Danganronpa 42: Shipwreck Havoc

3 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 9 months ago
25 8964 3

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

This is my fanganronpa, everything, well only the death order and characters, is planned out, so if you comment something, it won't affect who dies and such, so comment away with any theories.

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Prologue Part 1

Here I stand, ready to start my first day at Hope's Peak Academy, at least I think it is, all I remember is that I went there and then suddenly collapsed. Why does my head hurt, why do I feel so dizzy... why... am I shaking, rocking, tossing and turning, where am I, why can't I wake up, why don't I remember anything before this moment?

Oh, I should really explain who I am, shouldn't I? I'm a female high schooler known by all her friends as Lily, Lily the florist, the planter of the most beautiful flowers in the school, I can keep any kind of flower alive in any season or any weather, so I've come to be known as the ultimate florist.

Soon, I was able to open my eyes and found that I was in a bed... in a moving... room? Wait, was I in a boat? I don't understand. "Why... am I here?" I asked to nobody but myself, and yet, a strange kid in sunglasses answered my question, "nobody knows, now keep your trap shut." He said.

"You sure are rude." I said to him.

"Yeah, well you are interrupting our sleep." The strange kid said.

"What? Aren't you worried about what is going on?" I asked.

"Yeah... whatever, just be quiet already." He responded.

"Whatever, I'm going to go look around, just so I can get away from you." I said and jumped down.

"Good, I don't want to look at or listen to you anymore." The strange kid said.

I sighed and walked away from him, he sure was annoying to talk to, I didn't even like him at all, he was such a bother to deal with, I hope that everyone else here isn't like that, isn't... such a big... bully, isn't... so mean.

I made my way into a nearby door, glancing around, my breath was shallow, I was scared, everything was a bit too much for me, this new place, this had to be a ship, no doubt about it, now how do I make my way to finding a way out of here, what will I do? WHAT WILL I DO?

No, I've got to stay calm, I can't panic, "I can't lose my hope." I say out loud.

"Hey?! Is someone else there?!" An excited voice called out.

"Hey?! Who is that?!" I called out.

A small girl with pink hair and a pickaxe ran up to me. "My my! I'm so glad that someone else is awake! I thought I would be like all alone, that thought scared me..." she whined.

"Uh... who are you?" I asked cautiously.

"Oh! My! Thank you for reminding me to do this, I am Rose! Everyone knows me as the ultimate miner, well... I guess not really, but that is what I was invited as." The small girl said.

"I'm Lily... the ultimate florist... now, how did you get your ultimate talent?" I asked.

"Well... I uh... went mining and on my first day I found an abundance of ores." Rose said.

"That is way better than what I do to get my talent, but anyways, we should try to figure out our curcumstances first before we try to escape, Rose." I say.

"Well we do know we are in a ship, right?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, exactly, but what else...?" I asked.

"I-" Rose was about to speak before she got interrupted.

"Oi, you two, this is bad, I need you both to come with me." A small boy covered in splots of oil, wearing blue said as he walked up to us.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You... might want to see for yourself." He said.

Rose and I followed Lelan to the front of the boat, the steering and... no one was there... except for a skeleton... wearing the captain's clothes.

"Just... how long have we been here?" I asked.

"I'm not even sure myself." The small boy said.

"...are we trapped here?" Rose asked.

"No, I don't think so... I hope." I say.

"Anyways... you can call me Lelan, I was invited as the ultimate technician, so yeah... I guess that is what you can call me." The boy said.

"I'm Rose! Ultimate miner!" Rose exclaimed.

"Lily, ultimate florist... well you two, I'll go try to introduce myself to the others." I said.

I turned around and walked off on my own, leaving Lelan and Rose by themselves until a creepy girl in a school girl outfit approached me.

"Well... well well... look what the spirits brought in, another stranger." She said in a slow, creepy voice.

"U-uhm... hi..." I said.

"My my... perhaps would you like to join me in a ritual? You know, so we can talk to spirits and whatnot? You'd love to do that right? I can tell that you just saw a dead body? Maybe we can summon and talk to him, ask him how he died? That would be fun right?" The creepy girl asked.

"Uh... n-no." I said.

"Oh... Apologies, anyways, Im Teia, the ultimate occultist, ehehehe, talking to ghosts is a passion of mine, so is doing rituals and other such things." The creepy girl said.

"Oh yeah... ahahaha." I laughed awkwardly.

"Are you laughing at me measly girl? And you havent even told the wind who you are, let your name roam free like a proud spirit, now tell me, tell the oh ghastly one who you are." Teia said.

"Lily... I-Im Lily the ultimate florist." I said.

This girl sure is weird, and creepy, what is even with that speech pattern of hers? What is wrong with her? Why is she like this?

"Want me to tell you a story that deals with the occult?" Teia asked.

"No, not at all, I do not want to hear it." I say.

"Oh, alright, I will just tell someone else the amazing tale of Teia then." Teia laughed as I awkwardly walked away.