Can't Stop Won't Stop

5 years, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence
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Can’t Stop Won’t Stop 

By KenneStu 


Thaddeus didn’t understand people, none of them, not really. Most walk around with lies on their tongues and masks on their faces and to what end? Why hide who you are, what you like, what you feel? He didn’t hide and never would. He ran his tongue along his teeth, mouth pulling upwards into a bit of a dangerous smile as he bit his bottom lip. He’d finally found it, an interesting creature that he couldn’t ignore now that he’d found one in the world… couldn’t rest knowing that it existed, couldn’t not imagine all the things he could do to it. He watched the woman move her hair, revealing the back of her ear where the tell tale feathers and mark of an Alicanto protruded from her head. They were said to be formidable creatures, bringing luck to those who follow without being caught and gaining the reward of silver or gold. What made them dangerous was if the alicanto discovered they were being followed, the avian humanoid would guide their stalker to their death or perhaps they brought it.  No one rightly knew because dead men tell no tales. 


As such, Thaddeus didn’t know if this was true, but he wanted to find out. He hoped she was worthy of the fight he had within him as he followed her from the ATM, to around the corner to a convenience store. He could feel the excitement beginning to flood his veins as she exited the store and began heading towards a more quiet part of the city, less traffic, more sketchy back alleys. His heart increased in speed and the desire to see her face twist up in pain became so vivid it felt as if he were prophetic. 


Silently the human trailed after the long legged, brown skinned woman, he thought that she might have caught on to him as her ears fluttered with a breeze that brought the scent of the old warehouse district. However, she continued on giving no indication that she was being followed. Filled with endless brick buildings, some repurposed, many not. For someone who didn’t know their way around it was not unlike a maze which was a perfect place for he to carry on with his fun. 


Her blue hair, which was tied up into two pigtail buns should have looked rather childish, but all Thaddeus could think about was the delight of her face when she thought she was going to get away, only to find out that wasn't the case at all. He wasn't normally an impatient man, he could wait forever to get what he wanted but he could admit to himself that his excitement made him perhaps just a mite too eager which was why when she slipped into one of the warehouses; he didn't think anything about following her inside.  


A choked sound of surprise left him and then a snicker as a knife was suddenly held to his neck. "Who are you and what do you want?" 


"You know exactly what I want, Alicanto." 


His amber eyes met with her unnaturally round green ones. They were just as fierce and unsettling as a bird of prey's which had him grinning wildly. Thaddeus was really itching for a fight that was worth his efforts. He intended to find it in her, regardless of if she intended to give it to him. Just the fact that she was what she was was enough to get his body to flush with the warmth of, mmm, the lust for blood. 


"I have no gold nor any silver. I've hardly got twenty dollars to my name, you won't find anything but death following me." Her Spanish accent was hardly detectable but it was there. 


"That sounds like a welcome spot of fun." Without further warning he lashed out to get a taste of her response, a sudden black aura springing to life around him, twisting with sharp edges of liquid obsidian. 


As if it required very little of her she countered his attack and responded with her own. A private smile found it's way upon his face, she was strong and she hadn't even tapped into her full powers yet. Oh ho ho ho! What good fun~. 


Their back and forth went on longer than he was expecting, he growing tiresome of the game and ready to smell the liquid that flowed through her veins. More and more feathers had appeared along her neck, back, and arms. Her nails had grown to talons and her features became a little more sharp, she swiped her claws across his chest, tearing into the fabric of his top and creating three thin lines of red but he used the opportunity to grab her wrist. Between one second and the next the magic that seemed to ooze from his markings, solidified and stabbed straight through to the other side of her small forearm. Blood for blood~. 


Just as he imagined, her face of pain was lovely, the sound of her suppressed yell only making him more excited for more. She stood very little chance now that he had a taste of her blood.  


"Ah, sorry about that? Did I nick you a bit?" Thaddeus smiled playfully, not allowing her a response before he was piercing her other arm through with more of his magic. He stared at her, waiting for she to break when she realized she wasn't getting out of this alive. When nothing happened but the lovely sound of a pained moan he cloaked his hand in the same sharp glassy darkness that surrounded him and dragged it down her chest, watching beads of blood spring to her cacao skin. To his utter delight she bled sparkling quicksilver. 


"Tsk, tsk, Little Miss... you said you had no silver nor gold... and what is this that I find? Perhaps I ought to let you go? After all you must be far more valuable alive rather than dead, yes?"  


There was a spark of interest there, her full lips parted and he could practically taste her desire to negotiate her life from his hands and he'd play along but in the end, she was not leaving this place alive. Just the thought of his game made him want to laugh-- he couldn't suppress the smile that displayed white teeth. 



He let her try and convince him to release her, she bribed him with riches beyond his comprehension, with power, and other things that didn't interest him nearly as much as each cut that he carved into her skin. Her blood wasn't of the traditional variety but it would do. He could feel how alive his body had become, how hot and wonderful he felt. At some point she'd begun to cry and would you believe it if he'd told you she cried gold? That of course made him all the meaner so that by the time he was finished with her she was a beautiful, bloody, mess, breath ragged and mossy chartreuse green eyes having dulled to a vacant dull olive green. 


Taking her life was bliss, euphoria! Not even her whispered threat of her sisters would avenge her could dampen his joy... if anything, as he pulled his bottom lip into his mouth and moaned at the thought, it revved up his yearning. He wanted more to come for him, he wanted them angry, he wanted that fight, and more than anything... he wanted more of the richest blood he'd ever had the pleasure of shedding.  


How could this be wrong? Tsk, the world was wrong, ignorant; to deny the thrills of your desires, your happiness. Ha, never would he ever do such a stupid thing. It felt too good not to. 

