Swordplay From The Soul

3 years, 19 days ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence

Velius spends a week onboard Crivio's ship on a romantic getaway, but one night things go awry.

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// Pirate Captain

It was another eventful day on the open ocean. Crivio was a pirate through and through, following in his father's footsteps. The only issue he ran into these days was the fact that his significant other was a land lubber and with Crivio out at sea a lot, they hardly got time to visit. Normally they'd only see each other when Crivio came to town and stayed in his fancy home in the upper districts of ichorrai. They had fun together then but there wasn't ever enough time in Crivio's eyes.

So, he worked on Velius day and night until he finally got Velius to agree to coming with him on his ship for a week. Their quarters were lavish, as Crivio required them to be, and Crivio's ship had a very small crew that consisted of Crivio, Jubilee, a human, a tolka and another rrex that Velius didn't recognize.

They'd been on the ship for two days now. Things had been lovely so far. Crivio had taken Velius to some of his favorite places along the shore as well as a few little islands. They had even picked up some fauna for Velius to take back home with him, notably a small pipepest that Crivio had caught for him. At night they dined on the ship or docked and ate in taverns. Then they curled up together in Crivio's bed or hammock.

It was night now, and Velius was in the cabin alone. Crivio was having a word with his crew before turning in for the night. Things seemed to be going well before Velius heard Crivio shout and the sound of something heavy hitting the deck.

Crivio had explicitly told him to remain inside if something like this ever happened.


// Toxicologist

Velius had been enjoying his trip with his Rrex love. He did miss him terribly, but Crivio's home was out on the sea, and Velius' was buried in his work at the lab.

The time he'd spent with Crivio had been nothing but bliss up until now. He was still shy around Crivio's crew, seeing as he wasn't all too familiar with them, but they seemed like good people.

The thud followed by shouting was worrisome, especially since Crivio's voice was so clear over the noise. Despite his love's insistence, Velius did make his way out of the cabin after a moment or two. Cautious, of course, but intent on discovering whether or not his love was in danger.


// Pirate Captain

The first noticeable thing was the chaos that had broken out on deck. Crivio's crew was actively fighting off attackers. Another ship had pulled up alongside theirs, grappling hooks holding the two ships together.

In the darkness Velius could see Crivio's halo glowing brightly, and alongside it his massive soul weapon, a fancy glaive. He looked okay so far. No one was able to get close enough to him. When they did they were either met with the blade of the soul weapon or the sword he held in his tail.

A person screamed as they were knocked overboard by the other rrex on Crivio's crew, the rrex laughing in delight at their peril.


// Toxicologist

Velius stayed ducked down below his cover as he watched, his eyes of course fixated on the glow of his love's halo and glaive. The way that he moved was enthralling to say the least, from what he could see. He knew his love had been training in the event of combat, but to see it I person, Velius was a mix of enthralled and quite worried for his safety.

Velius did not pity those that had boarded the ship. They resigned themselves to their fate the second they stepped aboard. However... they continued to serve one purpose. Fodder for Velius to watch Crivio dance about with his glaive. He knew the demands of the soul weapon, secondhand. He knew that Crivio couldn't afford to miss any strikes. By the look of it, he wasn't.


// Pirate Captain

It was almost like Crivio was dancing with the way he moved. The elegant thrusts of his glaive, the way his feet shuffled along the worn floorboards beneath him. The swish of his tail brandishing the blade and the flick of his wrists. Every move had meaning. It was a deadly tango that he and his opponent were locked in, and the music was the sound of Velius’ pounding heart.

Crivio backed his opponent into a corner, his glaive held at the human’s throat.

Velius was so enthralled by the fight he didn’t notice that another pirate had come on deck. Not only that but the pirate was coming right for him. An immanu it looked like, judging by the way it’s ears were pulled back. Sometimes Velius forgot Immanu had long ears with how often he was around Seethe. But that wasn’t the thought to be having in the moment. The immanu drew it’s sword, baring it’s fangs as it ran up the stairs towards Velius.


// Toxicologist

Velius managed to tear his eyes away from Crivio, only to be surprised by the sudden Immanu nearly upon him. An involuntary "Fuck!" spilled past his lips as he scrambled to his feet.

A quick glance around told him there was nothing immediately next to him he could use to fight back, but was fairly confident in dodging most of the swipes as they would come. Still. The fangs definitely were intimidating to have raised at you in a threat display.


// Pirate Captain

Crivio ran his glaive through the man he was fighting, finishing them off. He wasn’t free from combat for too long though. Soon after another crew mate stepped forward and challenged him. Crivio’s crew was out numbered but they were definitely more skilled than their opponents. It was just a matter of time to cut through them all.

Crivio had no idea of Velius’ peril.

The immanu swung it’s sword at Velius when it came in close enough. The blade swished through the air in front of Velius’ face, catching the end of his hair as he stepped back to avoid the blade.

There was a chance he could make it back to the captain’s quarters if he tried. Then he could slam the door shut and lock it as Crivio had shown him prior.


// Toxicologist

Velius hissed air between his teeth as the Immanu's sword slashed at him, noticing the ebony strands poofing into the air as his hair was cut. He didn't like the idea of fleeing, but as of now, there was nothing he could do to defend himself.

His best bet was to flee, and Crivio was able to handle himself. Darting away on a dime, Velius sprinted back towards the quarters, zig-zagging away as he did to make it harder for the Immanu to land a solid hit on him.


