If we could all stop crying on the 13 year old...

Furubatsu Zeria
3 years, 4 months ago

Hollie and Charlie have a "friendly" spar and contemplate getting things of off thier chest. I mean, they dont, not really, but they certainly think about it! Charlie should probably start charging people who cry on her.

Hollie / Furu: 1999 Words (199 x 5 = 995) + (19 x 50 = 950) = 1945 Charlie / Zeria: 2522 Words (252 x 5 = 1260) + (25 x 50 = 1250) = 2510 4521 Words Total

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Hollie let out an almighty yawn as she busied herself around the kitchen in Aeron's home. Cold weather always made her sleepy and the sudden drop in temperature thanks to the coastal breeze wasn't helping. Her conversation with Percy a couple of days ago still rolling around in her head. It was her first time talking to anyone about what had happened that night and she still wasn't sure if telling anyone about it was a good thing or not, on one hand she had gotten that of off her chest. On the other hand someone else knew what she had done and that caused an uncomfortable weight to settle in her gut. She scrubbed at her glass, having finished off the chocolate milk in the fridge she was oblivious to the world around her.

Charlie walked into the kitchen wanting a small snack. She had quite a lot that has happened since the team meeting, she defeated two rose corp members, ended up sparing against Belladona and Skathi and has kept herself as busy as possible to feel calmer about everything. She saw Hollie's gem in the kitchen, she felt a bit more nervous around the girl instead of comfortable anymore. She went to a cupboard which had her snacks in it so she could get to them easier and grabbed some gushers. She glanced to Hollie once more. "Hey."

Hollie was snapped out of her thoughts at the voice, turning to face the source she smiles awkwardly "Oh, Charlie. Hey...howzit going?" She asked, hoping the girl could pick up that Hollie was smiling and not her awkward tone. Despite the pair living together for a while now, they had hardly interacted at all since she had accidentally broken her walking stick.

Charlie thought for a few seconds staying quiet she heard Hollie reply back sounding a bit awkward. "I have been working on becoming stronger, uh want a snack too?" she offered holding up her gummy pack. She didn't interact with Hollie much and honestly Charlie wasn't sure what to think of her anymore.

"Oh! That uh, that makes sense" Hollie nods, rubbing the back of her neck in thought. "Thanks" She mutters, taking a gummy before asking; "How're you holding up? With you know, all of the rose corp stuff"? Having people gun after your life, being attacked and threatened, watching someone die...Just one of the things Charlie has gone through in the last month would be a lot to deal with, let alone all of it.

"Yeah." She said with a nod. She ate a few gummys before putting the packet in her pocket. She heard Hollie say thanks. "No problem." She said with a tiny nod. Charlie was then asked how she was holding up and she thought for a bit. " I told my psychologist about magi, and won against Alexander and Anatoli in fights. I also have been able to keep my grades up and do well in spars. I believe I am doing alright." She said in one breath, she had been feeling more confident lately which was good.

"You fought more of them?! At the same time"? She asked in shock. It made some sense, they were already gunning for the girl and having lost one of their own they would probably double their efforts but...still. She couldn't imagine dealing with that on her own like that.

Charlie heard Hollie say at the same time. "No no not at the same time... although I could have healed myself and perhaps could have." She said looking at Hollie's gem. " I am going to be alright no worries. I have gotten a bit more confident!" She said with a smile

Hollie let out a small breath in relief, at least they weren't tag-teaming her. Yet. "Do the others know? About the other fights, I mean. That's...sounds like a lot" she says between bites of her gummies.

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Belladona and Percy know at least, oh and Luis, he grabbed me before I could deal a finishing blow." She said in a calm tone eating another gummy. "It is a bit but I have been wanting to prove myself and it helped a lot... I don't have to be useless anymore."

"You...you we're going to kill them"? Hollie asked, eyes wide in shock. It's true that they were the ones picking these fights but looking at Charlie it was hard to imagine her having it in her to kill someone. She shook her head for a moment, trying to banish those thoughts; "Useless? Charlie, I've been in in like, two fights with you and you've always been a great help" Hollie told her, still a little shocked by the girls adamant belief that she was a burden.

