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Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 1 month ago

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OC Questions


Give a two or three word description of yourself.

Smart, sharp, stubborn.

Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, nom de plume?

Cailla. A made-up name from my stillborn twin’s, Caillte.

What is your full birth name?

Una Aurora Valencia of the House of Raven.

Where do you live?

Originally, in Lyria. Now...nowhere.

Why do you live there?

It’s where the palace is. And now I’m on the run.

What is your most obvious blessing or strength?

I was born royal...and truth be told, I'm easy on the eyes.

What do you perceive as your greatest strength?

My empathy. Apparently it’s rare in people- especially monarchs.

What is your most obvious flaw or weakness?

My pride. I can be very stubborn.

What do you perceive as your greatest weakness?

I’m too soft on people, even when I shouldn’t be.

Was there any event or cause of these weaknesses?

Pride comes naturally to a born monarch, but the benignancy is all my own.

Physical Traits

How old are you?

Now, 32.

What is your gender?


What is your species/race?

Human, though I have a distant elf ancestor somewhere.

How tall are you?

5’6. It’s average height!

How much do you weigh?

Around 65kg.

What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise?

Full-figured, well- muscled. Strong frame and structure, though not too stocky.  Self-assured poise: carries self with pride.

What is your skin colour?

Dusky brown.

What is your hair colour?

Deep brown.

What is your hairstyle?

Usually braided back, in a chignon. Nowadays, either loose or tied back.

What is your eye colour?

Blue, almost violet.

Does it change?

Sometimes, depending on the light. They’re blue, though.

How attractive are you?

I’m known for my beauty, apparently. I’ve certainly never had any complaints.

What is your most distinguishing feature?

My eyes. They are very expressive.

Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks?

Several scars from over my lifetime, including stretch marks from my pregnancies.

If so, how did you acquire them?

Various battles/training. One is from Gascon’s dagger.

What do these distinguishing marks look like?

Mostly just faded pink or white lines.

Do they have any special significance?

Only the stretch marks. The scars are just scars.

Where are they located?

Arms, torso, legs.

What is your handedness (left/right)?


What kind of clothing do you wear?

Whatever’s suitable, mostly. At the moment, winter clothing.

What is your clothing's style or level of sophistication?

Comfort first, style later. If at all. But it must be high quality.

Do you wear makeup?

No, unless it’s an occasion.

What sort of vocal tone do you have?

Educated, formal, posh. My tone is usually strong and commands attention, but it softens a lot around those I care about.


Where is your homeland?


What are it's people like?

Generally good, I’m working on improving them.

What are your opinions of home?

It is a good country. It has much to offer and improve.

Did you witness any historical events?

The coup that overthrew me, and several battles.

If so, how did that event impact you?

The battles are just battles, but the coup...I am still working on that.

Are your real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what you tell others?

No, I am honest with my party. They wouldn’t follow me otherwise.

Do you have any particularly high or low ability scores?

I am charismatic and intelligent...but my speed is very low. I’m also not very lucky.

How have these scores affected your life so far?

My charisma opens doors and rallies armies.

What about your race, growing up were you in the majority or a minority?

Majority. Humans outnumber all other races.

How were you treated by other nearby races?

I tried to help them...but they threw it back in my face.

How do you feel about other races?

I want to improve life for all of them. I don’t understand the divide.

Do you have any justification from your past experience for holding such views?

I witnessed a lot of racism and unpleasantness when I was younger. I disagreed with it then, and still do now.

Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life.

The journey to Skellige with my governess, Sera. It was a long journey, and eventful, but I was safe with her. It let me be free from my title, and just be a child.

What was childhood like for you?

At first, I was well-behaved, brought up properly...then I went to Skellige. Over the time there I learnt quite a lot of rough, hearty behaviours that my parents wanted smoothed out once I returned home...they were successful, mostly.

Was it calm and peaceful or turbulent and traumatic?

Fairly peaceful, just eventful.

Did you have any childhood friends?

