A Return of Affection

3 years, 16 days ago

In which Uwe has no idea how to respond to affection that is not parental - and barely even then - but he tries. Kind of. He attempts to try.

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Should I have said "dearest"? Oh, goodness. You said dearest, and I'm flattered - truly, truly, flattered - but I don't know if I'm anything that you want. I'm, uh, famous, sure, but I'm really not that important! You are stunning, with your hide the color of secret night, and the green of your hair - oh, gosh. I might've just learned that green is my favorite color. The timing is irrelevant to this letter, of course. Obviously. Right? Wrong, no. No, it's because I'd neither seen the shade nor someone who wears it so well and....

Oh, goodness. I'm all flustered, and I've barely even begin. If my pen marks are shaky I can fundamentally blame you, but it is a shaky that I am more than willing to sit through as long as it means you'll read this. Hopefully you can read it? Oh, goodness, hopefully it's legible! You mentioned my fangs - I don't know why I have them. Mostly they just make my lip bleed when I forget about them. My mother - oh, why am I bringing her up, now, in this very specific moment? Ignore this, ignore her, let's not talk about her. I promise I'll make it up to her later, but right now, I want to get to know more of you.

Can I say that your horns are... well, they take my breath away. Something about a the curl, the inherent power, and on a man with scars.... I fancy myself fairly non-violent (which is odd, I know, being a mage protector), but the combination is really teaching me things about myself. Things I'm not upset about learning. There's really no need to go to a gallery when a most exquisite piece of art is, well... right here.

I'm saddened by your loneliness, but it bites into my own soul. Oh, goodness, that comes across as wanting the attention on me, doesn't it? I swear that's not my purpose! Just that I understand, and I can't believe someone as shockingly stunning -or as suave - as you would ever be in want of company. I, myself, tend to find myself in the most exciting of parties and yet I stand away from it all, unable to be a part of their glittering world. Haha, not that I'm not, you know, a part of it. I absolutely am. It just gets... lonely, not having anyone to talk to who understands.

Honestly, I'm not sure what else you'd want to know of me - they call me a hero, but I'm no one important. I would most certainly be interested in meeting you, though I'm not sure that I'll live up to any of your expectations of me. I can barely handle myself so I don't know that I can handle you, but I know - somehow, I am convinced - that you can handle me. Maybe that sounds weird, but I still think that it's true. Probably. Most likely.

I would like to meet you. I don't know if you'd feel the same.

Maybe yours?

Uwe Winkler

Author's Notes

507 words
(5 +1 [other character]) x 2 (event) = 12 gold