"I mean if it is between me and others I will do what is needed, they have no problems with trying to kill me. I would have never unless my own life was in danger." She said in a calmish tone, she has worked to becoming more indifferent to deaths around her, but she would probably have a breakdown if it really happened. "With the rose jerks being so adamant to kill me I have had to ask people to help get me out of the situation. The witches also keep hurting me more and more... so I keep becoming a problem... but now I am stronger I can be less of a problem." She said in a smaller voice

"I mean....I get it...s'just..." Hollie rubs the back of her neck awkwardly, thinking about her own experiences with death and being a magi. "It's you or them, I just...it's not as easy once it's done and dusted, you know? I guess I just don't want you doing something you might regret" She explains, knowing it's A hundred percent Not Her Business. "And don't worry about witches and stuff, okay? Everyone get's hurt fighting anything, you're doing more than fine and you're like, an amazing healer. Everyone likes having you on the team" She adds, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Charlie nodded a little. "I know it won't be and it is terrifying and I wouldn't unless needed... I could get past it eventually though. Maybe I could?" She said quietly, she understood what Hollie was talking about but if its between her own life and someone elses she would do her best. "I just... don't want to die really, so I need to keep others from trying to kill me now." She said She heard Hollie say not to worry about witches and stuff she thought for a few seconds. "I just felt useless, I wasn't that good at healing or anything. I have been trying though now." She said shrugging a bit.

Hollie awkwardly placed a gentle hand on Charlie's shoulder, unsure if she was any help. "I know, and I mean, if anyone says or does anything to make you feel bad just send me their way and I'll shut 'em up, right?" She tries to joke before adding seriously. "S'just...what you were saying before, about killing the boss lady, don't get me wrong it sounds like she deserves it but..." She bites her lip "The way you were talking about it, I was just worried you know, it's a slippery slope that'll change you Charlie. I guess I just wanna make sure you know what you're getting into first" her tone was apologetic, thinking about the slap upside the head she had treated Charlie to for insisting on that suicide mission. She heard Charlie mention feeling useless and shifts from one foot to the other; "Do you...wanna like, practice then? Like uh, I'm a fighter and a healer so we could uh, fight a bit, practice healing each other up and rinse and repeat? If you think that's a good idea?" She offers, uncertain if the other girl would accept the offer before hastily adding "But uh, it's probably a good idea not to do it here! Uh, Aeron's maids don't know Magi stuff and even if they did, fights can get messy" she winces, remembering the aftermath of her spar with Nall.

Charlie felt the hand on her shoulder and honestly didn't want it on her shoulder right now but knew Hollie was trying to be nice. "Yeah... sure I can do that." She said with a tiny nod hearing the small joking tone. "I mean... after a lot of stuff she deserves it now more then ever." She stated blinking. She heard what Hollie said and shook her head a little. "I have already changed a lot. I have passed a slippery slope already. I know the repercussions and problems with all of this. I know... I didn't think through that idea though. " She said in a calm tone rubbing her head a bit. "Sure, it would be a good idea, I want to get better of course and well im not the best at everything... I am a Healer and a Mage so I can do some new stuff." She said with a nod She then heard Hollie say not there. "Well I know an abandoned park not to far away, although it seems rose corp members keep poping up there too... but it would be ok we could heal eachother and help eachother out if we ran into some." She said looking at Hollie's gem.

"A park huh?" Hollie muses for a moment, she could probably handle it, if someone showed up, she felt. Although she wasn't sure if that was still the best idea it beat destroying Aeron's home. "Sounds like a good idea" She agrees.

"Yeah its pretty nice, there is no swings or anything there though." She said with a tiny nod. She heard Hollie say it sounded like a good idea. "Yeah! Rarely anyone goes there, except rose corp people I have fought two of them there and won."

After the girls grabbed their coats and shoes, they made their way to the secluded park, Charlie had said it was abandoned but Hollie was surprised to see it so overgrown like this, the grass and weeds tickled at her knees as ancient wooden apparatus chipped and weathered by use and age stood forgotten in a corner of the park. There was a faint smell of something that made Hollie guess that anyone who was using it aside from the occasional walk or fight were teenagers up to no good. Stretching her arms above her head until she heard a joint pop! Hollie turned to face Charlie. "Lemmie know if you need a time out or healing, okay? I'll do the same for you but everyone has their limits so it's good to let each other know when we're reaching it, okay"?