I made friends with the children of Skellige, though we were young. Later I befriended Elena when we both skived off of church.

If so, who and where are they now?

The Skelligans I do not know. Elena, I only just found out, since she went missing...she was taken by Count Caldwell and married to his odious son.

What stupid things did you do when you were younger?

I skipped church, snuck out of the palace and cut my hair short by myself.

Which toys from your childhood have you kept?

I still have a stuffed bear from Caich an Craite somewhere...and that wooden boat might be there too. I think my sons had it last.

Why? What do they mean to you?

The bear was a gift, to comfort me. The boat was from Sera.

Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you?

Not really. Only things I’d rather not talk about or remember.

What conflicts might arise from your past?

Qualms with the Scoia'tael might occur, due to a previous...relationship with an elven man named Maddox.

Are you who you claim to be?

Absolutely. I am the rightful Queen of Lyria. My son is too inexperienced to rule.


Who were your parents?

The previous King and Queen of Lyria, Prince Augustus Octavius Venger and Queen Caitlyn Rosa Raven.

Were you raised by them?

Sort of. They were present. Mother was a bit closer than father.

If not, then why didn't they and who did raise you?

They had to rule the kingdom, so my Governess Sera mostly raised me as a child.

How did you get along with their parents?

I was well-behaved when young, but as I became a teen, I got rather rebellious. We would often have disagreements. When I became 16, I grew up and calmed down.

How would your parents describe you? Answer this in the voice of your mother, then in your father's.


Do you have any siblings?

No living ones.

If so, how many and what were their names?

Caillte was my twin brother. He was stillborn.

What was your birth position in the family (i.e.-ast born, and child, rd, etc.)?

I was the first-born. Caillte came next.

Are any or all of your family still alive?

Mother and Father are alive and presumably well.

If so, where are they now?

In Temeria, guest of Foltest’s.

Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged?

I haven’t heard from them in a long while. Last I knew, they were caring for Princess Adda.

Have you begun your own family?

I had a husband, King Reginald, with whom I had two sons, Anseis and Villem. Sadly Reginald died some years back, leaving me to care for the boys alone.

What type of person would be your ideal mate?

Someone I can talk with in confidence, who I trust and who cares for me as I do for them. Someone who can take me as I am.

What would you be willing to do to protect such a person?

I would kill, without hesitation.

Is there anything you wouldn't do to protect such a person and if so what?

I couldn’t let them come before my people...and so I cannot allow myself to sacrifice myself for them.

Would anything change your mind on this issue and if so, what?

If I could truly believe my kingdom will be looked after, despite my absence.


Do you have any close friends?

The closest would be my current companions.

If so, who and what are they like?

Edon: gregarious, charismatic, irritating at times.

Belagorn: intelligent, obtuse, quiet.

Faust: reserved, proud, can occasionally be surprisingly playful.

Melovié: disciplined, naive, sweet.

What is the history of their relationship(s) with you?

I would have considered Edon a friend, but we are tentative now since he revealed he was a Nilfgaard spy. His recent behaviour has repelled me somewhat.

Belagorn is the closest thing I have to a friend: we’ve both risked our lives for each other. He saved my life, and I saved his soul.

I built a companionship with Faust, which developed into a romantic relationship. It seems to be going well, and I think he’s opened up a little more.

Melovié is still new to us, but she’s gone a long way in a short time. She’s pledged herself to me with a knightly vow.

Do you currently have a best friend whom you would protect with your reputation or your life?

Sadly, no. I cannot afford to have friends.

Do you have any bitter enemies?

Count Caldwell. After learning what he did in my past, even more so.

If so, who are they, what are they like, and what is the history of their feud with you?

A fat, pompous boar. I recently discovered that he’s been pulling strings since I was a child. He married off my childhood crush to his odious son, as well as scheming to overthrow me and collaborate with Nilfgaard. I want to destroy him.

Have you defeated them before?

I tried to attack him, but he struck me down with a blow to the face. Belagorn tackled him though.

What valuable or important contacts do you have?

