story bit

3 years, 1 month ago

a thing that happened

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rounding down the nearby hall a rather large, pump Toucanon walks in, the mudsdale splitting ways with him after the hall. The bird looks soft to the touch and its beak seems to sparkle inthe dim light.  "AAAAAAAYYYYYYY! Its-a trick boy! My lad- my boy- my child, what you doing back here? You get lost or-a something? Haven't seen ya in ages, would have thought you dead, but your parents wouldn't-a let us, seems I made a promise they won't-a let die." he lets out a hardly laugh, it echoing around the large room. its so loud it is almost deafening. "So-a if your-a back here, it must be to do some of them tricks yes, to entertain us, yes?"

Cory smiles and taking a step towards the toucannon and away from the others. Giving a half-bow he says bravely, "Bazoucan, its a pleasure seeing you." "for you, yes." Cory pauses, "right, i'm sorry for all the trouble ive put the Dodekai family though, I really didn't mean any harm, but im not here to perform tricks. If you will allow it, im here to see Piclairon."

The two birds stand there quietly for a few moments. A few.......long................awkward.............................moments.
"So you-a want to see you fiancee?"
"yes." Cory says with determination
"My daughter?"
"yes." Cory says less certain
"a lady so high above you, so much better than you that you couldn't ever hope to have even 1/1000% of the honor and grace she has."
"yes." Cory says in almost a whisper.

"you think, someone as low as dirt, no, lower then that, someone who isn't even worthy to breathe my air, can come in here and ask to speak with her by simply apologizing?"
"NO!" His voice booms again,  "No. An apology isn't enough for me, and it certainly isn't enough for her." 

Cory is quiet for a moment, "what can I do?" He asks, his stance not wavering. The toucannon is quiet for a moment.

"Umm...excuse me sir. If I may?" Charline says

The toucannon looks at Charline as if its the first time he is even seeing her. " and who is this? Don't tell me you brought help cuse your not enough of a 'mon to come your self."

Cory looks at Charline, worry on his face now.

(Charline curtsied and bowed.) My name is Charline Aquari. Daughter of Lord Isaac Aqauri from Voanu. As a fellow in nobility, I do understand his standing among you is low. And yet, despite that, I beg of you to allow him the chance to speak with her. After all, since the offense was to your daughter, naturally he should be speaking with her and she should be the one to decide what he should do, should an apology not suffice.

The Toucannon looks at Charline for a moment as if sizing her up and then at cory, "Is this your new squeeze, moved on already to another noble?" 

Cory shakes his head quickly, "No- no just a friend, I can assure you." 

He looks at Charline again, before stepping up to cory so they are as close as the Toucannons beak will allow. very, very slowly the bird says, "then grovel." 

"ex- excuse me?" Cory says, his somewhat stable frame wavering for a moment.  

"You asked what you can do, Charline here says i should give you a chance, a request coming from another noble i'd be willing to humor, but only after I see you grovel... trick boy."

Cory glances back at the others for a moment as the Toucannon says, "your friends are welcome to as well if they like." 

"I- no." Cory says quickly, "no, I-I can do it."

Cory takes a deep breath and slowly drops to his knees, wincing for a moment as his left leg hits the ground.

The toucannon doesn't move away from the oricorio, now towering over him.  "im-" "all the way boy." The toucannon says coldly not content.

Cory takes a deep breath and puts his forehead on the ground, his arms on either side, his body as low as it can go. Voice shaky he says, "Im- im so sorry sir. I know i don't deserve anything you have so graciously offered me, have given me. I am below you, bellow your servants, bellow your table scraps. I am not worthy to even exist. But I beg of you. Please. Please allow me to talk to your daughter. It-" his voice cracks as he clears it to continue, "to merely be in her presence would be an opportunity of a lifetime. It would be an event I will never forget and something I would consider to be the most valuable memory I would own. Please." he pauses for a moment. "Please allow me to plead with her, allow a mer scab like me to ask for her forgiveness and for my parent's forgiveness. It is all I ask."

the Toucannon sits in silence for a moment looking at the Oricorio as he practically lays on the ground, dirt from the floor sticking in his feathers. after its been drawn out the Toucannon sighs, "Fine. But not for your sake, but for hers, and the real noble thats here. And if i ever see you again trick boy, you better have some real good tricks to show me, groveling won't be enough, you understand." Cory nods, not daring to move from off the ground.

glancing at the group of pokemon behind him he waves them off, "she is upstairs in her room. don't take long." and with that he walks back out the hall

Cory stays on the ground for a little longer breathing deeply

Cory take a moment, and looks almost dazed. puting a hand to his head and legs weak he chuckles, "I think my heart is no longer in my body. Did anyone see where it went?"