Charlie had been in the park a few times at this point she normally went there to walk Biscuit so she could stay away from rosecorp members, but walking the street seemed more safe now in days. She couldn't entierly see the park like others could, it was just dark. She thought it was pretty cool though. Charlie then heard a small pop before hearing Hollie speak. "I will, no worries. I can hold my own pretty good though. But this isn't a fight to the death or anything so I will do my best." She said with a small nod.

Hollie nodded, before remembering that Charlie could not see the nod she speaks up "Glad to hear it"! shifting her form into her Magi form, she held her spear in both hands, poised to defend of strike. "It's not a spar if you don't come at me strong, okay? No holding back"!

Charlie gave a small nod as she saw Hollie's magi form appear, Charlie quickly transformed herself. "Quick question, poison or no poison?" She asked hearing Hollie say not to hold back... She wouldn't. She might have been a bit angry with being hit aside the head still. "And no worries I will not be holding back." She said as she summoned a weapon, her knife appeared. She chose not to attack first and be smarter. (Extended soul sight, advantage for 5 rounds on attack rolls)

"No poison for now" Hollie notes. "We don't wanna accidentally push things too far only to knock the other out with poison" She explains before charging at Charlie, a skilled and easy thrust of her spear sliced at the girl in yellow. 

(18 to hit, 7 damage. If used twice in a row gets advantage on second roll but then must cool down for 1 round) Hollie: 91 Charlie: 61

Charlie nodded. "Alright no poison it is." She said in a calm tone. She heard Hollie say it was because she didn't want to push things too far. "I can understand that, I wouldn't want to either." She saw the spear head towards her. She then tried to attack with the knife and sliced her hand she winced in pain and let out a string of curse words. (Nat 1, 5 dmg to self)

Hollie twirls her spear in a follow up attack, missing the girl with the blade before stopping; "You okay"? She asked, noticing the string of expletives. (8 to miss)

Hollie: 91 Charlie: 56

Charlie looked at Hollie who asked if she was ok and gave a small nod, this could be fixed later. She glanced down at her knife sending off two rays of magics towards the girl both were decently powerful. (33 to hit, 2x5 dmg (10 dmg)

Hollie flinched with the magic, it burnt her skin like brushing her fingers under a boiling tap, she felt her arms vibrate with the pain as she uses the butt of her spear to knock into Charlie. (Unnatural 20, 5 damage. Charlie is stunned for 1 turn)

Hollie: 81 Charlie: 51 Charlie was hit by the butt of the spear and knocked over a bit, she was unable to get up due to being stunned. Oh she was playing dirty was she already. Charlie took in a small breath as she looked up at Hollie whom she could see better due to extended soul sight. (Stunned for the round)

Hollie tried to follow up her attack but missed as Charlie dodged it, only for Hollie to realize it was less of a dodge and more of a stumble. She winces as the girl hits the floor, did she really hit her that hard? (8 to miss)

Hollie: 81 Charlie: 51 Charlie quickly got up and dusted herself off she tossed her knife into the ground as it shattered. She summoned her wand and sent out three strong rays of magic towards Hollie. (Nat 20. x3 modifer. 4x3 flurry magic, 36 total dmg)

Hollie hissed under her breath before swinging her spear again, only to miss as she was hit with the second wave of magic. (12 to miss)

Hollie: 45 Charlie: 51 Charlie dodged the spear as she sent out another attack to Hollie, this one noticeably weaker then the previous one. Her wand glowed for a few seconds as she made the attack. (25 to hit, 5 dmg, finale)

Hollie grits her teeth in pain at the attack before knocking Charlie back down again with a swipe of her spear. (25 to hit, 1 damage but Charlie is stunned for 1 round again)

Hollie: 40 Charlie: 50 

Charlie was knocked back this time as her sight went back to normal. She was able to brace herself enough to not fall on her but but she was stunned. (Stunned for a round)

Hollie takes a stuttering breath, body stinging from the magic from Charlie's attack she focuses on taking the moment to heal the pair. "How're you holding up, need healing yet"? she asks. (14 HP to Hollie)

Hollie: 54 Charlie: 50 

Charlie kept herself standing up straight as she was asked if she needed healing yet. "No I do not I am fine." She has taken worst hits. She used her wand to summon a few more magical hits towards Hollie. "I probably should have asked if you were ok before doing that... sorry" she said in a quieter voice (29 to hit, 4x6 dmg (24 dmg)