// Pirate Captain

The immanu gave chase, darting after Velius as he fled. Velius had the lead and was able to slip through the door ahead of the immanu.

As the man spun around to close and lock it the Immanu came crashing into the door. It surged forward as Velius desperately tried to get it to close. The latch was just a few inches away from reaching the doorframe, but the immanu was strong. Velius’ lifestyle didn’t exactly make him the buffest guy around. As he tried to hold the door shut his shoes began to slide along the wooden planks as the immanu gained the upper hand.


// Toxicologist

Velius grit his teeth and strained his weight against the door, fixing his footing as he went. He was fighting a losing battle. As he forced himself up against the door, he did his best to calculate the timing between the Immanu's pushes forward and rests.

He waited for the best moment he could think to to force his weight up against the door in one fell push, hoping he could latch the door in time before he was attacked.


// Pirate Captain

Velius’ strategy seemed to be working. With one final heave he felt the door fly shut. He celebrated for a moment before he realized that he didn’t hear the latch click into place. A glance downward revealed the immanu’s blade trapped in between the door and it’s frame, keeping the lock from sliding into place.

Before Velius had time to react he heard the immanu’s footsteps suddenly approaching the door on the other side. It had taken a few paces back and charged forward in the time Velius held the blade in the the door.

It flew wide open as the immanu drove it’s shoulder into it. Velius was sent stumbling back into Crivio’s hammock, the strings catching him under his arms.

The immanu plucked it’s sword from the door frame with ease, sending a splinter of wood flying. It’s eyes gleamed with a certain sadistic eagerness. It was obvious the creature thought it had won. After all, Velius had nowhere else to run.

“Any last words, human?” The immanu sneered as it brandished it’s sword, the other hand reaching for a dagger sheathed at it’s waist. “Better make ‘em quick.”


// Toxicologist

Velius cursed the fact that he'd gotten tangled up. With the adrenaline in his blood as his heart pounded in his chest, he defiantly spat in the Immanu's face. He wasn't about to die begging for his life.


// Pirate Captain

The immanu’s lips peeled back as Velius spat on it’s snout. It hissed angrily, fangs flaring out as it lifted it’s sword.

Velius flinched, expecting the pain of the blade cutting him down, but it never came.

He heard a lamented grunt of pain come from the immanu. When he opened his eyes he was greeted to the immanu standing before him, a glowing blade sticking out of it’s chest. The familiar glow of his lover’s halo could be seen peeking over the immanu’s head, almost as if the halo belonged to the immanu.

Crivio grunted as he placed a foot on the immanu, using the leverage to bring the blade up. It cut through the immanu’s chest and came flying out between the Immanu’s neck and shoulder, nearly cutting him in half of Crivio had struck a few inches to the left.

The immanu’s corpse fell to the ground, blood already soaking into the rug below.

Crivio stood over the body, understandably out of breath. He wasted no time approaching his love. His halo weapon flickered out of existence as Crivio brought both of his hands up to cup Velius’ face in his palms.

“You’re not injured are you?” He inquired, his concerned fuchsia gaze sweeping over Velius. When he didn’t see any blood he let out a sigh of relief, stroking Velius’ cheek with his thumb. “Why don’t you ever do as I ask?” He stepped closer to his love, eyes as soft as his tone. “You could have gotten yourself killed.”


// Toxicologist

Velius saw the blade pierce through the Immanu's body, closing his eyes again only to avoid the spray of blood that misted over him. He didn't want that in his eyes.

"I'm fine, love. I'm fine." He assured Crivio, placing his hands over Crivio's as his Rrex fussed over him.

"I had to make sure you were alright." Velius explained, his quadruple gaze turning upwards to look at Crivio. "I'm difficult," He continued with a chuckle, "You signed up for this." He let his thumb rub affectionately over Crivio's hands as he leaned into the touch. "You could have gotten yourself killed just the same as I. I couldn't let that happen, I had to make sure."


// Pirate Captain

“Of course you did.” Crivio laughed softly, his whiskers twitching in amusement.

He cast a glance over his shoulder and looked out the door. The rest of his crew had finished off the intruders. A few had been tied to the mast, the rest laying dead on the deck or in the water. He watched as a few of his crew mates hopped on to the other ship, going to pilfer what they could from the other pirate’s stash.

“Well, you didn’t listen to my warnings and now there’s a pirate in here.” Crivio hummed in reference to himself as he looked back to Velius. His tail moved to close the door. He nudged it shut and carefully engaged the deadbolt.

“Do you intend to do something about that?” Crivio stepped closer to Velius as he slid his hands down along Velius’ sides. He carefully lifted him and set him down on the hammock so they could now see eye to eye given their height difference.


// Toxicologist

"I do." Velius replied. There was no way that Velius would allow anyone other than Crivio to lift him as he had. But then again, Crivio was an exception.

"I suppose I'll have to admit defeat." The prideful human feigned a sigh. "Submit to the conquering captain and try to persuade him not to take my life."

Velius slid his own hands along the sides of Crivio's cheeks, feeling his silky fur against his cold hands. "But the truth of the matter, at its core. I'm glad you're okay." He leaned in to his love, kissing Crivio affectionately.


// Pirate Captain

A smile tugged at Crivio’s lips as Velius kissed him. He was trying to play out a little scene with Velius but the man’s love for him was too strong it seemed. Oh well, Crivio would always adore Velius’ caring words no matter what.