April Showers Bring May Flowers Prompt 2021

3 years, 1 month ago

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Kie's nails clicked against the windowsill. It was so wet outside...He had spent the last few hours watching weirdos play outside in the rain. That wasn't his thing. His thing was staying put inside his room and waiting for the rain to stop. Kie slowly slid down putting his head against the window sill as he watched some buffoon try and play a prank on someone with mud. Their victim didn't seem all too bothered by it surprisingly. But that was probably because they were already covered in mud themselves. Freaks... The pale orin slid fully down the wall and laid on the floor looking to the ceiling for something to do. Bright teal eyes slowly flickered to drift off for a moment. Out in the hall, he could hear laughter and hooves running past to go outside. He didn't get it. Being happy because it was raining? It was just sky water..please they were dream hoppers. There was so much more to be excited over. Kie felt a slight sigh leaving his lips, putting his hands above his head, playing with the rug he was laying on. Maybe that's why he hated the rain. Too many people being happy over nothing. The dream hopper's ears twitched at the distant sound of a guitar. Vulcan must be home... Kie thought slowly starting to push himself up and crawl over to the door, tails dragging slowly behind him. He didn't bother with shutting the door behind him, far too unbothered to even deal with dodging the young orins running past him to get downstairs. There was far too much activity in the dorm. Kie didn't even knock on Vulcan's door, he simply pushed it open and crawled in, making sure his tails were in before shutting the door.

The darker orin was sitting on a chair in front of the window, strumming away on that guitar. Kie sighed softly. This time in relief. He much preferred this room over his own. Maybe it was because it smelt faintly of home. Whatever home even smelt like. Apparently lava cakes. But why did this room smell like lava cakes to start with?? It was an illusion that he would happily take. Vulcan didn't bother turning around. There was only one orin that he knew that would crawl over to his room. "What's up Kieryn?" 

Kie's ears twitched at his full name. He clicked his tongue and continued his slow crawl over to Vulcan's bed, "It's raining. The sky is sad. So I am sad." He said simply before crawling under Vulcan's covers and making a soft sound of relaxation. 

"you're always sad" Vulcan hummed going back to his music. Kie closed his eyes slightly, the pattering of rain and Vulcan's strumming made a nice tune. His tail flicked slightly under the covers before he peeked back out.

"That's not true. I'm not sad when I do a lot of things."

"Like what?" The dragon asked curiously humming as he started to retune the instrument. Kie sat up playing with his hair as he thought of things he enjoyed.

"I'm never sad when I skateboard! That's the best. Oh! And playing guitar! And listening to you playing guitar and hanging out with you and..." Kie paused putting his hands behind his head, trying to think of things to add. Vulcan had stopped tuning to look up to the other. 

"I think you are just indirectly saying that I'm so cool that I make you happy." Vulcan teased looking back to the rain outside. Kie stuck his tongue out at the other and went back to hiding under the covers.

"You're like my only friend dude-" Kie mumbled into the pillow, as Vulcan went back to playing. "Oh! Do you know what else I like? Boba tea. That stuff slaps." Kie said suddenly pushing himself up again. Vulcan nodded slightly, watching baby orins playing out in the rain.

"You wanna go out for some then? It's not too long of a walk from here." Vulcan offered starting to stand. Kie made a bit of a face, rolling out of the bed and crawling up to slowly peek outside again. It wasn't really raining anymore, only puddles remained from the storm. But... Kie looked up to Vulcan. He seemed wistful as he looked outside. Orin watching. He was probably bored. Kie imagined that having a best friend that didn't like rain was probably boring too. He wondered if Vulcan got made fun of because of him. Surely not...but the worry was getting to him. Kie rapped his golden claws on the window sill before standing and putting his hands behind his back.

"Only if you got an umbrella. My fur is hell to dry." Kie said lightly tossing the other a smile. Vulcan smiled a little, running a hand through his own hair and spinning around.