"I'm cool" Hollie winces, the next hit caused her to stumble and fumble with her spear, missing her hit. (5 to miss)

Hollie: 30 Charlie: 50 

Charlie nodded at Hollie as she straightened her posture and did a smaller move... was it on purpose? Yes. She was a bit worried. (33 to hit, 1 dmg Finale)

Hollie winced as she picked up her spear, trying just a normal regular attack she still misses, God first Nall now Charlie, Hollie really was terrible at this. (12 to miss)

Hollie: 29 Charlie: 50 Charlie pulled out a small ragdoll enchanting it in front of Hollie as she placed it on the ground softly. The tiny ragdoll walked over to Hollie and kicked her. The ragdoll had a mission. (26 to hit, animate, 5 dmg to hollie. Ragdoll has 20 hp and 16 defence, it lasts 3 rounds )

Hollie frowns. What the fuck was that? She cusses as it kicks her, since when did magi have the ability to do stuff like this?? What was Charlie's wish?? Once again she misses her own attack. (14 to miss)

Hollie: 24 Charlie: 50 Ragdoll: 20 

Charlie summoned her wand once again watching as her little creation missed hitting Hollie. She saw it as the perfect time to attack. She sent off four rays of decently powerful magic to Hollie before realizing how powerful that really was. (35 to hit, 4x5 dmg (20 dmg) Flurry magic The ragdoll missed

Hollie blinks back stars, her head was spinning and it hurt to breathe, she thought about how far her fight with Nall had gotten without her even being able to land a hit on him and it was happening again now. She bit her lip and held back tears of frustration as she swung again, why was she even part of this team if she couldn't do anything right? (15 to miss)

Hollie: 4 hp Charlie: 50 hp 

Charlie saw as the weapon came at her again she reached out and tried to stop it. " Hollie, you need to stop now. Do you need to talk?" She asked trying to show she wasn't a threat to the girl. She dropped her wand summoning her staff to heal up Hollie, she held her little blood thirsty Ragdoll back from the other girl. (5+32 to charlie and Hollie)

 Hollie: 41 hp Charlie: 68 hp

Hollie took a ragged breath, body heaving with effort as she blinked back tears. "I-I'm fine! Y-You're the one being stalked and threatened!" Hollie replied, trying to keep her voice even. "Like-I should be the one asking you that"!

Charlie heard what Hollie said. "Your obviously not fine otherwise you wouldn't be having a break down right now" She said trying to keep her voice calm. "You are invalidating your own problems and issues and you shouldn't do that" She said shaking her head a bit. "I am ok right now."

Hollie sniffled. Wiping her face with the back of her hand, she says; "I'm failing everyone"

Charlie was concerned "Did anyone say that to you?" If someone did she would be angry

"N...no..." Hollie admits. "S'just...I thought this would be easier, with more people to rely on, but it seems like all it's done is make me reliant on them" She huffs, dropping her spear to the ground. "I've been relying on Aeron since he offered to help my family, I've been relying on Percy for help and guidance, I've been relying on everyone and what have I done to help them? All I do is cry or-or break down or sit around doing nothing"!

Charlie thought for a few seconds as she watched her drop her spear to the ground, people continue to cry in front of her and oh god it was hard to deal with. She took in a small breath and put a small sweet smile on her face. "I can understand how you are feeling, relying on others, having to rely on them all. We are medics and your amazing at it. I had to focus on hitting more then healing but I admire how much you can do in a battle, healing up everyone around you. I know it is stressful having to rely on others so...so much... I don't like it either. Not that long ago I couldn't even hold my weapons much less fight with them, Belladona, Percy, Luis, Aeron... I have been attacked so much and they all had to save me. And thats not even bringing up witch battles." She said thinking a little. "The reason why I got so strong quickly was because, I was embarrassed and thought everyone did it cause they pitied me and I am blind... But I learned that it isn't the case, its ok to rely on friends when you need to." She continued to explain. "You heal them, you bring them back after they have fallen, you can fight too. You knocked sense into me... litterally back at the meeting." She smiled.

