To Gaze Upon Precious Things

3 years, 1 month ago

Bianca stares, eyes half-lidded and dreamy as she gazes down to Audrey. She was gorgeous at a glance, anyone could say that. Scales dark as night, with a striking white underbelly and stunning iridescent pink stripes webbing across her body. Objectively she was the definition of beauty, but Bianca wonders how many everyday froad's really looked at her. Took in every detail that made her all the more beautiful. Her own body hovers, half straddling the smaller froad as she often did. She waits, and it comes naturally. Audrey's hands, gentle but firm pulling her in close, properly sitting on her lap as her eyes soften. They share a quick peck, sweet buttercups swaying in the breeze on a soft spring morning.

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Bianca stares, eyes half-lidded and dreamy as she gazes down to Audrey. She was gorgeous at a glance, anyone could say that. Scales dark as night, with a striking white underbelly and stunning iridescent pink stripes webbing across her body. Objectively she was the definition of beauty, but Bianca wonders how many everyday froad's really looked at her. Took in every detail that made her all the more beautiful. Her own body hovers, half straddling the smaller froad as she often did. She waits, and it comes naturally. Audrey's hands, gentle but firm pulling her in close, properly sitting on her lap as her eyes soften. They share a quick peck, sweet buttercups swaying in the breeze on a soft spring morning. 

Bianca pulls back, slowly, gently, and traces her hands down Audrey's front. She briefly wonders what her paw pads feel like against soft scales, there was no barrier like with her own fur, was it nicer, to have that direct contact? Audrey loved to nuzzle into her fur and breathe, run fingers behind her ears, and card through the thicker fur of her neck. Bianca loved it, more than anything. 

Her hands still on her hips, and she eyes the dip of the pink markings curling from her back and down her stomach. She could map them out without looking, draw the curves and dots with her eyes squeezed shut. Down to the tiniest detail. Her right thumb circles appreciatively, gently over a soft heart-shaped mark near her side. She traces the pink down, dipping to her lower stomach, hands pausing before she traces them back up. The other froad laughs, a gentle sound, but makes no further comment, simply relaxing under the gentle ministrations. 

Her hands run over the gentle flecks on her shoulders, the left dipping down to trace the curves of her bicep and down her forearm, pressing down over her wrist and finally clasping their hands together. The skin of the pads partially transparent, soft, and squishy in her own behemoth of a hand. Audrey's hands were large, yet still dwarfed within Bianca's grasp. Her right-hand travels up, tracing the curve of her neck and running over her venom sack, where her eyes lingered a few moments. The see-through nature was always a peculiar detail, purple and pink venom inside on full display. Bianca loved it, it was so unique and so fitting of someone like Audrey, who already stood out even without the extra traits. Her smile widens as she finally settles her hand up on her cheek.

Her horns curl, right at the end, rounded nubs always polished until they shined. Behind them lay her crest, a set of spikes most wouldn't pay much attention to, but Bianca found them rather enchanting. They resembled a crown, fitting of the beauty they sat upon, the jewels, of course, were her eyes. She could get lost in them, the off-white pupil, the multiple layers of purples, and the rings surrounding the pupil that held the same colour as her sclera-There was so much in her eyes alone.

She tears her gaze away to stare at her hand, or rather where Audreys face connected to her hand. It surrounded her, taking up most of her face, palm down on her cheek and fingers curled up partially on her crest. She had huge hands, she knew that, but at this moment they just made Audrey look so small. Precious was a word that came to mind, something to be taken care of and loved. Audrey was not weak, or fragile, if you asked Bianca she would use those words to describe everything Audrey was not. She was the strongest person she knew. But what she would give to hand her the world on a platter. To protect her and love her until the end of all times.

"Watcha looking at Honeybee?" Audrey asks, bringing her right back to reality. Bianca blinks, blushing deeply despite having heard that nickname a thousand times by now. She smiles, squeezing her hand reassuringly and grazing her thumb over her cheek in synch.

"Just admiring how gorgeous you are… And how small you look under my hands." She admits the second part quietly like it was a secret. Audrey just huffs with amusement and rolls her eyes.

"Yeah I get it you big softie-You're taller than me, you don't have to rub it in!" Her voice is merely teasing, humor filling it rather than genuine anger. That's good, and it's a tone she's certainly used to at this point.

"Sorry!" She chimes in return, cocking her head and broadening her smile. She isn't really sorry.