Pocket-Felines Assignment - June 2014

3 years, 2 months ago

Teal takes a walk in the forest.

Originally posted to deviantArt on 11th June 2014.

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Teal was taking a walk in the forest and when she was heading back she could smell something worrying.

"Rangers...?" She muttered to herself.

Her suspicions were confirmed when she came closer to the base. Her unseeing eyes widened when she saw how close to the base they were.

"We didn't steal anything too valuable..." Teal thought to herself. "Why are they so close to the base?"

The rangers were searching around just under a ledge. Teal searched for an idea to get them away. Her face lit up when she thought of a great idea.

She hurried over to a tree that had been battered from training. She dug a little around the roots and pricked up her ears, listening intently for a ranger to come closer. Soon enough one did. They stood searching underneath the tree. Using a lot of strength she pushed against the tree to make it fall. She didn't use a move on the tree as that would alert them to a Pokecat's presence and she wanted them to feel as if this place is unsafe so they would leave.

The tree tipped over the ledge before falling completely off of the ledge. As she felt it fell she shot up in the air with a beat of her wings.

Floating in the air Teal heard the ranger scurry off to the warn the rest of the party. Teal felt a frown spread across her face. It had almost hit him.