To See You Once More

3 years, 1 month ago

Matsui would never come here. He would have a sane Corrin in his world. A soft snarl leaves his lips at the thought. What he would give to be sane, to have not lost everything and be with his love until the end…

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A little piece I wrote for Fallen M!Corrin and Matsui. I always loved the concept of Fallen Heroes in FEH, and thought it'd be fun to come up with a little backstory for M!Corrin's. c: Hope you guys like it and feedback is appreciated!~

It was a calm, cool day in Askr. Spring sprung a few days prior, leaving the Heroes of the kingdom feeling a sense of peace. Well… most Heroes.

There were a few who were itching to battle and get their hands soaked in blood. These Heroes were known as Fallen. They were twisted and warped, desiring nothing but death and destruction. A small number try their best to get a hold of their violent impulses, but they’re few.

Male Corrin is one of the Fallen Heroes who tries to grasp onto what little bits of sanity he has left. The reason he became this way - in his world - was perhaps one of the saddest tales of the Fallen ones.

He had someone he treasured above all else. Someone he swore to protect at all costs. Fate deemed him unworthy of such a precious soul, as it took him in the final skirmish. Corrin can’t forget his treasure’s bloodied face, the weak smile he wore, the blood dripping from his lips as he whispered a final goodbye before crimson eyes shut forever.

Corrin went feral when his love was slain. He destroyed the mad king all his own. Then, with his rage building even still, he slaughtered his siblings. When he came to, seeing bodies and blood, Corrin prayed to the heavens and his love they would forgive him for what transpired.

When he was summoned to Askr, seeing his siblings alive and well was too much for him to bear. He ran as far as he could, lungs burning in a desperate attempt to get oxygen. This… this wasn’t real. Fate was far too cruel to grant his wish of taking everything back and seeing his siblings again.

But… this… this felt real. His siblings look the same. There were some alternate versions of them, something the fallen hero found odd. But they were alive. That was all he could ever ask for.

Would fate be kind enough to grant his final wish? To see his love once more, to hold and never let him go? Corrin doubts it. It was already a miracle he was granted the privilege to see his siblings again. He would never be so lucky as to see his precious kitsune.

Ike, in his fallen form, was the only other fallen hero Corrin got along with. They both lost much and clung to whatever lisps of sanity they had left. Ike even told the summoner to stop him if he ever lost himself. Corrin gave a bitter smile at that - if there was one person who could save them, it was Kiran.

Kiran was an enigma. Brought to Askr from another world, he wields the legendary Breidablik, a weapon able to summon those from other worlds. When Corrin heard of such a thing, hope blossomed in his heart for a brief second before becoming squashed again.

Matsui would never come here. He would have a sane Corrin in his world. A soft snarl leaves his lips at the thought. What he would give to be sane, to have not lost everything and be with his love until the end…

“Um, excuse me?”

Corrin looks up, jumping back and narrowing his eyes. “What?”

“I… summoned someone you might want to see.”

The fallen hero scoffs. Who could he have su--

“Rin? Is that you?”

Corrin’s heart stops. No. No. No. No. It can’t be him. It can’t be him. It can’t be him--

“Ah, so I was right. He is the one you’ve been searching for,” Kiran says with a smile. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

Turning and waving, Kiran walks away, leaving Corrin and Matsui to themselves.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Rin…” Matsui says softly, walking towards Corrin. The fallen hero steps back, raising his hands with a feral snarl slipping from his lips.

“You aren’t him.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You… you died. You died. I couldn’t save you. I couldn’t save you.

“Corrin… are you from an alternate world?” Matsui questions, eyebrow quirked. “I thought as much with how you appear, but…”

“In my world… you were slain by Anankos. I slaughtered him. And then I slaughtered my siblings,” Corrin whispers, closing his eyes in pain. A heavy snarl drips free. “I thought it was a gift when I gazed upon them once more… but you’re telling me fate is kind enough to give me you as well?”

A soft sound drifts in Corrin’s ear. Matsui approaches, and this time Corrin doesn’t walk away. He lets his lost love embrace him and collapses against his form, tears springing to his eyes and trickling down his cheeks.

“I won’t leave you like the one from your world did,” his precious, beloved kitsune whispers in his ear. Corrin nods, biting on his lip to the point it bleeds. In reply, Matsui tuts and wipes it away. “I will always be with you, my love.”

“Don’t… don’t ever leave me… please…” Corrin gasps out, breathing ragged from the force of his emotions. “If… if you left me again, I can’t… I can’t…”

“I swear to you, here and now, I will always remain by your side.”

Wrapping his arms around the one he thought he lost forever, Corrin feels the beast within settle, if not for a few moments. He can never take back what he did in his world. But in Askr, where he was granted the right to see his beloved Matsui once again, Corrin swears he’ll make his life the best it can.