Thunder And Rain Agasint A Window

3 years, 5 months ago
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A grassy field would be a nice spot – A nice open field with soft grass, maybe some pretty flowers that could sway in the gentle breeze that coasted by and warm sunlight shining down.

Chiffon has long come to the realization that she really liked this sort of scenery. It makes sense, since she always saw the ground from above, via the tower’s windows, she never really got to run around in an open space or even just lay down on the ground until she ended up in Mahou Wando. She’s gotten to run around on grass or lay down in the sun now. And it’s always left her with a wonderful feeling.

Unfortunately this sort of idea was currently out of her reach as Chiffon stared at the rain outside her window… Still.. the idea at least sounded nice.. Chiffon continued to rest her chin in her pawb as she had her elbow propped on the windowsill.

Maybe she could-

Ah right Cosmia probably was back out in the forest by now... She’d walked with her back to the school dorms but then returned to the forest. Chiffon wasn’t sure when she’d be back.. Would they have to wait until everything was over..? Would she’d even move from where she was staying at all, considering the heavy rain..? She knew Cosmia would be fine.. KJ had confidence in her being able to take care of herself and so did Chiffon.. but she still hoped Cosmia’d be okay out in the forest…

And KJ… KJ probably isn’t gonna have a good time with this weather.. He doesn’t like water and rain was no different. Despite that Chiffon wondered if maybe he’d like the sound of rain?.. She thought it was rather soothing, but she didn’t really know why he hated water exactly to begin with.. There was probably a reason.

Awhile back he had said water was gross.. And he really.. really did not look like he liked it at all.. Thinking back on that now Chiffon still couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit bad when he’d offered to also put his hand in the water bucket with her to test how well she’d do with water. Exie and Rhiannon were real nice back then to also stick their hands in.. But KJ was the only one who didn’t like water and yet still did it. What a good friend.. He clearly was and always will be her Best Friend.

Her thoughts on that time got disturbed by a streak of light illuminating the rather dark outside. She didn’t have much time to react before the loud rumbling crash came following after.

She let out an “eep” as she stumbled back a bit from the window. Lightning was okay.. She had to admit it was kinda spooky to see.. but it was the thunder she really could do without…!

“..y’ ok cakesss?” a very soft and drowsy voice spoke up from behind her.

Chiffon looked back to see KJ laying on his back in the mess of blankets and pillows that was their sleepover set up. He had tilted his head up to look over at her from his position, one bleary eye open the other still closed. Chiffon was happily surprised to see her Sunstar was.. relatively okay with the current weather. Drowsy and not fully focused yet but he didn’t seem upset by the thunderstorm outside the window; and Chiffon was happy with that.

“Oh..! I’m okay..!” She walked over and let herself fall back into a sitting position with a fwomp onto the blankets next to him, “Did the thunder wake you up?..” Honestly Chiffon was just glad he was talking again, even if it was only a little bit.

KJ mumbled what was probably a “no” and proceeded to, slowly but surely, roll himself over. With a tired groan, as well as a few cracks from his bones, KJ moved himself over so he was now resting with his head on her lap. Chiffon couldn’t help but let out a giggle as he looked up at her and she instinctively started to play with bits of his hair.

He may have woken up from the storm, or maybe her being startled by the lightning, or maybe he’d been awake the whole time and just didn’t wanna get up. Either way considering he still seemed kinda tired, it probably wouldn’t be long until he was asleep again. His eyes were already closing just from her playing with his hair.

He deserved rest.

Everyone deserved some rest.. The petrified forest has had everyone on high alert and working like crazy to prepare for those who were leaving. After giving the food bags to everyone Chiffon walked back to the school dorms with Cosmia, got a gay lil hug from her, and returned to find a sleeping KJ in her room.

And now that everyone had all gone into the forest, all the rest of the people in Mahou Wando could do was wait and hope for the best. Wait for everyone to come back…

Wait and hope they’d be okay…

Ah.. That thought had made her a bit sad.. She’d probably frowned without realizing it because next thing she knew a hand was gently patting her cheek. Looking down she realized he was looking at her, eyes open again.

“Hm..?” Chiffon’s hand reached up to meet his as she squished her cheek into it, “I’m okay.. Don’t worry..”

KJ didn’t say anything in return, his expression hadn’t changed from his – still slightly more tired – but otherwise usual look. But his hand slowly slid off her cheek and instead turned it to hold onto her pawb. Immediately his thumb brushed over her paw bean before just squooshing her paw bean.


Squoosh squoosh.

Chiffon immediately started giggling from it. She couldn’t help it, she was ticklish there.


“…How was th'… Th' thing…” KJ continued to squish squoosh Chiffon’s paw bean as he spoke. His voice as monotone as always, “Y'kno'.. Food 'nd stuff.”

KJ’s voice was still soft. He still was tired, still barely talking after what was probably nothing but anxiety and stress that seemed to make his words die in his throat. It wasn’t the first time his words wouldn’t come out and it probably wouldn’t be the last.. But it had been the longest that Chiffon’d seen him unable to talk. So when it was finally back she was glad.. so very glad…

“It went good..!” Chiffon offered a soft smile as she wiggled her lil pawb fingies as KJ continued to squish her paw, trying to get the bubbly energy out without disturbing KJ’s position in her lap. Her eyes scrunching slightly as her smile got brighter, “I got to give everyone their food..! Even people that I hadn’t thought I would see there!”