I am in contact with the other monarchs of the Northern Realms. I also am owed a favour by an ancient dwarven king.

List any past serious relationships that you have had, and give a brief overview of the relationship(s).

My close friend and childhood crush, Elena of Scalla.

My husband and father of my two sons, King Reginald.

My lover, the traitor Maddox. Entirely a falsehood.

My...partner? Faust of Brill. A (mage)light in a time of darkness.

How do you think others generally perceive you?

Stubborn, determined, benignant.

Who is your most trusted ally?

Currently, Faust and Reynard. Belagorn is away. Melovie and Ling are still not quite trusted enough.

Who do you trust, in general?

Not many people, since I’ve been hurt more than once. Only people who have been with me a long time and have earned it, though I’ve been betrayed by such people before, making me somewhat paranoid.

Who do you despise and why?

Scoia'tael, for their cowardly tactics and treachery.

Nilfgaard, for their methods of conquest and spying.

Count Caldwell, for his treachery.

Name seven things you hate in others.

Treachery, deceit, cowardice, impoliteness, cruelty, rumour-mongering, greed.

Do you deliberately present yourself differently in different situations, and how?

I have to keep decorum in front of my people. Being formal and well-presented is important.

For what would you die for?

My kingdom.

For those I truly care for, if there’s no other choice.

Who do you turn to when you're in trouble?

My advisors.

What is the worst thing someone has done to you?

Tricked me into loving them.

What would your general reaction be to an attractive member of the opposite (or same) sex who let you know they are available?

(Outside of a current relationship, obviously). I’d drop some flirts in response, to check how serious they’re being. I won’t be played with, I have too much to lose to just be used as a “fling”. I need to be taken seriously.

How do you get along with others in the same field and/or work environment?

I get along ok with other monarchs, though I may not agree with them. I respect them, but I hate when they treat me like I’m lesser because I’m younger, or because I’m a woman. Or both.

How can you be blackmailed, beaten, and tricked (by PCs or NPCs)?

There’s not much blackmail material on me, I’d usually just accept things being brought to light, even if they’re uncomfortable. It might sting, but I’m too proud to be blackmailed for anything.

I’d be beaten by someone threatening those that I truly care for. If my friends, family or loved ones were in danger and I couldn’t intervene, then I’d have to acquiesce, or even surrender.
I'm not one to give in if there's still any chance of changing the tides and winning, so I'd have to be very overwhelmed for me to surrender: I guess the most obvious is capture/having the other party members out of action.

Tricking me usually falls down to my hope, seeing the best in people. But this has happened too often now, so I grow wary.
Otherwise, playing on my pride could be an option, but it would be difficult.

Have you lost any loves?

Elena went missing.

Reginald was murdered.

Maddox was a traitor, and I killed him.

How did you handle the situation (short & long term)?

Elena, I searched for, to no avail. Eventually I assumed she had left, not wanting to be found, so I let her be.

Reginald, I mourned. It was devastating to watch him fade away. After I found out he was murdered, I didn’t let people close for a long while.

Maddox, I just had to move on. He was gone, and so were his things. It hurt deeply, but what else could I do? I shut myself away, pained and embarrassed to be fooled so deeply.

Who would miss you, should you go missing?

Hopefully, several people.

My army, including Reynard and Gawain.

My advisors, Edon and Belagorn.

My partner, Faust.

Who might protect you?

All of them. I encourage loyalty.

Who might be convinced to sell you out?

...all of them, I must assume. I’ve been stung before.

How close are you to your friends?

I don’t have any “friends”, except maybe Belagorn. I’m fairly close to him, but we can’t exactly exchange words like typical friends.

Faust is the other closest option, but we definitely don’t always see eye-to-eye.

What do they know about you?

Only what I’ve shared with them. I mostly keep to myself nowadays.

What do they not know about you?

My full name, my twin, details about my past such as Reginald’s dalliances and bastards.

What do you know and not know about them?


I know about Edon, as much as I can believe him.

