Misc Alkar Writing Exercises

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
4 6599

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

This is where I'll put all the random writing exercises that incorporate multiple nabis without proper scenes. Includes listing, ranking, and short scenario prompts

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All Nabis: It's Magic!

Burple has the magical ability to walk through the dreams of other creatures, as well as minor telepathy. Having lived on his own, for all he knows, this is something everyone can do. He considers it to be just as natural as, well, dreaming! It’s not something he thinks about too deeply, though he definitely enjoys having his magic. Without it, he’d never have thought there was a world beyond the stone wall!

Calico’s magic is internal, so most people assume she doesn’t have magic at all. For a long time, she even thought she didn’t have magic, until she found that her uncanny ability to pick up on skills that took most people many weeks or months to get down was not, in fact, a mundane thing. She considers her magic pretty weak, seeing as it can’t do much and that she really has no ability to control it. She doesn’t resent it, but there are days where she wishes it were more external. Seeing all the fantastic things other people can do… it makes her a little wary to even say she has magic at all. Often, she just pretends she has no magic, just to avoid having to explain the niche benefit of her super skill.

Carver's magic is essentially bloodbending from ATLA. However, it's incredibly taxing on him, and puppeting an entire body weakens him significantly enough that he would rarely, if ever, resort to using it in a solo fight. He prefers to use it to puppet individual limbs. He can also crystallize blood, but only if he can see it. He can use this to stop someone from bleeding, or stop someone's blood from circulating. He considers his magic to be a result of his own training, but he also considers it a blemish. Many people think his typical red palette was a result of his blood magic manifesting. He won't say either way, but there are times where he almost appears to resent his magic. After all, if he didn't have it, he might not have been picked by his father to "take his place". He definitely contemplates the effect his magic has had on his life, though he rarely voices those thoughts.

Deniz's magic is Underwater Breathing. At least, he's pretty sure it's magic. He doesn't have many features of an aquatic nabi, so there's no way he could naturally breathe underwater. He owes his life to his magic- the ocean research facility he grew up in would have been his grave if he couldn't breathe underwater. Besides that, he doesn't think too hard on his magic. It's just a part of him.

Ephemera’s magic is ancient, and somewhat irregular to most nabis. Her magic suppresses magic, which seems counterproductive, but it levels the playing field against nabis with a strong reliance on it. She also can draw upon the magic of her mountain home for very short bursts, but that’s limited to her home only. She revels in her ability, because she often goes against nabis who have not trained in mundane martial fighting styles. It gives her an ego boost when she defeats intruders easily. She considers her ability to temporarily dispel magic something of a pseudo-divine thing.

Ferron’s magic lets him heat up metal, and boy does he enjoy it. He thinks it was fate that he lost an arm and a leg (there’s got to be a joke there) before finding out what his magic could do. Now, he uses it to kick ass and show off to the crowd. Why not, right? It’s his magic, why not let people know how good he is with it?

Galian’s magic lets him transmute matter. It’s a simple ability that allows for a great deal of creativity on his part, and he quite enjoys it. He finds it useful in everyday scenarios, and especially useful when it comes to conning people. He doesn’t flaunt what his magic can do to others, but he certainly uses it to make his days easier. Turning bad wine into good wine, changing copper into gold, etc. He wouldn’t know what to do without his magic; it’s practically his livelihood.

Johnny’s magic allows him to give his soda magical benefits. He can imbue it with supportive magic, like minor healing or even calming effects. He uses it to help people feel better, and it makes him feel more normal, despite being a living soda machine. He enjoys having this ability, but there are days where he wishes he could do more with it. Some things can’t be fixed with an ice-cold bottle of cherry coke, but he hopes he’s more than just his magic.

