't got a  tight schedule  or anythin, hehaha."
28999691_eRkvZJz0sg22Cqx.pngChiffon  laughed "Okay..!" She blinked and quickly checked the oven ":O  oh..!  just about done." She just grabs the lil cupcake trays full of  the  cherry cupcakes and puts them down on top of the stove. No oven mit   needed. she just waves her hand a lil bit to get rid of the heat on  her  pawbs and then just sits back down "Just gotta let em cool right  now. :0  or you'll burn your tongue real bad."
29025414_iB0ug3t0J8AYlWA.pngShe paused as she thought  of what  to say. ":0 Well.. I was made to  make cakes ya know. :0 I got  made by a  person who lives in a real big  tower." She moved her hand up  into the  air to try and exaggerate the  height "I only ever really knew  him as The  Wizard. ANd he has a whole  bunch of other people he's made  too..! And  we all lived on different  floors of the Tower..!" "I was the  most recent  one though.. just being  17 years old at the time. :0c but  my job was to  make him cakes..! And  I would..! I didn't go outside the  Tower.. or  really talk to anyone  else. :0 .. <:D it.. wasn't the  best.. Nobody  really wanted to talk  to me unless it was to ask for  cakes. The Wizard  sometimes asked me  to help get him things from other  floors but usually I  just would be  baking in my room. :0 that's all I  did for 17 years.."  She fiddled  with her pawbs "it.. wasn't the worst..  but it still wasn't  good... So  eventually I just asked to leave."
28999721_LWaAo7xPzHwCu2k.png"<:Dc When I came here I  found  out I was really really lonely.. I   also found out I have really  bad  separation problems because of it..   :0" She lifts her pawbs into the   air "But I'm doing better..! :O Like   so much better..! I have all my   friends here..! And everyone I care   about here..! :D I got you here   Mister Valentine..! :O and my Suns..!   And I don't ever wanna lose that   or them..! <:D it's why I wanna   help this realm out..! cus it  means  alot to me..! :O"
28991088_Y0QQsEoyunC2plo.pngTracy's  eyes brightened at the smell of cupcakes for a minute, HE  WANTED TO EAT  ONE SO BADDDDD. But if the cake says they've gotta cool  off, they've  gotta and he's gonna respect that. That didn't stop him  from staring at  them for a full minute though lmao.
28991096_uVj2f4imTukuohF.pngHe listens as  Chiffon told him her  story as she sat back down. When  she finished her  story... Tracy just,  didn't know what to say for a  minute. Not because  he didn't feel  sympathy for Chiffon's story, but  because Tracy Dick  Valentine was  usually unprepared to deal with  emotions like that in  general.
28991111_sDNVqIesuiGHgJD.pngBut in  the end, he just looked at  Chiffon, his expression  softened up  a bit,  reached out his hand, and  gave her another GOOD  anime styled  headpat.  Making sure Chiffon could  really feel it. This  kid's been  through a lot  it seems, and he wasn't  really good with words  to  convey that he cared,  but, he was at least  good with actions. "Ya   know kiddo, yer more  ambitious and braver than  ya realize. I think  that  one day, even if this  realm freezes over, yer  gonna go out and  do some  real good work. If  this whole thing works  out, with all those   dimensions I wrote down fer  ya on that napkin? I  hope everyone from   every dimension gets a chance ta  taste yer cakes.  Cuz they're full of  a  lotta love and goodness like  you~"
28991122_8vZaZXGggfVhiba.pngAfter he  stopped headpatting  her,  Tracy leaned back on his chair, and gave  Chiffon a smile. "This  realm  means a lot ta me too, by the   way.  That's  kinda why I haven't  stopped  bein a detective! Even  after  I got  my  memories back. I didn't  think I  was really capable  of bein  anythin   more than a street rat at  one point  in my life, but  after I  came inta   this realm? Well, I'm  still a rat  but! This  realm's shown  me that even   as I am, I was still  deservin of  love,  real friends,  and even... a purpose outside of  workin fer someone   else now. It makes  me really  happy  too." He gave  Chiffon another   smile. "Ere's a lot  of good worth  savin  ere, and  that's why I'm  gonna  do my best with ya ta help out  too~  Hehaha~"
33545425_4i899bjoa2d3YhL.pngChiffon  blinked at the head patt but ended up laughing "Thank you  Mister  Valentine..! :D I'm gonna try my best" She couldn't help but  smile  bright about what he said. She did like the idea of being able to  share  so much of her cakes and love with other dimentions.. even if it  was a  bitter thought of having to leave Mahou wando. She happily  smiled at him  as he leaned back in his seat.  
