club fights

3 years, 19 days ago
3 years, 19 days ago
1 618

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 19 days ago

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Chapter 1

The night was still pretty young as people flowed into the nightclub that Evangilene worked at, her yawning and trying to figure out what had happened to her sleep schedule as she started her shift serving and working in general.

She was then interrupted by the sound of some more aggressive shuffling, her assuming it was a fight. She called for the guards at the front, walking over to break it up for the rest of the people's sake. When she got over there, she realised that there were only two figures, and one was trying to stop the other one, which had a gun.

The figure was completely covered and hooded, unable to tell what the gender of the figure even was, which made it even worse when they said nothing as they fought.

Evangilene became frightened and was ready to run until the two saw her and the figure with the gun practically sprinting towards her and grabbing her arm. She responded quickly, but not quick enough to escape the figures grasp as a gun was placed to Evangilene’s forehead. A jeering threat was asking for the owner, with her being the catch. She really was questioning her sleep schedule now. 

“Hey… hey, let's not get too drastic alright? What do you want?”

“ talk”

The voice was not the one she expected but she continued, only a little waiver as she tried to stay as calm as possible as people were frozen, not knowing what to do.

“We.. we can talk without all the violence or issues, I can get the owner without all of this happening, ok? Let's not ruin any of our lives right now.”

Evangilene chuckled nervously as she felt the figures grip loosen on her and their breathing had become calmer. They seem ready to remove the gun as they nodded, her feeling it moving as they continue to order.

“Get them out here then”

She nodded and started to walk away to go get the owner, or someone who could help here at any rate, when she heard yells to get on the ground and lights were shined in their direction.the police were called the previously called bouncers, and they had arrived at the best and worst time, in her opinion. 

When they had pinned them down, they pulled off the hoodie they wore and revealed not a man, but a woman, who was ferociously fighting against the restraints and handcuffs going around their hands.

“You got it wrong! I'm not the bad guy!”

They kept on screaming this as they got dragged away, towards the police vehicles. When the policeman walked over Evangilene, she had not even realised what had happened completely, just knew that it was very confusing and stressful. 

“Ma’am, would you like to press charges?”

The question rang in her head for a minute before she shook her head and looked at the befuddled policeman. He seemed aggravated he had to do more than just press charges, but he tried to wait patiently as she thought, and she finally began to speak.

“Which… which prison is she being brought to?”

A confused look and stutter from the police was followed with him speaking into the radio on his shoulder, and then some muttering back and forth, as Evangilene looked around her surroundings, watching the people not involved leave in groves after giving statements, them sometimes giving her a pitying look. Evangilene did not like those looks.

She was brought back by the policeman starting to read off the prison to her, and she looked back, deep in thought.

“Is that all, or do you still want to press charges?”

“...can I meet her?”