Faust has told me some things, though I still think he’s holding back the truth.

Belagorn is private, and hasn’t shared much.

Reynard has told me some private information, but he doesn’t like to linger on it.

Melovié has been forthcoming, but might not even know all the truth herself.


Do you have any dreams or ambitions?

To get back my throne and kingdom. To improve my kingdom, and make it a fair and just place.

What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)?

I would love to be back in Lyria, though I doubt it. If not, then at least to be on my journey to reclaiming my kingdom. With a larger army.

What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)?

Ruling my kingdom, or maybe even having passed my crown on...

Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of or reasons behind them?

Since a near-death experience by crushing, I can’t stand the idea of something landing on or smothering me.

Another fear that I have, though it rarely comes up, is being taken advantage of or assaulted.

- As a woman, being imprisoned carried a lingering threat of what might happen to me, and I must admit it briefly flashed across my mind when Cauldwell approached me. In that moment, I was helpless, and if anyone had had the thought to harm me like that, I wouldn’t have been able to stop them, and even worse- others would have witnessed it. That idea frightens me, and I never wish to be put in that scenario.

What, if anything, would it take for you to be able to overcome this?

I don’t know. I’ve managed to soldier on through some events, but others...I lose control. I hate losing control.

How do you react when this fear manifests itself?

I try to keep myself from reacting, but I tense up and my breathing and pulse quicken. If I can’t take it, or if it gets worse, then I have to flee the space or I become unresponsive until I calm down.

Are you willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation?

Only to Faust, so far. It’s embarrassing. I'm meant to be a fearless leader, not to cower like a child at a threat!
I also had to "explain" my actions to some people in the mines, to my chagrin. At least to admit that it was out of my control instead of my willingness to flee like a coward.

What are your attitudes regarding material wealth?

Coin is necessary for everything, sadly. Material objects don’t bother me too much, I find more value in people and animals, though I like to keep a few objects for sentimental reasons.

Are you miserly with your share of the wealth, or do you spend it freely?

Money is there to be spent. Having some in storage is important, but you can't eat gold.

Are you greedy or generous?

I try to be generous, though I have to think of many when I spend.

Do you see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?

I think a successful kingdom will become rich, so success is accurate, but coin and no goods is pointless.

How do you generally treat others?

I try to be just and fair with people. I hear them out, even if I disagree.

Do you trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?

I used to, but I have regretted this many times, and now I am naturally distrustful and wary.

Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?

I’m capable of handling social events and crowds of people, but I much prefer smaller groups or being alone, at least to retire afterwards.

Are you a humble soul or blusteringly proud?

Depends on the subject. I am proud of what I can do and accomplish.

Do you act differently than you feel (concealing your true thoughts)?

What habits would you find most annoying in friends?

Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which you are strongly prejudiced, and why?

How do others typically react to you?

Why, in your opinion, do they act that way?

What are your most annoying habits?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite drink?

What is your favorite treat (desert)?

Do you favor a particular cuisine?

Do you savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" your food?

Do you like food that is mild or heavily spiced?

Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat?

Are you allergic to any food?

What is your favorite color(s)?

Is there any color that you dislike?

Do you have a favorite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument?

What is your favorite bard song?

If you have a favorite scent, what is it?

What is your favorite type of animal?

Why do you category that creature?

Do you have an animal totem or affinity, and if so for what?

Is there a certain type of animal that you hate or fear?

Are you allergic to any kinds of animals?

Do you have any allergies?

Is there anything that enrages you?

Is there anything which embarrasses you?

How do you react to being teased about it?

Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts?

Do you believe in the gods or not?

Do you have a patron Deity?

Are you devout or impious?

Do you actively worship and proselytize or do you simply pay lip service?

What lengths would you go to defend your faith?

Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special?

Do you belong to the orthodox church, or a fringe element thereof (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)?

How has this impacted your faith and life?

Is your church an accepted religion where you grew up or did it have to conduct its services in secret?

How did this affect your faith and life?