33545408_JPV77RGugUOUil0.pngHowever she ended up  puffing up her  cheeks in a tiny bit of a pout at  what he said after.  "You deserve alot of good things Mister  Valentine..! It doesn't matter who you are..!"
28999709_Wa0WcCZ6A4Olhii.pngHer  cheeks deflated but she smiled again "I'm glad  you've gotten to  find  stuff and people who make you happy though. I'm  definitely glad  I've met  you too..!" She stood up and headed over to  the cupcakes  cooling,  slowly moving them from the sheets and after a  little bit of  her doing  that she decorated one of the cupcakes and  handed em over to  Tracy ":D  here ya are..! Cherry Cupcake..!"
28991122_8vZaZXGggfVhiba.pngTracy  scratched his head and smiled at Chiffon telling him that he  deserved  more, and he was about to say "awh shucks" or something..
28991109_2lF0CjCBFTfXBua.pngWHEN  OOOOO THE CUPCAKE WAS COOLED.  His eye again  SPARKLED  at seeing them, and he tapped his foot in  excitement while  Chiffon  decorated them. And when she gave him one, he  took it with  JOY. And  clutched his chest for effect to show how ready he  was to eat  this  cupcake. "YEEAHYEAHYEHAAH!! Don't mind me! 8D" Oh god he ate that so fast "YA GOT ANOTHER ONE?? I'd love ta eat some more!! I haven't had one of    yer cakes in a while hehahaha, mind if I get some of the other flavors    to-go too?"
28999745_XzzYqqXjpepIB3j.pngChiffon  laughed again "You're right we hadn't really talked in awhile  so I  haven't had a chance to make you cakes." She smiled and nodded,  already  starting to grab a bunch of the other flavors ":D Sure sure! I  can put  em in a box!" She pulled said box out of her halo and started  placing  the cupcakes into it, before closing it all nicely and holding  it to  Tracy
28999716_rUp16nuvAMw7Nwd.png":O speaking of not talking I haven't been able to ask much  about  how  you've been..! <:D i just sorta talked.. :O but that's  kinda rude   to just talk about myself and stuff.. :Dc so what have you  been up to?   :>c besides getting a Sun and stuff. heehee."
28991094_MiAtERDWnvSmBa8.pngTracy  took the cupcake box extra carefully, or at least, way more  careful  than usual when it came to how he grabbed things with his hobo  hands  lmao. At the mention of his sun, and his face turned red for JUST  a  second and he goes to scratch his head. "Hehaha, Y-YEAH, yeaaahhh~  Well,  lemme tell ya all about it! I mean, I don't get ta share these  things  often heheh~"
28991083_mFONgkNcL5YaU3H.pnghe took out some photos from his pocket, where  it's a  bunch of  pictures of him and Crash being pretty cute-gay at  various  places.  Honestly SonBoy would probably be adolescently  embarrassed if he  ever  saw pictures of his dad kissing another person  like that lmao. So   Chiffon gets to see all of the way too mushy Trash  pictures instead  for  him! 8D "So let me tell ya about this picture... oh yeAH AND THE OTHER DAY AT BURGER WIZARD...."

And    so, Tracy went on to tell Chiffon about all of his life  happenings  for   the past few months!! It was a fun time I imagine, and  the  not-uncle  and  not-niece got to wholesomely catchup. uvu While  Chiffon  gets  accidental  arsenal on SonBoy- lmao