Magenta Perishes

5 years, 8 months ago

ARPG: Barn Raising

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Dahlia's farm was as lively and vibrant as ever and Magenta couldn't help but feel captivated at the lush, country sights that surrounded her. It was a rather stark contrast to the city she had to reside in for her latest concert and although Magenta loved the glitz and glamor of the city it could easily become overwhelming. Sometimes it was pleasant to just step away from the cacophony and enjoy the fresh air and Magenta was quite eager to pay a visit to her good friend Dahlia Fern.

The idol strudel had met the Arborling quite some time ago when she stumbled into her pastoral farmland by chance. Dahlia had ended up recruiting Magenta; having her plant some potato seeds in exchange for directions to the nearest village. Magenta didn't particularly mind having to help out, in fact she found herself having fun with it! Sure, growing crops was certainly hard work but the same could be said about being an idol. Hard work always paid off! This particular visit was meant to be a friendly surprise in hopes that the twosome could catch up with their lives. When Magenta arrived, however, she realized, that she might have to set those plans on the back burner for awhile. Dahila was pacing to and fro, muttering worried "oh dears" left and right. A nervous, tired expression made up the countenance of the arborling and Magenta immediately felt alarmed at the sight.

"Dahlia!" The idol called out as she raced over to her with wide, cerulean eyes. "What ever is the matter?"

"Guh!?" Magenta's sudden appearance galvanized the arborling to flinch, but she quickly settled upon sight of the familiar face. "Well butter my biscuits, if it ain't Magenta!" Dahlia smiled wide, as if forgetting about her dilemma. "It's been awhile hasn't it? Didn't expect to see yer pretty face anytime soon what with your busy career and all!"

Magenta found herself fluster a little at being called 'pretty', but quickly laughed it off, her voice soft and light like the chime of a bell. "Well, visiting friends is always important! I make the time to do so, while writing letters is nice it doesn't hold a candle to seeing someone in person!" A light frown graced her features as she continued, "You seemed rather anxious about something, I hope I'm not intruding but is something the matter?" 

"....Ack!" Dahlia gasped, her worried expression suddenly reappearing. "That's right, oh it's just gosh darn awful! I'm afraid all of my animals have gone sick! My pigs all got swine flu, my chickens are down with chicken pox and don't get me started on the mad cow disease that have kept my cows bedridden for days!"

"Oh no!" Magenta placed a paw over her mouth in shock. "That sounds awful! Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well aren't you as sweet as a peach." Dahlia exclaimed, giving the idol a look filled to the brim with gratitude. "I'd really appreciate it! I got one animal 'ere that's been giving me a heck of a lotta trouble and something tells me, what with your lovely voice and all, you might be able to soothe them a bit so that they can get some proper medication!"

"Soothe, huh?" Magenta mused, looking thoughtful. "Well I can't say I've ever sang to animals before but I'm willing to give it a shot!"

"You're the best!" Dahlia exclaimed, throwing her small arms around Magenta in a surprisingly tight hug. "I'll make this worth yer time, I guarantee!"

The pink strudel smiled bashfully. "Just being able to help you is worth my time, Dahlia!"


After a bit of walking through the barn area of Dahlia's farm, the duo halted in front of a pen that housed one lone counting sheep of the blossom variety. The sheep was huddling close to the ground, its fur all matted and its skin rather pallid in appearance. Magenta couldn't help but gasp at the sight.

"Oh dear, she looks terrible!" 

"I reckon she's in a bad state....." Dahlia murmured sullenly. "And she's normally such a doll yet recently whenever I try to get near her she starts ramming at me and bitin' and boy howdy can a counting sheep bite HARD! Nearly took of one of my fingers!"

"Nngh....well I won't let that deter me." Magenta replied, although she did look a little tentative.

"It'll be fine, I have faith in ya Magenta!" Dahlia assuaged as she took a few big steps backwards, giving the idol a thumbs up.

Well that's real encouraging.

Taking a deep breath, Magenta moved over to the fence, resting a paw on the top as she peered at the sheep. The small creature instantly let loose a deep, menacing growl that caused Magenta to yelp faintly with surprise. Counting sheep could growl? Well, guess you learned something new every day. 

"There there....." Magenta cooed in as gentle a voice as she could muster. "Everything will be alright, we just want to help you feel better...."

The sheep only responded with an even deeper growl. 

Magenta supposed that was her cue to start singing.

Slowly, she began to ease into a lullaby. Singing 'Baa Baa Storm Sheep' as she gazed down upon the frazzled creature. It listened, ears perked, before it began to visibly relax, Magenta's sweet dulcet voice soothing her. 

"Heck yeah! Try enterin' the pin, see if she'll let ya pet her!" Dahlia urged, looking quite pleased at this development. 

Magenta nodded and, continuing her song, stepped into the pen. Slowly, cautiously, she treaded toward the sheep who seemed to be looking tranquil. Gaining confidence she stepped closer, closer until-


The sheep shot up and rammed head first into Magenta's stomach like a bullet whizzing at blinding speeds. A deep grunt left the girl before she immediately blacked out.


"-Ello? Magenta, Helloooo? Oh! She's wakin' up! It's 'bout time!"

Magenta groaned as she slowly rose to a sitting position, a dull aching pain in her stomach reminding her of her failed attempt to help Dahlia's counting sheep. The thought of failing a friend stung worse than the actual impact itself and the idol couldn't help but look down, guiltily, but noticed as she did so that the counting sheep was sitting obediently by Dahlia's side! She lifted her head again, eyes wide.

"H-Huh, wait!"

"I'm mighty glad you're alright! Lemme tell ya it was the darnest thing! I saw as my sheep here rammed ya a roly polly went flying outta her fur and scurried away! It seems like it musta been stuck and the force of her headbuttin' yah send it rocketing right off! She's as good as new now!" Dahlia explained in one breath.

" I.....guess I did help?" Magenta asked, still looking rather confused. 

The counting sheep crept over to her, giving her paw a gentle lick as if apologizing.

"Well I'll take that as a yes!" Dahlia laughed. "All's well that ends well, am I right?" 

"I guess...." Magenta responded, bewildered.


The idol took lodgings with Dahlia for a few more days in order to help nurse her other animals back to health. It seemed as though the Arborling has over-exaggerated their ailments and they all primarily had a case of the sniffles. Though it was still rather rewarding the see the animals recover and Magenta found herself befriending the blossom sheep who acted as a wonderful audience for her vocal warm ups. 

"Your help was much appreciated Magenta!" Dahlia exclaimed on the crisp, breezy morning Magenta decided she'd head off. "Now don't be a stranger ok, you come back now!"

"Will do, Dahlia, hopefully next time we can just relax a little!"

Dahlia let out a boisterous laugh. "It's not as fun without a lil chaos happenin' though!"

Magenta chuckled faintly, glancing at the counting sheep who came over to bid Magenta farewell.

She supposed Dahlia was right, although next time she would remind herself to bring some Advil. 

The End