Have you ever been persecuted for your faith?

If so, when and how did you handle it?

Can you kill?

When did you decide (or learn) that they could?

What happened and how did you handle it?

When do you consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)?

When do you consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)?

What would you do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under their "wrong" circumstances, what would be your reaction?

What if it were your enemy?

What if it were your friend?

What if it were an innocent?

What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (i.e.-under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed, etc.)?

What would you do if someone shot at (attacked) you?

What would you do if something were stolen from you?

What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly?

What would you do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death?

What is the one task you would absolutely refuse to do?

What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?

How do you feel about the government (rulers) in general?

Why do you feel that way?

Do you support the current government of your homeland?

If so, how far are you willing to go to defend the government? If not, do you actively oppose it?

Do you belong to an anti-government organization?

If so, describe the group and its aims.

What form of government do you believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?

Have you ever been persecuted for their political stance?

If so, describe the occurrence and how it affected you?

Are you a member of any non-religious group, cause, order, or organization?

If so describe it, its goals, and membership.

How loyal are you to this group and why?

How did you become a member?

If you are a former member, did you leave voluntarily or involuntarily and why?

Was it under good (amicable) conditions or bad?

Are you being sought or hunted by the organization?

If so, by whom and with what intent (to murder you, to force your return through blackmail or coercion, to spy on you and make sure they do not reveal any of the groups secrets)?

Do you have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others?

If so, describe them and how you acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them?

How do you react if made fun of for any of these things?

Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?

If so, are there any reasons behind them from your past?

Do you have an unusual gait or accent?

If so, where did you acquire them?

Are there any circumstances where they become more (or less) evident?

How do you feel and react if made fun of for any of these things?

What is your favorite color?

What place would you most like to visit?

What annoys you the most?

What (if any) are your favourite forms of art?

What is your most treasured possession?

What things could he/ she not live without?

Do you have a good luck charm?

If your life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would you do in those remaining hours?

Do you have a "Black-and-White" view of reality or can you see shades of grey?

Do you prefer to tear down or build up?

Are you deliberate or spontaneous?

Do you prefer the town or the country?

If made to decide, would you rather be deaf or blind? Why?

How do you feel about magic, myth, and the supernatural?

Magic - I find it very interesting, but also dangerous and unpredictable. I'm both glad and saddened that the "magic" I hold is unremarkable- it's nice to be a part of something so interesting, but I know that it could put me or others in a lot of danger if I wasn't able to control it.

I tend to be cautious about magic, aware of the risks: when Faust first tried casting while "under the influence" I stopped him, but he has proven he is able to control it even so- but I'm still wary and wouldn't want him to push his luck there.

Myth - I heard many stories and legends when I was young, both in Skellige and in taverns in bardic tales and similar. I told some to my sons when they were little. Myths are usually just stories, or two may have a grain of truth to them. I suppose that's what makes them interesting.

Supernatural - not much is "supernatural" in this world! I don't have much knowledge on the truth of these things, only bits of stories or hearsay that I've picked up or been told. I don't know how much of that is truth or just complete fiction. I rely upon other people to let me know that.

Do you remember your dreams?

Only if they're particularly memorable- most of them are trivial and I soon forget them, but others...linger.

Describe a typical dream you might have.

I've had dreams where I remember scenes from my childhood in Skellige, with Sera. Before I had the weights of adult life.
I've also had dreams where I've been with Elena, just spending time like we used to: traversing the city, running through fields, speaking privately in hushed tones and giggles.

Otherwise most of my pleasant dreams tend to revolve around my family and loved ones, or something beautiful that I've seen and admired. Mostly the theme is that I don't have the struggles of my kingdom, and that things are just...simple. Living in-the-moment. They're a welcome respite from my hectic life.

Describe your worst nightmares.

I've had a few that stay in my mind, despite me wishing to forget them. The worst ones are related to the more...traumatic events I've lived through.

