Sleep In

3 years, 4 months ago
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KJ woke up like he usually did.

Wanting to immediately go back to sleep. 

But he figured Chiffon has probably been up for awhile now and may want a gay liddol distraction from the current events outside.

KJ had gone to sit up but found himself stuck. 

Upon opening his groggy groggy eyes he discovered 2 important things;

One, Chiffon was not awake,  she was laying all nestled in front of him. 

And two, he was trapped, with one arm positioned under chiffon, common in their usual huggy sleeping positions, but his other hand was over chiffon and would have been free if she wasn't clinging to it like a stuffed animal in her sleep.

The way her head was laying, with her cheek absolutely smushed into his hand, her mouth was the slightest bit open. Even if for once she was the one who was slightly drolling all KJ could think of was...



So cute.

His girlfriend is so so cute.

But she doesn’t normally sleep until this late usually huh.

He tried to gently wake her, using his very sleepy limbs to nudge her. 

But that just caused her to snuggle tighter into his hand which sent his heart racing and his hair flaring up.

It settled down quickly though but KJ swears she’s too cute for her own good.

His next attempt was calling to her.


That was real quiet.

Why was his voice so soft? 

It was almost like he wasn’t even trying to wake her up. 

It got her to stir at least. 

But she turned to him half awake, his arm still in hand, with her eyes barely open  and gave him the sweetest most perfect smile

...that his next few words were complete gibberish.

So talking was no longer an option it seems.

“...Good morning, Che..“ Chiffon’s eyes closed as she rested her cheek on his palm again.”Did you sleep well…?”

Which is fine for KJ cus if his burning cheeks and hair were any indication, clearly talking was off the table with how she was being. 

Did he want his arm back?

It was fine if she kept holding it honestly.

She can hold it forever if she wanted. He was fine with that.

He could just go back to sleep.. Seems she was already back to sleeping.

So KJ just let himself get comfy, using his arm that was still under her to wrap around and pull her close he closed his eyes again.

It wouldn’t hurt to sleep in a little bit longer..