Kieran’s magic allows him to manipulate the size of a person or object. It’s tied to Galian’s in the sense that it can change things, but he can’t change the appearance or structure. Plus, if it’s a person, it’s a temporary change that lasts for less than an hour, easily. Objects can be altered for a lot longer. He uses this to smuggle in knives as jewelry (“what, you think this necklace is a weapon? It’s a glorified toothpick!”) or to make other objects unwieldy. He feels good about his magic. It gives him a feeling of control and an ability to navigate the world in a way most people cannot.

Mack’s magic lets him summon objects and food. He’s considered quite powerful by nabi standards, and since he often only uses it to capture non-magical nabis, he’s never been pushed to his magic’s limit before. No one, except for Sack, knows how far he can push himself. He enjoys having the power he has, especially when he can go all out against opponents who have no real ability to fight him. He revels in having power over people, and he won’t let them forget who’s in control when he feels they’re trying to push him around.

Monte’s magic is a little undefined at the moment, but he has the ability to make protective glyphs with a few minor variations to fit the scenario. He uses it for a few quality of life reasons, such as using it as a makeshift umbrella when it rains, or as a platform to hold stuff, or as a place to sit. He discovered his magic a bit later than most nabis, so he’s not entirely confident or aware of how far it can go, but he’s content to practice with it when he gets the chance. Since he thought he was magic-less for his entire childhood, he often forgets he has magic at all!

Oakley's magic is Shadow Teleportation. He can jump from shadow to shadow, and, if he wants, become invisible. The only downside is that invisibilty messes with his senses. He needs glasses because of the damage caused by his use of it. He absolutely LOATHES the fact that his magic comes with a drawback when so many nabis have no drawback unique to their powers. He likes to show off his magic, and he gets a huge ego boost when someone compliments it, but he gets jealous of other people's magic easily. 

Perse’s magic allows her to summon animals. There are limits to how large they can be, how many she can have, or how long they can be summoned, but she rarely has a need to push those boundaries. She often uses it to summon a lot of small helpers around her store. Being magical and all, they don’t make a mess, and they do everything she asks exactly as she wants it done. The extra hands- er, paws- makes running the store a lot easier for her. She is grateful to have the magic she has, especially since it saves her time when she accidentally forgets something or needs to run a package over to someone.

Ranger has no magic. He resents living in a world where some untrained rookie can outdo him with a simple flick of their wrist. When he was younger, he felt like his skills had no value because they weren’t magical. He still feels bitterness toward the nabis that flaunt their magic, but he’s making an effort to be at peace with his own abilities. The gun also helps his confidence somewhat ;>

Stratus’ magic lets him become either incorporeal or semi-corporeal, the former being more taxing on his energy. He doesn’t use this too often, but it has a lot of benefits. Mud and rain don’t cling to ghostly fur, and considering how long it takes to keep his mane nice and fluffy, that’s a major time saver. Paired with his skills at stealth, he can stalk through the woods of the mountain with creatures or travelers being none the wiser to his presence.

Virgil’s magic is, well… ok. He’s a wizard. Let’s just leave it at that. His whole life revolves around magic. Studying, practicing, flaunting… Virgil is the nabi I immediately thought of for this prompt. He is bound to magic on practically every level. Without magic, he’d be nothing- or so he believes. His worth, and the worth of every nabi, is based on the power of their magic. It’s a flawed belief, sure, but his greatest fear is losing his magic and having his entire life decimated. He’s so obsessed with becoming the most powerful magical nabi that the idea of living without magic is almost incomprehensible to him. Trust me, if you ever spoke to him, you’d get all of this within the first five minutes. He's the kind of nabi that Ranger loathes.

Yasen's magic is channeling healing magic through silver. The higher quality the silver, the stronger his magic is. Being a Silvuru believer, he does not find his magic as taboo. However, many people consider it a subtype of necromancy. He's been labeled a death mage- a title that bothers him more for its ignorance than its malice. He considers his magic a valuable gift, a chance to serve his people. Naturally, however, he is a warrior. His true skills are that of a martial nature. Valuable as it may be, his magic is secondary to his combat skills.