She listens, embarrassed to be dumping all this on a kid. No matter how skilled Charlie was she was still only 13, barely a teen at all! It was nice what she had to say but if Percy really wanted her to be his number 2 she had to do better and not dump her drama on others. Hollie keeps her eyes on the ground "I'm sorry for that. I know where you were coming from but...it just sounded too risky. Everyone loves you, Charlie. They'll be heartbroken if anything happens" she tells her earnestly.

Charlie nodded as she listened. "I know. I just was getting desperate to get answers, to get something for everyone. I thought it would make me more useful. It was after I well continued to have to be saved, and since then... I got more useful." She said with a sigh as she looked to Hollie's gem. "I reacted badly to it. " She said quietly

"I get it, nobody knows how to deal with them and it sucks, but...don't feel like you have to play the martyr, ok"? She asks, taking a deep breath. "Nah, nobody likes to get hit" Hollie appeases quietly.

"I know... And yeah you are right, I wont... I don't really want to die but I want to be useful." She said quietly as she glanced to Hollie. "No not really. Hey... I am sorry. I know having another two people living with you guys is disruptive... I just... dont want Cali to die and... she was threatened and then...threatened more. I think it might be good to see if she can leave town for a bit." She said quietly.

"It's not-" Hollie began before huffing. " you're fine, you're here for the exact same reason I am. It's just...weird. Aeron was missing for so long while I was living there It's more me going from being all alone to having him, you and his parents there and it's weird" she half-lies. It still feels weird, like she's being pushed aside despite everything but the last thing she wants is Charlie to blame herself. She literally didn't do anything!

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "I...heard about that back in december...when I met Percy... then Aeron was back and it was good. I am here and stuff but he doesn't like to talk about anything, we try to keep it light hearted and shit talk sometimes. it is all weird. I can understand. A lot has been weird over the last year." She paused biting the inside of her mouth. Becoming a magi was a good change in her life compared to how she was before. She almost opened her mouth to talk about it but chose not to. She didn't need to burden hollie with it.

"It was...scary. I promised his Nanny...and his sister that we'd look out for each other and it felt like I'd failed them before we even started. I'm glad he's back, and I'm glad you and your sis are safe" she tells her. "Its been a weird time that's for sure" she laughs awkwardly.

"I can understand, to be honest I tried to in december figure out a way to help and failed with idea's... I understand though... but I am glad he is back, and your safe too." She said with a small nod. "Yeah." Just to think a little over a year ago is when the mess all started for her, not even being a magi but life changing events. "I thought... well... I would only have one near death expirience... so its been a lot... I don't like loud sounds and bright flashes cause of... stuff from before being a magi." She said quietly.

"Do labyrinths make it worse"? Hollie asks concerned.

"They are worse then regular magi battles. when the familiars expload they give off loud noises and bright lights. I kept almost drowning, being hit hard. being exploaded on. It brings back bad stuff." She said quietly.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" She offers, looking up at her.

Charlie thought for a few seconds. "Sadly there isn't much when it comes to this. Maybe talk through it? It isn't fun." She said quietly.

"Sure" Hollie nods "if things in a labyrinth start getting too much, tell me and I'll try to talk you through it? Like what's actually happening vs what you see?" She offers.

Charlie nodded. "That would be good.. yeah very good. Thank you." She said as she glanced to Hollie. "Your a great healer." She offered a smile back.

"I try" she laughs sheepishly. "I was a healer a lot longer than I was a fighter, guess that might be why I'm still struggling to you know, fight"

She listened and heard that Hollie was a healer more than a fighter. "I can get that... if everything didn't happen I would have probably stuck to healing and making sure everyone was ok... but im tired of being useless and being attacked. We could try again soon with sparing? But im not uh a fighter."

"Oh! Yeah sure!" Hollie startled resummoning her spear. "Do you wanna continue now or like, grab some ice cream and try again later"? She offers.

Charlie stood up a little before hearing the offer of grabbing ice cream. "Hmm I don't know maybe... Im just kidding lets go get some ice cream and feel better, then we can work through it again." She said offering her hand to Hollie

"Ice cream break!" Hollie grinned, dropping her transformation. "I'm buying" she insists, hoping to pay her back for listening to her.

Charlie detransformed as well and smiled. "Yeah!!!" She said, this would be a good idea. She heard Hollie offer to buy and smiled. "Alright cause i'm broke!" She said with a tiny laugh.