"Do you need me to hold a rug out for you too, princess?" Vulcan teased, pulling out an umbrella and searching for something else. Kie huffed adjusting the ties on his hanfu and shaking his head. Vulcan tossed a hoodie in Kie's direction which unceremoniously smacked the other in the face. "To keep your precious clothes safe" Normally Kie would huff over this and say something back. But he hated water with a passion. He slipped the hoodie on, it was far too big for him which wasn't all too surprising. Compared to Vulcan, Kie was pretty short, so the sleeves on the hoodie went past Kie's hands and hung down by his sides. Vulcan was busy digging around for an umbrella, finally finding it with a victorious 'Aha!'. He spun it around like a weapon before offering a hand to the other, "Let us brave the storm, Princess."

"I'm a King if anything please, Vulcan," Kie said with a slight eye roll, giving the other his hand before being dragged out of the dorm room. 

"Kings are married though-"

"A short king. You know like those video game characters!" Kie chirped as they started down the stairs.

Vulcan laughed, shaking his head, "You play too many games."

"I do not!"

As they made it downstairs Vulcan put his hand out to see if it was still raining before stepping out. "Finally. I was getting stir crazy." The dragon said stretching his wings and opening the umbrella for the other, "It's not raining anymore but, no water droplets for the wicked witch of the west!"

"Thank you, my loyal monkey. How else will I keep from melting." Kie said dramatically, picking up his tails to keep them from dragging in the puddles. The pair continued their banter as they walked, heading toward their local boba shop. As they got closer a small orin had been creeping up behind them holding a bucket of mud behind his back. Kie was none the wiser, busy running through a song idea with Vulcan. He only turned at the sound of someone giving out something like a warrior cry. Before the mud could hit him, Vulcan quickly pulled him out of the way. The mud splattered onto the sidewalk and the pair fell back into a puddle of water as Vulcan lost his footing. The brown orin that had tried to prank them was already running off before the pair could have a chance to yell at him. Kie slowly stood, tails sopping wet now. At least it wasn't mud? He turned slowly and offered a hand to Vulcan. The dragon simply sighed taking his hand, but accidentally pulling Kie back down as his hooves slipped in the mud. 

"Sorry! Ah. I see why you hate rain now." Vulcan said with a light laugh, helping Kie sit back up. Kie sat up on the other's waist, blowing his hair out of his face.

"Hm. At least your hoodie mostly protected me." Kie sighed shaking his head and standing up again, not offering a hand this time as he moved out of the mud puddle, "what a jerk..." Kie mumbled slipping Vulcan's hoodie off and tying it around his waist, "Spring is the worst."

Vulcan straightened himself out, ruffling his hair, before helping Kie get water out of his tail, "Didn't you say that about Winter too?"

"Winter is now better than Spring. It better enjoy the upgrade,"

Vulcan laughed about to add onto that when a low rumbling of thunder reached their ears. Kie shook his head and glanced around to make sure they had everything before grabbing Vulcan's hand. "We are not staying out here! Screw boba I don't wanna get wetter" Vulcan nodded happily to follow Kie back. He was fine with the puddles but getting drenched in another downpour? He would be happy to avoid that one. 

Once safely back in Kie's room, the pair had changed clothes and Vulcan was busy blow drying Kie's fur. The pale orin was intently watching the other work, head slightly tilted and ears tilting back and forth at the noise. He rarely let anyone into his dorm room. Mostly because his roommate almost always had their partner over and Kie would normally be busy third wheeling them. The skater softly clicked his hooves together as he watched Vulcan's handiwork. Having extra claws seemed helpful. Kie glanced over his own, it had been a while since he had painted them. And now that it was raining again they would definitely be here awhile. "Hey, scooby?" Kie asked looking back to the window as rain dripped down.

"Yes Shaggy?" Vulcan said without missing a beat, turning off the hairdryer for a moment to get a knot out of the other's fur. 