“I got to hug all my friends too..! That was really nice..” Her eyes softened, as did her smile, as she thought about everyone she saw there. “I don’t know if it will be a few hours or a few days.. but it was nice to get to hug them before they all left..”

KJ gave her pawb a gentle squeeze, for reassurance. Chiffon ended up smiling as she leaned closer to his head to nuzzle their noses together, leaning back afterwards to speak again.

“I also told Juliet that after everyone left I’d rest.. So I get to try and relax for awhile.” Chiffon stretched out both her legs (as much as she could with KJ’s head in her lap), and the one arm he wasn’t holding to prove the point of her relaxing.

“nnice..” The tiniest bit of a smile appeared on KJ’s face as he slowly let go of her paw and instead cupped her face with both hands. “Y’ worked hard.. s’ y’ deserve it..”

KJ squished her cheeks with both hands resulting in her letting out a little pbbt sound as she stuck her tongue out. It was immediately followed by Chiffon giggling as well as a few quiet “heh” ’s from KJ.

Sadly the laughter got ruined when lightning struck outside and Chiffon’s ears betrayed her by turning towards the window as the thunder came crashing after. Chiffon whined softly and grabbed hold of KJ’s hands on her cheeks and moved them in front of her face.

“Che..?” she mumbled, as she peeked out from behind his hands “are you okay?.. with the rain sounds and all..? the storm’s not bothering you is it?..”

KJ took a moment, letting his hands be moved by Chiffon, as he slowly figured out what words he wanted to say.

“S’ ok…” He slid his hands back to her cheeks to give some reassuring pats, he’d looked at her a moment before breaking eye contact ‘Never rained a lot ‘n the desert ‘r ‘anythin’…’

“Makes everythin’ wet.. But th’ sound is fine..” KJ offered a half shrug as he spoke. Another bolt of lightning struck outside, and KJ didn’t even care as his hands got tugged by Chiffon’s hands up to her ears to cover them as the thunder rolled by.

Once the thunder rumbles quieted down he looked at Chiffon and slowly slid his hand out of Chiffon’s not all that tight of grip and started to slowly but surely struggle to push himself up into a sitting position. He rolled his shoulders, Chiffon made a bit of a face hearing his bones cracking.

Chiffon was about to ask if he was okay when KJ shifted how he was sitting and turned to face her. KJ answered that question by wrapping his arms around Chiffon’s waist and pulled the lil cakebun closer to him.

“Storms sound better… Like s’mad at shit..” He let go of Chiffon with one arm to gesture as he makes an explosion sound with his mouth; it got a giggle out of Chiffon as she leaned against him. That got him to keep talking once he’d wrapped his arm around Chiffon again. “Cool lookin’ ‘nd soundin’…”

KJ let himself fall back onto the pillows and blankets with a soft “oomph” taking Chiffon, who was still in his arms, with him.

“SSSo they’re better..”

“That’s good..” Chiffon curled up into KJ, sliding her arms around him as she felt his head rest on top of hers. “I’d be sad if you were having a bad time with the storm..”

Chiffon let her eyes close as she continued talking, she could feel KJ squish her into a tighter hug.

“The thunder is loud.. but it’s not.. awful.. I get more spooked by the sound than anything..” she let out a soft laugh as she squished her cheek into him, enjoying the warmth of him being so close to her. “Rain on the other hand.. while I can’t be in it.. I think it sounds pretty.. the lil tippy taps on the window..”

“TTtippy taps?..” KJ let out an amused huff.

“Yeah..!” Chiffon smiled, even with her enthusiasm you could tell that she was starting to feel tired. The sounds of the storm outside slowly lulling her to sleep. “It’s nice to listen to.. really relaxing…”

She let out the tiniest yawn as she nuzzled herself closer to him. Turning her head just slightly to press a tiny kiss to his shoulder. The immediate rise in heat, as well as the way he’d tightened his already very squishy hug around her, had her start giggling.

“mmm...” KJ seemed to take an eternity just getting that sound out. His hair thankfully remained hair and did not turn to fire. “rrrrelaxin’ y’ should be..”

“Heehee..~ I am relaxing..!”

KJ seemed to accept that answer by almost immediately falling asleep again. His arms and legs that were curled around the lil cake bun didn’t really loosen their hold. But the room sure did get warmer as KJ’s hold on his magic faded away as he drifted off.

Chiffon always did like this feeling. She was so very very glad she was able to handle extreme heat and cold..

She frowned ever so slightly at the thought of cold.. She really did wish Cosmia was here to be able to enjoy the relaxing time.. But Cosmia was restless about just standing by and not doing anything. Chiffon understood that.. She just wished Cosmia the best while staying in the woods...

She snuggled herself into KJ as she started to also drift off to sleep.. Hopefully when they woke up things would be better off..