Failed Attempts {Hunt Prompt 3}

3 years, 5 months ago

TW: Mentions of blood

550 words = 5 gold +1 (magic use) + 1 (world-specific) = 7 gold

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Vulcan continued his efforts to try and save the townsfolk from the horrors of the square, herding them down the narrow alleyway towards the exit out of Faline. He was so close, the last of the stragglers finally starting to huddle together down the street. It was in this moment that the monster began to realise who it was and what it was capable of. The smouldering beast roared, its booming voice shaking the ground like an earthquake. It knew the mages were trapping it and it was not impressed. Without warning, it reared up above the crowds - above the buildings - causing the mages to briefly pause their attack. This was all the worm needed for the opportunity to escape. It dove forwards, charging for the exit...straight towards Vulcan and the elderly.


It was the only word Vulcan could scream before diving sideways. The worm smashed its giant purple body into the building beside him, trying to clamber over the debris so it could escape Faline. As it did so, the crumbling arch that the elders had stood under just moments before collapsed. It all happened so quick, Vulcan had no chance to respond. The screams...the terrible, blood curdling screams. Vulcan's squeezed his eyes shut, blocking out the sight of trapped bodies. The screams became whimpers as their lights were snuffed out one by one, blood oozing out into a large pool on the cobblestones. He couldn't save them. Tears sprung to his eyes. I failed them.

Scrabbling to his feet, he ignored the burning pain along his left side. He'd scraped his whole body along the floor when he'd thrown his body to the floor after he saved himself rather than saving those who needed him the most. Nothing could be done now. It was too late for them but it was not too late for the rest of Faline and the surrounding areas. He could try to save them. As the worm still writhed wildly, struggling to get its heavy body over the large chunks of rock and brick, Vulcan galloped up to it. These buildings were already ruined so Vulcan saw no issues with what he was about to do. He pressed his horn against the wall that was still partially standing, igniting it. He willed it on, the flames greedily lapping up the fuel to grow bigger and stronger by the second. He reared up with a face like thunder. This purple beast would pay for the lives it had taken this day. With a swift movement of his head, he swooshed his head sideways to flourish the flame leftwards. It surged onwards, following Vulcan's control, licking out eagerly towards the monster. It squirmed, the thick muscles of its body flexing back and forth to lift its body to safety but it was too late. Vulcan pushed the flame on, building up speed and bam! It connected with the flesh of its enemy. Once again, the ex-archmage was alight. The blackened fur on its tail had only just stopped smoking but it was short lived relief. Now, its flesh melted, sizzling away. The fire burned with all the rage of Vulcan, the anger swirling in his blue eyes. This thing had murdered so many already. It could not be allowed to live.

Words: 550