Lost Critters | Easter

3 years, 1 month ago

Eira and Lumi search for the lost hares and chickens at the request of the TCA.

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Eira and Lumi lopped over hills and through meadows, darted across streams and leapt through valleys. The TCA had told them that a great number of chickens and hares had gone missing and asked for a hand in finding them. The idea of those poor animals being lost and alone was enough to make the kind duo want to lend a hand, but the offer of a free pet? They weren’t about to turn that down. 

Before long Eira picked up a scent, leading towards the Spirit Falls. On approach, Lumi could make out the faint sound of clucking, almost drowned out by the sounds of rushing water. Eira made his way forward with renewed haste, what if the chickens had fallen in? Lumi quickly grabbed a rope from her pack in case she needed to jump into the water to save the poor creatures.

They leapt over the peak of the hill, about to race towards the waterside, when the view before them came into focus. A giant green earth-giant stood at the river’s edge, looking like a being made of grass and rock. Her horns circled her face majestically and her eyes shone like emeralds under moonlight. It was the Tokota Spirit Aga, Mother of the Forest. 

The lost chickens and hares are gathered before her, playing in the shallow waters with the spirit’s watchful eye looking over them. It seemed the TCA had nothing to worry about, the critters were all safe and sound after all. Lumi and Eira breathed a sigh of relief. Spring had come, and tragedy was averted this year at least.

“’Lo Aga!” Called Lumi respectfully, dismounting as the pair approached. Eira gave a light bow while his handler gave a sweet little curtsy. The spirit seemed pleased as the greeting as she returned a light nod. “The TCA sent us to find your little friends here, we were afraid they were in trouble.” Explained Lumi with a light chuckle, watching the chickens splash the hares in unison.

"Oh, hello there. Oh dear, you think I've chicken-napped these birds?” Asked the giant spirit in shock, “I'm so sorry, what a terrible misunderstanding. I've just taken them to enjoy a nice bath.” 

“They certainly seem to be having a nice time.” Lumi smiled, “If we weren’t on a mission I’d be tempted to join them. ‘Fraid to say that these babies are missed back in town, and it’s time for their dinner. Any chance we can take them back with us?”

“You can take them home with you of course, but first can you help me sing them a good bath time song?" Came the request of the spirit.

Lumi and Eira weren’t about to disappoint the Mother of the Forest, and Lumi paused, trying to think of something profound and meaningful to say to this regal creature before her.

Eira had no such hesitation.

“Hi little chickens,

Sitting in a tub,

Many little chickens,

All needing a scrub.

Please don't peck

And please don't run

I promise if you stick around

You'll all have so much fun

Great Aga's here to make you clean,

With her coat so shiny and green.

She's here to keep you safe right here,

So you'll all be fine next year.” 

A laugh from Aga was the only reason Lumi stopped trying to think of a poem. 

“Did Eira say something?” She asked the great spirit, looking over at her Tokota with a bemused expression. Meetings with spirits were few and far between, and since it was just about the only way to really hear what her partner was saying she was excited to hear what masterful prose Eira had come up with that entertained the spirit so. 

Aga obliged, repeating the poem to Lumi, and soon all three were giggling away. It wasn’t quite the masterpiece that Lumi had been expecting from the snow-coloured explorer, but it was fitting. Lumi felt she had both learned more and less about Eira after hearing his cute little rhyme.

"Mmm," Murmured Aga, "Yes, that seems to have done the job perfectly. The chickens are all clean and calm. You can take them home now. Oh! Please do take this with you to apologize to the humans for borrowing their chickens." 

As Aga spoke, she passed Lumi a small hand-woven basket. The small girl accepted the gift gratefully, her eyes shining at receiving a gift from a spirit. She gave her heartfelt thanks and Aga slipped away back into the forest. Lumi couldn’t help but wonder if the tribe back home would believe what had happened today.

“Come on Eira, let’s get these critters back home. It’s getting late and I bet everyone here is ready for some dinner.” Lumi shook her head to clear her thoughts, they still had a mission to do after all.