"What color nail polish do you want?" 

"Nail polish?"

"well, it's raining again. So we might as well have like an uh...spa day of sorts?" Kie said nervously laughing. Maybe that was too girly for the other. There was a long pause as the hairdryer came back on. Eventually, Vulcan paused again and let go of Kie's tail.

"Do you have black? Or like a dark blue?"

Kie smiled not expecting Vulcan to agree, "Yeah yeah! Hold on let me go get it." The skater pulled out a box of nail polish and face masks, sitting across from Vulcan as he picked out colors for the dragon. "What about Today I Accomplished Zero? And I saw You Saw We Saw Warsaw?" Vulcan laughed putting his hands out for the other.

"Who names these things?" Vulcan asked looking over the bottle as Kie sat them down. Kie shrugged, but smiled, "Even I don't know. I just buy the funny ones. You can pick one out for me!" He chirped, starting on Vulcan's left hand. Vulcan looked through the box. Everything that Kie had was named something dumb, but they all looked nice. "For you, Don't Pretzel My Buttons, and Boys Be Thistle-ing At Me." Vulcan pulled the two colors out which Kie snickered at. 

"You are just picking by name aren't you?" 

"Hey hey! Do you really think I'm that immature?" 

Kie hummed, putting Vulcan's hoof in his lap, "Maybe a little. You can't be hot and mature at the same time. It's like illegal or something."

"Well thank you- Wait! You just called me immature again!" 

Kie laughed trying not to shake his hands, "You're gonna make me get paint on you-" Vulcan shook one of the bottles he picked for Kie and opened it up. He pulled the brush out and carefully tapped the color to Kie's nose. Kie paused not seeming to notice at first as he simply stared at where Vulcan's hand was. "H-Hey!" He finally stammered putting paint on one of Vulcan's horns in return. Vulcan laughed carefully grabbing Kie's hands to keep him from going too far. Kie stuck his tongue out at the other, "You're going to mess up the polish I just did-" Kie mumbled, glancing at the hand that was holding him.

"Just means we can waste more time together fixing it." Vulcan said with a little smile, rubbing the still wet nail on Kie's skin. Kie made a face and started to say something, but was promptly cut off by a loud crackling of thunder and the power going out. Kie made a startled sound moving more into Vulcan's lap as the pair adjusted to the darkness. Vulcan's glow promptly lit up and his hands carefully moved to Kie's shoulder.

"Aha...sorrrry- That scared me." Kie mumbled pulling back rather suddenly as he realized how close he was to Vulcan. It was a miracle he didn't manage to spill any of the open nail polish bottles, but that was mostly because Vulcan held him still, to move them out of the way before Kie could. 

"You're ok! I'm here, your local nightlight." Vulcan said brightly, carefully wiping off the paint he had gotten on Kie's face, "I didn't know you were afraid of the dark." Vulcan whispered. Kie shook his head, pulling back from Vulcan's hand. 

"N-No! No I'm not...It's more the thunder than the...dark." Kie said awkwardly rubbing his hands together, "But you're here so I feel a bit better." 

Vulcan smiled tilting his head a little, "Well on the bright side the flowers are going to be amazing this month. You wanna go to the cherry blossom orchard when it blooms?" 

Kie blinked putting his hands down in his lap, "Like on a date?" He asked with a small smile starting to come back. Vulcan didn't answer at first, reopening the bottle of polish and taking one of Kie's hands. 

"Yeah! A best friend date. Like your late night tako bell runs. Which I guess is canceled today huh..? It's ok I got snacks back in my room for when you get hungry, Shag." Vulcan said teasingly getting an eye roll out of Kie. Kie glanced off, moving slightly closer to the dragon as he thought. That...wasn't what I meant Vulcan. But no words came out. He simply smiled, tilting his head slightly as he watched Vulcan work on painting his nails for him. Spring might suck...but at least it allowed for moments like this.