After Reginald died, I dreamt of him a lot. It would start out with him as normal, then he began to sicken, and then he would cry out and say that it was my fault, that I had somehow caused his sickness. And then he'd wither away into bones or dust as I tried to save him. I would wake up in a panic, tears, shaking...and the bed still feeling so empty.

After Maddox's plot and death, I had dreams of him too. He would start out as the Maddox he presented to me, and then as I walked with him, or embraced him, I'd feel a sharp pain in my back, and realise that he's stabbed me.
After that, I'd try to recoil, or to fight back, and he'd grin with no remorse, as the wounds I killed him with blossomed red on his skin.

After the golem crushing incident, I'd have nightmares where a room would shrink or the walls would close in, or some kind of accident would occur where I would be overcome by rubble or rocks and find myself shattered on the ground, helpless. Once I got the larger tent, it helped a bit with that. I also get them less often now we've slept more in Inn rooms. I think Faust's presence helps with that, too.

Miscellaneous nightmares include: not being listened to/being ignored, finding myself trapped in a labyrinth and walking endlessly, finding myself captured or trapped in a cage at the mercy of some enemy - being helpless to save the ones I care for or love, and losing loved ones in battles - turning over corpses on a battlefield and realising I recognise the person.


What is your normal daily routine?

How do you feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason?

What are your hobbies when they are not adventuring or training?

What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

What do you do for relaxation? What things do they do for enjoyment? What interests do you have?

How do you normally dress, when not in your adventuring gear?

Do you like to dress up or down to relax?

Do you have a look or style? If so, describe it.

What do you normally wear in bed at home?

What do you normally wear in bed while adventuring?

Do you wear any identifiable jewellery?

Where do you normally put your weapons, magic items, or other valuables when you are sleeping?

What morning or evening routines do you normally have?

Do these change when you are adventuring?

What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the most enjoyment?

What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the least enjoyment?

Do you read the newspaper?

If so, which sections and how often?

What is his/ her routine

Travel: How do you get around locally?

What is your idea of a good evening's entertainment?

Do you get seasick, airsick, motion sick (auto or animal)?

Do you like riding animals?

Any fears in traveling?

What sorts of general belongings or equipment do you take when traveling?

What are your hangout places?

Do you go to a bar after work?

Do you play pool?

Do you go dancing? Who goes with you?

What do you read? Scientific textbooks, historical novels, myths and legends, maps, cookbooks, romances, news magazines, science fiction, fantasy, horror, the newspaper, short stories?

What music do you like?

Do you have a favorite artist, band or bard?

Will you listen to or sing the same songs over and over, or does it drive you nuts when people do that?

How do you exercise? Work out at the gym, walk in the morning, run marathons, play sports, couch potato?

Where do you live?

Do you rent or own?

Apartment, house or castle?

How close are the neighbors?

Is it a good neighborhood?

What color is the house?

Which floor are you on?

Do you have a lawn?

What about a flower garden?

Does your house have an attic or basement?

What does your furniture look like?

Do you buy antiques?

What are your walls covered with? Wallpaper, art, photos?

What sorts of curtains do you have? Frilly lacy ones, Venetian blinds, pull-down shades?

Do you keep your house clean?

Is it dusty?

Is the bathtub moldy or coated in rust?

Do you clean it herself?

What do your desk or workspace look like? Small and cramped, huge and expansive, covered in drifts of books and papers? neatly ordered and clean?

Can you find what you're looking for when you need it?

What color are your sheets?

Satin or cotton?

Patterned with flowers, or covered with pictures of toy robots?

What sorts of food do you eat?

Do you cook your own dinners?

Are you a good cook, a gourmet, or a terrible cook?

Do you eat out?

Are you on a diet?

Where do you vacation, and how often?

Do you have any pets?

Do you keep a calendar or address book?

Where do you keep it?

Did you leave a Will?

What does it say?


What would you like to be remembered for after your death?

What kind of threat do you present to the public?

If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body?

How much is a pint of mead?

As a player, if you could, what advice would you give you? Speak as if their character were sitting right here in front of you.